/ German European School Singapore Curriculum Map 2010-2011 Grade 4
On the Move
Central Idea:
People move around the world for many reasons
(6 weeks) / The Human Body
Central Idea:
The human body is made of interconnected systems.
(5 weeks + 1 week of Puberty & Reproduction) / The Environments of the Earth
Central Idea: Human activity impacts on natural environments.
(5 weeks) / Lights, Camera, Action!
Central Idea:
We use many forms of performance art to express ourselves.
(6 weeks) / Stand Up for Your Rights!
Central Idea: The rights of children are not always respected.
(5 weeks) / Great Inventions
Central Idea:
People use materials to create things which meet their needs.so
(8 weeks)
Transdisciplinary Theme* / Where we are in place and time / Who we are / Sharing the planet / How we express ourselves / How we organize ourselves / How the world works
Dates / August 16th- September 24th / September 27th – November 12th / November 15th – December 17th / January 10th– February 18th / February21st –March 25th / April 27th –June 24th
Key Concepts / Change, connection & causation / Form, function, connection, / Change, connection, responsibility, reflection / Causation, Form, Perspective, / Responsibility, perspective / Form, Function, Causation
Related Concepts / Adaptation, growth, transformation, systems, interdependence, impact / Structure, similarities, differences, systems, behaviour, relationships / Growth, transformation, cycles, systems, relationships, initiative, responsibility / Similarities, differences, subjectivity, beliefs, opinion / Rights, values, justice, initiative, beliefs, prejudice / Structure, communication, impact
Learner Profile/Attitude / Knowledgeable, Open-mined, Reflective/Empathy / Balanced/Cooperation & Appreciation / Knowledgeable and Reflective/ Appreciation / Communicators, Reflective/ Creativity, Confidence, Enthusiasm / Principled & Caring/ RespectEmpathy / Thinker/Creativity
Language Arts / Reading Genres**
(F&P) / Historical non-fiction/ atlas / biographies / Explanations/Informational Text / Poetry / Playscripts, extracts from novels, short fiction, Reader’s Theatre, / Formal and informal Letters / Instructional Text
Informational Non-Fiction
Recipes/Seed Packets
Long Term Goals
(First steps) /
Recognize genres of text and use it to form expectations of text
Writing Genres: Text Features / Biography & Memoirs
(Background information/chronological order/key events/conclusions/recounts) / Expository (Explanation) /
(statement and detail, technical vocabulary, diagrams) / Poetry
Values and views in literature, structure, similes, onomatopoeia & metaphors, rhythm & rhyme, repetition, imagery, / Short fiction and Play scripts
Characters/setting/plot/events in order/using dialogue
Stage directions and conventions of scripts/dialogue/script layout/characterization/cast list / Formal and informal Letters
Date, salutation, closing, signature, sometimes P.S. (post script),language use for different audiences, / List and Procedures/Literacy Non Fiction
(Goal/equipment/ steps to be taken/list)
Non-chronological order, technical vocabulary, headings, passive sentence, hypothetical statements
Writing Skills / questions/drafting/brainstorming/
writing a biography/using paragraphs/revising writing/character description/setting/create a series of vignettes that communicate a bigger message / Brainstorming Ideas/drafting/revising
Writing and explanation/listing factors/adding reasons/creating causal sentences / Brainstorming ideas/ planning/drafting/editing
Writing poetry in a given form, word order and sentences, discussing, / Brainstorming ideas/ planning/drafting/editing
Writing summary notes/writing direct speech as plays and prose/writing reported speech/timelines/drafting a play / Brainstorming ideas/ planning/drafting/editing
Persuasive and informative writing, writing for a specific audience, letter format, addressing the audience appropriately, organize the body into paragraphs, / Brainstorming ideas
writing sentences, planning an instructional list, drafting and revising an instructional list,
Evaluating arguments, note making, expanding and clarifying meaning, using a variety of media (graphics, tables, diagrams)
Word Study / Nouns (proper and common), transitional words (next, lastly, in conclusion). / Verbs, verb tenses, adjectives / Figurative language (metaphors and similes), syllables, verbendings / Idioms (raining cats and dogs), portmanteau words (brunch) / Contraction apostrophes, abbreviations / Adverbs, plurals. possessives
