Kingskerswell & Ipplepen
Medical Practice
Patient Participation Direct Enhanced Service / Patient Survey 2012-13
Dr D’Arcy & Partners Kingskerswell & Ipplepen Medical Practice provides primary care services from its two modern Health Centre sites in South Devon. The Health Centres are both open Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1800hrs other than a closure on Thursdays from 1300 to 1500 for staff training. Evening appointments are normally available on three nights a week from 1830 to 1930 to help working people get to see a GP. The Medical Practice has an excellent record of achievement in clinical quality outcomes and has been actively working with a Patient Reference/Participation Group since 2005. Membership of the group is voluntary and open to any patient registered at either Ipplepen Health Centre or Kingskerswell Health Centre. Meetings are held quarterly on a weekday evening and the venue is alternated between the two Health Centre sites.
Patient Forum members agreed that the practice should take advantage of the new two year “direct enhanced service” Patient Participation contract offered by the Department of Health and NHS Devon. The contract required 6 steps as follows
1. Develop a patient participation group that gains views / feedback from the practice population.
2. Agree areas of priority with the patient group
3. Collate patient views through the use of a survey of service users
4. Discuss survey findings with the patient group
5. Agree an action plan and seek agreement to implement changes
6. Publicise action taken and subsequent achievement
Forum members noted that their group should ideally reflect the practice population and the absence of “younger patient representatives” had been noted and discussed on several occasions at meetings. There was also an imbalance of representatives between the two sites and so greatest effort needed to go into attracting interest from Ipplepen patients. The ethnicity of the practice population was analysed and found to be in line with patient forum representation. It was agreed that the practice and current Patient Forum members would do their best to attract more members. The following steps were to be taken
1. A new advertisement was placed in waiting rooms and on an A board to stand outside the Health Centre.
2. An email was sent to all patients with a valid email address during the winter 2012 Flu vaccination campaign.
3. Discussion and leaflets for parents attending mother and baby clinics.
4. Forum members encouraged a direct approach by one of the doctors or the manager Sometimes this can be useful following a patient concern or complaint or where something had gone wrong.
5. Updating the practice website to publicise the need for patient forum representatives
6. A flyer attached to dispensed prescriptions for a period of 2 or 3 weeks.
7. Information on the patient Forum will be built into the new patient registration process.
Patient representatives completed a survey form to in order to prioritise areas for a patient survey. An analysis of previously used patient surveys identified10 key topics; forum members then ranked these to identify their high and low priority areas for questioning. Members also had the opportunity to suggest possible survey questions. The results in order of priority were as follows:-
1st Quality of care and treatment received
2nd GP team skills/ability
3rd Nurse team skills/ability
4th Admin team skills/ability
5th Appointment system satisfaction
6th Tests and results system satisfaction
7th Repeat prescriptions system satisfaction
8th Dispensary service satisfaction
9th Waiting room suitability/features
10th Cleanliness issues
Using this information 22 questions were developed initially and following discussion at the Patient Group meeting on 8th August 2012 this was expanded to 24 questions. The use of on-line survey software had been investigated but forum members favoured a traditional paper based survey but in 2012 this was expanded to include an email to 1600 patients (see below).
Bearing in mind the need for in-house analysis by practice staff and forum members a single sided A4 survey form was developed. In the initial 2011-12 survey there were 22 questions grouped into 5 categories and a space provided for free text of any additional patient feedback / comments / criticism / ideas. In 2012-13 following discussion at the Patient Forum the questionnaire was slightly modified and expanded to 24 questions with a space for name and telephone number should the patient want or need personal feedback/response.
Following feedback from the Patient Forum the practice massively increased the size of the survey in 2012. 1000 survey forms were printed for 2012-13 compared to 400 in 2011-12. Around 1600 patients were also sent the survey by email. The forms were left on waiting room seats during normal surgeries and handed out to patients at flu vaccination clinics and at both Health Centre sites on varying days of the week during October / November / December 2012
The 2012-13 survey forms were colour coded; blue for those completed at Kingskerswell and yellow for those completed at Ipplepen and patients were asked on the survey form which site they normally use.
A total of 568 completed forms were returned. This is an 83% larger survey response compared to the previous 2011 year. 55% of the completed forms came from Kingskerswell patients and 45% from Ipplepen patients. This is very close to the actual split of patients between the two sites which is currently 54% Kingskerswell and 46% Ipplepen.
The results of the 24 YES/NO/NOT APPLICABLE survey questions were as follows
Q1: DOCTORS: Do you normally find the Doctor team polite, helpful and well skilled?
