Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Thuesday 14 October 2003

Areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly broadleaved forests

Friday 17 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Saturday 18 October 2003

Areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly of mixed forests and natural processes in primeval forests

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Friday 17 October 2003


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Ecologically the most stable stands occur in spruce and/or coniferous forests. Close to nature management of these forest stands require a high level of professionalism. The excursion route will visit the stands with mostly coniferous stands in the region of Slovenské rudohorie Mts. The excursion will also visit a well–preserved technical attraction, the Čiernohronská forest railway dating from the beginning of the twentieth century (1908).

In mountainous areas of northern Slovakia forest ecosystems with prevalence of coniferous tree species mainly Norway spruce are dominant. Due to the effects of complex injurious anthropogenic agents, a considerable part of them is endangered. Therefore, securing the Norway spruce gene pool of high mountains at the original extent is of great importance, particularly by gene base establishment. The excursion route will be located in the region of the High Tatras Mts. and Low Tatras Mts. and will concentrate on examples of natural, semi–natural and man made mountain forests dominated by conifers. The tour stations will include:

  • visit to forests of Norway spruce, European larch and silver fir managed using shelterwood and selection systems;
  • visit to the Inner–Carpathian spruce–larch forests and the alpine tree limit line in the High Tatras


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Forests of the Slovak Republic, state enterprise, Banska Bystrica, affiliated forest enterprise Cierny Balog


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Affiliated forest enterprise is seated in municipality Cierny Balog. Forest complexes situated here had not provided preconditions for the formation of greater human settlements but on the other side there had been very favourable preconditions for forestry activities. Jozef Dekret Matejovie (1774–1881) a native to Cierny Balog laid the foundations of traditional forestry activities in the 18th century.

The municipality Cierny Balog with population 6000 is situated in relatively wide, long and branched valley of the river Cierny Hron. It is formed of 13 former settlements established by former settlers in the 15th–16th century.

The territory of the affiliated forest enterprise Cierny Balog is located in central part of Slovenske rudohorie Mts. (Veporske hills) and Low Tatra Mts. Its borders are demarcated by well–known dimension figures – in the east by Fabova hola (altitude 1450 m), in the west by Lubietovsky Vepor (1277 m), in the south Klenovsky Vepor (1338 m) and in the north by the border between Chopok and Dumbier. What concerns administrative division this territory is part of Brezno district, smaller part of Banska Bystrica district and very small part also of Detva district.

Climate is mild up to slightly cold with prevailing aspects N, NE, NW, E. Slope of terrain is extreme in some places only at forest district Dumbier and Osrblie.

Geological composition of this territory is quite varied because on major part of the area there occurs gneiss, paragneiss, slates, diorites, granites and andesites (andesite = volcanic origin of rudohorska region), at forest district Osrblie and Dumbier we can find also dolomitic limestone, quartzites as well more precious varieties of rocks and minerals.

Forests are situated on very high quality, deep humic forest soils and their total area is 31 997 ha of that 31 759 ha (99.3%) are state forests. Forest stands have very well preserved character of autochthonous forests. Main tree species is spruce (58%), followed by beech (24%), fir (8%), sycamore maple, ash and hornbeam.

Main watercourses are Cierny Hron, Kamenisty potok, Bystrianka and Hron. The region is rich in water sources.

Standing volume per 1 ha of mature stands is about 600 m3 per 1 ha of total area of forest land resources it is about 297 m3. Average total increment per 1 ha of stand area is 8.3 m3 per year. Average distribution of age classes is relatively balanced, its slight shift towards lower age classes is caused by wind disaster of 8 July 1996, which in 10 minutes damaged planned volume of cut for 20 years at forest district Osrblie and similarly at forest district Hronec. Processing of wood from this disaster represents the volume 874 thousand m3 for the period from July 1996 to the end of 1998. Wind disaster uncovered plot with the area almost 2000 ha which we succeeded to reforests by the year 2001. We had used some methods, especially in regeneration of plots damaged by disaster, which proved well in this situation, and they have been used in whole Slovakia nowadays. We used also for the first time sale of stumpage and strong involvement of private companies working for the enterprise. Since that time the proportion of works on contract forms a considerable part (in felling about 35%, in silviculture slightly less) and still it has been growing.

The enterprise performs annually 1320 ha of tending felling (the proportion of tending felling at the age within 50 years is 80%) and about 700 ha of cleaning. The volume of reforestation fluctuates but despite relatively high volume of cut it reaches only about 130 ha per year thanks to high standing volume per hectare. Natural regeneration as the highest quality way of regeneration reaches 32%. We take it as our successful result that the proportion of the need of repeated reforestation has decreasing tendency for last several years. It is obvious for us that absolutely dominant way of management of our high quality forests is shelterwood system with minimum of clear–felling plots. Our own Nursery centre contributed to high quality regeneration of cut stands. The centre secures the production of necessary number of plants for reforestation. At the same centre there is also central gathering place of venison for our region, which meets strict requirements of the EU. Unfortunately currently it is not used fully due to changed situation at world market.

