Using Google Sites: Adding and formatting imagesPage 1

Using Google Sites:

Adding Images to your Website and Formatting Them

Important – be careful about copyright:

Google says that taking other people’s images from the Internet and using them in your own Google website may be regarded as bad manners or even as breaking copyright law.

Try to use images that are copyright free, for example images that say they have a Creative Commons license. Many images on Wikipedia have this kind of license. Another website which has thousands of images with Creative Commons licenses is Wikipedia Commons

If you use an image from another website, acknowledge the source of the image on your own webpage (say where you took the image from). Do not use images that say they are copyright.

1. Adding an Image

Step 1: Click on the pencil icon at the top right of the page so that you can edit the page.

Step 2: Put the cursorin the place where you want the image to go.

Step 3:Click on the Insert button at the top left of the page.

Step 4:A window will open showing different things you can add to your page. Click on the Image icon at the top left.

The Add an Image window will open

You can use this window to add an image in three ways:

  • Add an image youhave on your computer or a memory stick – see Step 5
  • Add an image that you have found online – see Step 6
  • Add an image that you have already put on your website – see Step 7

Step 5:To add an image you have on your computer or a memory stick.

5A. Click the Choose File button.

5B.Choose the image you want to add.

5C. The image will be uploaded to the window. Click on the OK button at the bottom left.

5D. The image will appear on your page.

Step 6:To add an image that you have found online.

6A.Click on the Web address (URL) button on the left of the window.

6B. Add the web address (URL) for the image in the Image URL box.

6C. The image will be uploaded to the window. Large images may take a little time to upload. When the image has been uplaoded, click on the OK button at the bottom left.

6D. The image will appear on your page

Step 7:To add an image that you have already put on your website.

7A. Click on the image in the Add an Image window. A yellow box will appear around the image. Then click on the OK button.

7B. The image will appear on your page

Step 8:Remember to click the blue Save button to save your work.

2. Formatting images (changing their position and size, and how they fit with the text)

Step 1: If necessary, click on the pencil icon at the top right of the page so that you can edit the page.

Step 2:Click on the image you want to format. The image formatting tool will appear:

These are some ways you can format an image:

2A. Change the size of your image.

You have four choices: S (small), M (medium), L (large), and Original (the size of the image when you inserted it).

2B. Change the position of your image.

You have three choices: left,centred, and right

2C. Change how the text fits around the image

You can wrap the text around the image:

Orunwrap it:

2D. You can also delete the image

Step 3:Remember to click the blue Save button to save your work when you have finished.