Kingskerswell: YES = 98.02% NO = 0.33% NA = 0.66% BLANK = 0.99%
Ipplepen: YES = 97.36% NO = 0.75% NA = 0.38% BLANK = 1.51%
Practice combined: YES = 97.71% NO = 0.53% NA = 0.53% BLANK = 1.23%
Q2: PRACTICE NURSES: Do you find the Practice Nurses polite, helpful and well skilled?
Kingskerswell: YES = 97.69% NO = 0.33% NA = 0.99% BLANK = 0.99%
Ipplepen: YES = 96.23% NO = 0.38% NA = 2.26% BLANK = 1.13%
Practice combined: YES = 97.01% NO = 0.35% NA = 1.58% BLANK = 1.06%
Q3: HCAs/PHLEBOTOMISTS: Do you find the Healthcare Assistants / Phlebotomists polite and efficient?
Kingskerswell: YES = 75.25% NO = 0.33% NA = 18.15% BLANK = 6.27%
Ipplepen: YES = 73.96% NO = 0.00% NA = 21.51% BLANK = 4.53%
Practice combined: YES = 74.65% NO = 0.18% NA = 19.72% BLANK = 5.46%
Q4: RECEPTIONISTS: Do you find the Reception desk staff polite and helpful?
Kingskerswell: YES = 97.69% NO = 0.99% NA = 0.33% BLANK = 0.99%
Ipplepen: YES = 97.74% NO = 0.38% NA = 1.13% BLANK = 0.75%
Practice combined: YES = 97.71% NO = 0.70% NA = 0.70% BLANK = 0.88%
Q5: ADMINISTRATION TEAM: Do you find the team polite and helpful on the telephone?
Kingskerswell: YES = 94.72% NO = 1.32% NA = 2.64% BLANK = 1.32%
Ipplepen: YES = 98.11% NO = 0.00% NA = 1.13% BLANK = 0.75%
Practice combined: YES = 96.30% NO = 0.70% NA = 1.94% BLANK = 1.06%
Q6: DISPENSARY: Do you find the Ipplepen Dispensary staff polite and helpful?
Ipplepen: YES = 97.17% NO = 0.19% NA = 1.51% BLANK = 1.13%
Q7: CLINICAL KNOWLEDGE & ABILITY: Do Doctors / Nurses answer questions in a knowledgeable way?
Kingskerswell: YES = 96.86% NO = 0.83% NA = 0.99% BLANK = 1.32%
Ipplepen: YES = 94.53% NO = 1.13% NA = 0.94% BLANK = 3.40%
Practice combined: YES = 95.77% NO = 0.97% NA = 0.97% BLANK = 2.29%
Q8: LISTENING: Do the Doctors / Nurses listen carefully to what you say?
Kingskerswell: YES = 97.03% NO = 0.99% NA = 0.99% BLANK = 0.99%
Ipplepen: YES = 95.28% NO = 2.08% NA = 1.13% BLANK = 1.51%
Practice combined: YES = 96.21% NO = 1.50% NA = 1.06% BLANK = 1.23%
Q9: COMMUNICATION: Were your health problems / treatments explained clearly to you?
Kingskerswell: YES = 95.71% NO = 0.66% NA = 1.98% BLANK = 1.65%
Ipplepen: YES = 93.96% NO = 1.70% NA = 1.70% BLANK = 2.64%
Practice combined: YES = 94.89% NO = 1.14% NA = 1.85% BLANK = 2.11%
Q10: TIMEKEEPING: If the Doctors / Nurses are running late is this acceptable to you?
Kingskerswell: YES = 88.61% NO = 7.10% NA = 2.31% BLANK = 1.98%
Ipplepen: YES = 86.98% NO = 4.34% NA = 3.77% BLANK = 4.91%
Practice combined: YES = 87.85% NO = 5.81% NA = 2.99% BLANK = 3.35%
Q11: TIMEKEEPING: How long before waiting gets unacceptable?
Kingskerswell: 0-15mins = 27.40% 20-30mins = 48.80% 40mins+ = 2.30% BLANK = 21.50%
Ipplepen: 0-15mins = 25.80% 20-30mins = 50.40% 40mins+ = 1.50% BLANK = 22.30%
Practice combined: 0-15mins = 26.70% 20-30mins = 49.60% 40mins+ = 1.90% BLANK = 21.80%
Q12: APPOINTMENTS: Can you normally get a prompt appointment if you need one?
Kingskerswell: YES = 91.58% NO = 5.45% NA = 1.32% BLANK = 1.65%
Ipplepen: YES = 91.13% NO = 5.85% NA = 0.75% BLANK = 2.26%
Practice combined: YES = 91.37% NO = 5.63% NA = 1.06% BLANK = 1.94%
Q13: APPOINTMENTS: Can you book ahead for an appointment / follow up with the clinician of your choice?