Affiliated enterprise Cierny Balog is formed of 8 forest user’s units with almost the same names as are the names of forest districts – Osrblie, Hronec, Sihla, Cierny Balog (Forest district Kram), Dobroc, Saling, Michalova and Dumbier. The enterprise has DHS seated in Hronec, MES in Hronec and Brezno, then Nursery centre with gathering place of venison in Michalova, and since June 2002 also Centre of wood production in Michalova where coniferous tree of smaller dimensions is processed into balks and sawn wood. The headquarters of the enterprise is in the municipality Cierny Balog seated in building, which was reconstructed in 1998. Average annual cut is about 172 000 m3 of that about 25% broadleaved timber. More than 70% of coniferous wood reaches the quality of round wood assortments. The enterprises get preferentially progressive means of the management of forests due to its optimal production conditions.

Forest road network on the territory of the forest enterprise is as follows: 6.77 meters of road of 1L category per 1 ha of forest land resources (it means forest roads, penetrated), then 2.07 m of roads of 2L category, 13.89 meters of skidding roads good for skidding not only in season and 16.18 meters of hauling roads.

On the territory of the enterprise there are several categories of protected territories as evidence on the preservation of autochthonous forest ecosystems. They are National Park Low Tatra and National Park Muranska planina, Protected landscape area Polana with Biosphere reserve Dobrocsky primeval forest (awarded by the diploma of the Council of Europe), Klenovsky Vepor, Lubietovsky Vepor, and Hroncecky Grun, nature reserves Havranie rocks, Slatinsky Jarok, Blata and Rosiarka and protected nature formations Havranka, meanders


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

of Kamenisty brook, Kamenisty brook, waterfalls Spady.

Forests provide favourable conditions with dominating red deer, followed by roe deer, bears, wild boar, wolf, lynx, rarely but permanently also otter. There live also capercaillie, black stork, predatory birds including lesser–spotted eagle and others. Hunting trophies particularly of stag and beasts of prey are among the records for Slovakia. The affiliated enterprise manages overhead hunting grounds Vepor, Vydrovo, Polana, Tri Vody, Gapel and Lesnik. There are also 4 hunters’ associations on its territory put on lease. Watercourses of this area are attractive for fishermen for catching trout and grayling.

High forest coverage and timber quality predetermined this area many years ago for the development of woodcutting and forestry activities. In connection with that as well as exploitation of iron ores also mining industry and iron ore industry developed (for example after the municipality Osrblie there is preserved an iron ore smelting furnace from the 18th century, in Kamenista valley there is a water reservoir Hroncek for timber floating from 1881). In the region of Cierny Balog and Hronec there was for its time the most extensive network of the routes of narrow–gauge forest railroad. We can see a small part of railroad still in use as an attraction in the centre of Cierny Balog. Ciernohronska forest railroad contributed also to the establishment of forestry museum in open air in Vydrovska valley after Cierny Balog. This first forestry open–air museum, being funded and managed up to now by the state enterprise Forests of SR was successful to attract thousands of visitors here.

The enterprise agreed with construction of some official cyclotourist routes. We provide our hunting and recreation facilities also for other interested by means of travel agencies. The enterprise cooperates with municipal and district authorities, with local community associations and other subjects for the development of micro region Cierny Hron especially what concerns promoting forestry, nature protection and their role for the whole country.


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

Nature trail in Vydrovská valley with eductional tables


Excursion Guide / Friday 14 October 2003

Mountainous areas with occurrence of close to nature forestry, mostly coniferous forests and management of gene reserves

1. Wooden entrance gate with writing

Human culture began by cutting forests, however, it can maintain itself only by their protection.

Totem tree has writings on separate branches:

Igive you oxygen.

Ikeep water for you.

Iincrease air moisture.

Iprotect soil against water and air erosion.

Iabsorb dust, noise, Ireduce radioactivity.

Igive off antibacterial substances.

Iprovide protection against ozone hole.

Iam a home for forest fauna.

Iprovide wood.

Igive you forest fruit.

Iam a source of regeneration of your vigor.

Iam asymbol of piece, life and hope.

2. Forest Birds

Some bird species depend on forest environment as they found their food and habitat there. Species diversity and abundance of birds depends mainly on location, composition, age and structure of forest whereas they are the most abundant regarding number and species in natural forests.

Of singing birds titmice, finches, nuthatches, jays, crossbills and others live here, as well as for example great black woodpecker, tawny owl and also Tengmalm’s owl (Aegolius funereus) or little owl, of birds of prey buzzards, sparrow hawks and many other species.

The usefulness of birds can be demonstrated also by the fact singing birds consume on the area 1000 hectares almost 10 tons of different insects per year and thus they contribute to the improvement of forest health condition and increasing the resistance and ecological stability of forest ecosystems.

Preservation of trees with birds’ nests including trees with cavities for cavity nesting birds contributes to the protection of birds as well as traditional preparation and placement of different nesting boxes in forest.

