This conduct is / a violation of
Call the police / Vehicle Violations
Speeding / MMC[1] § 10.08.020
Cal. Vehicle Code § 22348
Reckless driving / LAC[2] §§ 15.12.010, 15.12.020
Cal. Vehicle Code § 23103
Driving on the median, making illegal left turns or u-turns on a divided highway / Cal. Vehicle Code § 21651
Failing to yield to pedestrians / Cal. Vehicle Code § 21950
Jaywalking / Cal. Vehicle Code § 21955
Parking on roadway / LAC § 15.64.180
Cal. Vehicle Code § 22500
Parking on crosswalks, bridges, in intersections, etc. / Cal. Vehicle Code § 22500
Parking more than 18 inches from curb / LAC § 15.64.230
Cal. Vehicle Code § 22502
Parking between curb and property line / LAC § 15.64.290
Double parking / LAC § 15.64.250
Obstructing private driveways / LAC §§ 15.64.270, 15.64.320
Cal. Vehicle Code § 22500
Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant / Cal. Vehicle Code § 22514
Public Disturbances
Noise in public place, including the beach / MMC§ 8.24.050
Cal. Penal Code §§ 415, 415.5 (at school)
Public drinking of alcoholic beverages / MMC § 9.04.020
LAC § 17.12.320 (restricts alcohol on beach)
Intoxicated person on the beach / LAC § 17.12.330
Sleeping or lying in pedestrian or traffic areas / MMC § 9.08.030
Sleeping in vehicle overnight / MMC § 9.08.090
Present on the beach overnight / LAC § 17.12.350
Loitering/ obstructing entrance to public establishment / MMC § 9.08.040
Cal. Penal Code § 647c
Littering / MMC § 9.08.080
LAC § 17.12.380 (on beach)
LAC § 17.12.380 (glass on beach)
Cal. Penal Code § 374
Cal. Penal Code § 374a (reward for info)
Cal. Penal Code § 374.7 (on beach)
Smoking on public beaches / MMC § 12.08.035
Disturbances on the beach; noise, tumultuous conduct, profanity / LAC § 17.12.310
Cal. Penal Code § 415
Two or more persons gathering for lawful purpose in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner / Cal. Penal Code §§ 407, 408
Fighting in public place / Cal. Penal Code § 415
Loitering near schools / Cal. Penal Code § 653b
Gathering for unlawful purpose; failure to disperse / Cal. Penal Code § 416
Obstruction of street, sidewalk, public places / Cal. Penal Code § 647c
Interfering with peaceful conduct of school activities / Cal. Penal Code §§ 626.7, 626.8
Public nuisance (affecting everyone) / MMC § 8.28.010
Cal. Penal Code § 370 et seq.
Trespass / Cal. Penal Code § 602
Assault / Cal. Penal Code § 241
Battery / Cal. Penal Code § 243
Call an attorney / Assault and Battery / Cal. Civil Code § 43 and common law
Trespass / Common law
Public nuisance (affecting everyone and you) / Cal. Civil Code § 3479 et seq.
Privacy Issues (Celebrities)
Stalking / Cal. Civil Code § 1708.7
Cal. Penal Code § 646.9
Physical or constructive invasion of privacy; assault / Cal. Civil Code § 1708.8
Appropriation of likeness / Cal. Civil Code § 3344 and common law
Harassment / Cal. Code of Civ. Proc. § 527.6
Intrusion into private affairs / Common law

Provided by the Pepperdine University School of Law. The information and materials contained herein are provided for general informational purposes only and are not intended to be, or substituted for, legal advice. Pepperdine University, and its School of Law, make no representations as to the accuracy of the information provided herein and expressly disclaim all liability for actions taken or not taken on the basis of such information. The transmission and receipt of this information does not create or imply an attorney-client relationship.

[1] MMC refers to the Malibu Municipal Code.

[2] LAC refers to the L.A. County Code. All sections referenced are incorporated into the MMC.