Kingskerswell: YES = 81.68% NO = 6.77% NA = 7.59% BLANK = 3.96%
Ipplepen: YES = 87.55% NO = 3.40% NA = 6.42% BLANK = 2.64%
Practice combined: YES = 84.42% NO = 5.19% NA = 7.04% BLANK = 3.35%
Q14: APPOINTMENTS: Are the morning / afternoon and evening surgery times satisfactory for you ?
Kingskerswell: YES = 96.37% NO = 0.33% NA = 0.99% BLANK = 2.31%
Ipplepen: YES = 96.79% NO = 0.94% NA = 0.38% BLANK = 1.89%
Practice combined: YES = 96.57% NO = 0.62% NA = 0.70% BLANK = 2.11%
Q15: REFERRALS: If you have been referred for further care elsewhere, did the process go OK?
Kingskerswell: YES = 83.83% NO = 1.65% NA = 10.23% BLANK = 4.29%
Ipplepen: YES = 80.94% NO = 2.08% NA = 11.70% BLANK = 5.28%
Practice combined: YES = 82.48% NO = 1.85% NA = 10.92% BLANK = 4.75%
Q16: REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS: If you have repeat prescriptions, do you find the ordering process works satisfactorily?
Kingskerswell: YES = 87.79% NO = 1.65% NA = 9.24% BLANK = 1.32%
Ipplepen: YES = 99.81% NO = 2.26% NA = 6.04% BLANK = 1.89%
Practice combined: YES = 88.73% NO = 1.94% NA = 7.75% BLANK = 1.58%
Q17: TEST RESULTS: If you have had any tests / investigations, was the system of obtaining your results satisfactory?
Kingskerswell: YES = 87.79% NO = 2.31% NA = 6.27% BLANK = 3.63%
Ipplepen: YES = 88.30% NO = 3.40% NA = 5.28% BLANK = 3.02%
Practice combined: YES = 88.03% NO = 2.82% NA = 5.81% BLANK = 3.35%
Q18: DISPENSING: Does the Ipplepen dispensary service work well?
Ipplepen: YES = 95.09% NO = 0.75% NA = 3.02% BLANK = 1.13%
Q19: INTERNET: Are the website information pages and online services useful?
Kingskerswell: YES = 28.71% NO = 1.32% NA = 58.75% BLANK = 11.22%
Ipplepen: YES = 38.11% NO = 1.13% NA = 53.58% BLANK = 7.17%
Practice combined: YES = 33.10% NO = 1.23% NA = 56.34% BLANK = 9.33%
Q20: INTERNET: Are the new “SystmOnline” appointment booking and prescription request services easy to use?
Kingskerswell: YES = 22.11% NO = 2.31% NA = 63.37% BLANK = 12.21%
Ipplepen: YES = 28.68% NO = 1.51% NA = 61.89% BLANK = 7.92%
Practice combined: YES = 25.18% NO = 1.94% NA = 62.68% BLANK = 10.21%
Q21: TEXTING: Do you find our text communication and reminder system useful?
Kingskerswell: YES = 46.20% NO = 1.32% NA = 39.93% BLANK = 12.54%
Ipplepen: YES = 48.30% NO = 1.89% NA = 43.77% BLANK = 6.04%
Practice combined: YES = 47.18% NO = 1.58% NA = 41.73% BLANK = 9.51%
Q22: PRACTICE PREMISES: Are the surgery premises kept clean and tidy?
Kingskerswell: YES = 99.01% NO = 0.00% NA = 0.33% BLANK = 0.66%
Ipplepen: YES = 98.49% NO = 0.00% NA = 0.00% BLANK = 1.51%
Practice combined: YES = 98.77% NO = 0.00% NA = 0.18% BLANK = 1.06%
Q23: QUALITY: Are you satisfied with the overall quality of healthcare provided by the Practice?
Kingskerswell: YES = 97.69% NO = 0.99% NA = 0.00% BLANK = 1.32%
Ipplepen: YES = 97.17% NO = 0.57% NA = 0.38% BLANK = 1.89%
Practice combined: YES = 97.45% NO = 0.79% NA = 0.18% BLANK = 1.58%
Q24: RESPECT: Are you treated with respect and dignity at all times?
Kingskerswell: YES = 96.70% NO = 1.98% NA = 0.00% BLANK = 1.32%
Ipplepen: YES = 96.23% NO = 1.13% NA = 0.00% BLANK = 2.64%
Practice combined: YES = 96.48% NO = 1.58% NA = 0.00% BLANK = 1.94%
A “free text” box on the survey form gave patients an opportunity to comment on any aspect of their experience with the surgery. These comments have been analysed into 4 broad categories for further examination and discussion. The 4 categories are POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, SUGGESTIONS and OTHER and overall there were 212 comments as follows
IPPLEPEN 58 27 13 8
WHOLE PRACTICE 124 52 23 13