Illustrations – Great tit (Parus major), nuthatch (Sitta europaea), jay (Garrulus glandarius),great black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), pygmy owl (Glaucicium passerinum)

Tree–dimensional exhibits: various types of nesting shelter boxes on tree, pole, etc.

3. Wetlands

Wetlands are territories with marshes, fens or peat bogs, humid meadows, natural flowing or standing waters including water streams and water areas with ponds and water reservoirs.

Various communities of organisms, which are adapted to permanent or temporary waterlogging, developed in wetlands in the dependence on the location and type of wetland.

Characteristic plants of peat bogs are cotton grasses, rush plants, bog bean, primrose (cowslip), marsh cranberry, carnivorous sundew and butterword as well as some orchid species. Also animal composition is diverse.

In mountain areas alder forests with speckled alder, of willows especially brittle willow and other tree species penetrating from surroundings frequently occur in wetlands. Of plants marsh marigold, speckled dead nettle, butterbur, various sedges and other species are frequent. Wetlands are important hatchery of amphibians.

Ramsar Convention protects wetlands of international importance but also wetlands of regional or local importance must be protected.

Illustrations: – Speckled alder (tree and leaf), Marsh marigold, Butter bur, Mountain wagtail, Brown frog, Carpathian salamander

4. Torrent Control

Check dams are lateral objects in torrent trunks. They are built for two reasons: 1. For catching alluvial deposit which rose by erosion in upper part of the course and watershed. 2. For maintaining high water stage which could cause floods in such regions.


1. Picture of alluvial cone with this text

A visitor of the Cheops pyramid in Egypt wonders how much material had to be transported for its building. It was 2 500 000 m3 of stone while building had lasted for many years. However, in comparison to what rivers are able to move in one year it is like what all.

2. Photo of check dam in Račková dolina valley:

The largest check dam of forest torrent in Slovakia is situated in Račková valley. It was built according to the project of prof. Skatula in 1935. The torrent in Račková valley move annually 0.122 million m3 of sediments.

3. Scheme with text: Profile of check dam

Material: Prof. M. Jakubis, Technical University in Zvolen

Sample was developed by STASMO Company Oravská Polhora – torrent control

3D: Model of torrent control 1 m high on slope trench with seasonal flow. (Project of Faculty of Forestry)

5. Snow ditch

What is the purpose of snow ditch?

It is used for storage of transplants on snow which will lasts–in them till June.

For spring afforestation are used transplants of forest tree species which have to be taken before from the forest nurseries. In case these transplants came in to blossom before planting, they would not established. Therefore they are stored in snow ditch before planting. Snow ditches are filled (saturated) by snow on which the taken transplants are stocked. Coldness in snow ditch causes that biological processes in transplatns are inhibited so they will be planted in time in non–flushed condition. Snow ditches are built from wood or stone so that snow lasted in them as long as possible.

Graphics: Drawings of transplants bunches stocked on snow.

3D: Snow ditch

6. Importance of ants for forest ecosystems

Forest ants of suborder Formica have an extraordinary importance for protection of forest stands, enhancement of diversity and stability of forest ecosystems.

Forest ants are important predators of injurious kinds of forest insects. For existence of fully developed ant–hill (formicary) they must collect 1 kilogram of protein food daily of that up to 85% is made up by insects. By its abundance (10 – 15 million of individual forest ants with atotal weight approximately 100 kg can be per one hectare of forest) they are an important regulator of insect occurrence in its neighborhood. In the regions with sufficient number of ants there does not occur an outbreak of dangerous forest pests (e.g. Gypsy moth, leafrolles moths, webspinning sawflies, etc.).

Ants contribute by its activity to improvement of soil aeration and keeping the favor water regime and by that they enhance soil fertility. In addition they enhance food offer for other animals which eat them or feed its cubs by them. Birds get rid of parasites in ant–hill by “cathartic baths”.

Protection of forest ants consists mainly in preserving strong maternal colonies (ants–hills) in logging and skidding timber or in regeneration of its function by saving transfers of nests. Protective coverings for ant–hills are used against natural predators (gallinaceous and woodpeckers birds, badger, wild–boar, bear).

Illustration: Ant–hill (view and section), Ants (Formica rufa) with prey, Ants (Formica rufa) licking honeydew

3D: Protective covering of pyramid shape on aliving ant–hill. Source: Educational path Jakub – guide (stop No. 22).

7. How much water does snow catch?

Water is the basis of life. In creation, keeping and protection of water resources in Slovakia, forests have adecisive significance. Water management functions of forests are: infiltration (infusion), percolation, retardation (keeping) and nivalation (forest impact on snow conditions). Important phenomenon occurs in forests – a surface water runoff changes there on ground runoff. Gradual retardation and infiltration of water prevent flood waves. Forests influence positively cleanness, quality and hygiene of water. Total volume of water kept in forest soil in Slovakia is approximately 4.5 thousand million m3 which is 4 time higher than in all water dams in Slovakia.