MI / Concepts / Curriculum
Verbal Linguistic / English – Oral / Identification of letters Ee –Jj
English –Written / Picture vocabulary Ee –Jj (pasting activity)
Story Telling / The Good Kitten
Phonetics / Ee –Jj phonic sounds
Opposites - English / sit x stand
Logical Mathematical / Math – Oral / Numbers 3 and 4
Math – Written / Counting objects 3 and 4 (pasting activity)
Pre-Math Concept / more -less
Shapes – Oral / Square
Shapes – Activity / Building images with square shape cut outs (house and windows)
Naturalistic / Theme of the Month / My School, My Family
EVS – Oral / My School
Colours / Yellow
Intrapersonal / Object Talk / School bag
Picture Talk / My Home
Good Manners / Table etiquettes
Safety Measures / Safety at home and in school
Interpersonal / Conversation / My Family
Activity Room / Threading the beads
Visual - Spatial / Art / Tip painting
Craft / Alpha bag activity from Ee to Jj
Colouring / Pg : 6,7, & 8
Bodily Kinaesthetic / PET / Basic exercise .Throws the ball
Dance / Hand movement and footwork

Musical –Rhythmic

JULY 2016CCA Details

SL. No / Date / Name Of the Event
1 / 01/07/2016 / Aqua Green Day
2 / 04/07/2016 / Ori’s friend’s day
3 / 08/07/2016 / Field trip
4 / 11/07/2016 – 15/07/2016 / SwachTannSwach Mann Week
5 / 30/07/2016 / Janani -Mother’s day out


Aqua Green Day : Kindly send your ward in green or blue colour dress.

Field Trip: SanjeevaiahPark

Things to be carried: Snacks, water bottle, napkin, extra pair of dress, cap, temporary ID card. Kindly send all the mentioned things in the school bag labelled.

SwachTann and Swach Mann week :Kindly send one newhand wash liquid bottle on 10th July 2016.

11th July 2016 – Hand Wash day

12th July Day – Brushing teeth / bathing day

13th July Day - Trimming nails/hair cut

14th July Day – Washroom training

15th July Day - Self Grooming

Important Notices: Refer to Almanac for events.


Note: Child’s creativity will be encouraged

Hint questions are given

Concepts / Nursery
June 16 Hint/ Answers
Object Talk / School Bag
What is the colour of your school bag?
What do you carry in your school bag?
(Books,snacks box and water bottle)
Good Manners / Table etiquettes
Wash your hands before and after eating the food.
Spread the napkin before eating.
Do not spill the food on the table.
Safety Measures / Safety at home and in school
Do not play with sharp objects.
Do not touch the electrical appliances.
Do not speak to strangers.
Conversation / MyFamily
How many members are there in your family?
What is your father’s name?
What is your mother’s name?
What is your brother’s name?
What is your sister’s name?
Picture Talk / My Home
How many rooms are there in your house?
Do you live in an Independent house or in an apartment?

Director Principal Head Mistress DC Co-ordinators