Grammar/Punctuation / Capital letters, paragraph, transitional words (next, lastly, in conclusion), sentence starters (suddenly, From behind...),proper nouns / Verbs, adverbs, conjunctions (moving to comlex sentences), verb tenses / Apostrophes, contraction apostrophes, commas, / Speech marks, commas, exclamation marks, complex sentences / colons, bullet points, commas, semi-colons / main clauses, subordinate clauses, punctuatingcomplex sentences
Handwriting / Letter formation
(c, a, d, g, q, o) (r, n, m, h, b, p)
(i, t, j, f, k, x) (u, y, l, v, w)
(z, e, s) / Connectingdigraphs and blends
(ad, ce, cc,do, dy) (ha, ki, lm, tu, uv) (ab, ef, il, ik, ut) (sh, nl, cl, ll, uk) (fo, fa, og, om, rp) / Continue with connecting digraphs and blends
(ve, rd, rn, wo, wi) (ff, fl, ol, oh, rt) (rf, rl, rb, wl, wk)
(be, go, gu, pi, qu, xa, ye, zo, bb, gg) / Copying short paragraphs based on units to improve on handwriting / Copying short paragraphs based on units to improve on handwriting / Copying short paragraphs based on units to improve on handwriting
Listening/Speaking / Speaking:
speak with confidence when presenting
attentively to oral presentations and asks clear questions and follow-up questions / Speaking:
demonstrate interpretation and personal style when reading aloud
analyzes how a speaker uses evidence and examples effectively / Speaking:
Present informational pieces, recite poems or tell stories with effective use of intonation and word stress to emphasise important ideas
Listen with attention and understanding to oral reading of stories, poems and informational text / Speaking:
:use expression, tone and pitch where appropriate
:speak with appropriate volume for size of audience and place of presentation
:understand the role of non-verbal language / Speaking:
:Demonstrate awareness of balance and participation in conversation
:facilitate the entire groups discussion by ensuring that no one dominates and everyone has a chance to speak
Restate points that have been made and extend or elaborate them. / Speaking:
present information in ways that engage the listeners attention
:have an effective beginning to capture attention
Recall information, big ideas or points made by others in conversation or from presentations by students
Information Technology / Word processing, Kidspiration
(push/pull factors) / Personal project, research skills on UOI topic, Graphing experimental results / powerpoint / Invitations for student performances / Headings, , word processing for report writing / Inventions handbook:
Bullet points, labelling
Mathematics / Strand
Pattern & Function
Shape and Space
Data Handling / Number: Counting and place value, Pattern & Function:addition/subtraction / Pattern & Function: Multiplication/Division
Measurement: Length, Area, Temperature / Data Handlng,
Number: Fraction, Decimal, Percentages / Measurement: Money, Time,
Volume/Capacity / Shape & Space: 2D/3D Shapes, Position, Angles / Number: Fraction, Decimal, Percentages
Unit Topic / Read and Write numbers to millions, Record/describe number patterns, addition/subtraction / multiplication/division, factors/multiples length, distance, perimeter, area, / Collect and display information,
read and write fractions, mixed / improper fractions,percentages
, / Use money to model decimals, adding & subtracting, estimate and measure objects / 2-D and 3-D shapes, transformations, classify triangles, read and plot coordinates in 4 quadrants. draw and measure angles / Model equivalent fractions and decimals, adding & subtraction fractions w/ related and unrelated denominators
Excursions / Images of Singapore / Human Body Talk at Science Centre (optional) / SungeiBulei Wetlands / Singapore Repertory Theatre
DBS Theatre Centre / Guest Speaker from a local human rights agency? United Nations? / Guest speaker on “patents” for inventions
Science / Strand
Earth and Space
Life Science
Physical Science
Nature of Science / Life Sciences
Nature of Science / Earth and Space
Life Sciences
Nature of Science / Physical Science / Earth and Space
Physical Science
Nature of Science
Standard / Understands the principles of heredity and related concepts
Understands the structure and function of cells and organisms
Understands the nature of scientific inquiry / Understands Earth’s composition and structure
Understands relationships among organisms and their physical environment
Understands the nature of scientific knowledge / Understands the sources and properties of energy / Understands atmospheric processes and the water cycle
Understands the structure and properties of matter
Understands the sources and properties of energy
Understands forces and motion
Understands the nature of scientific knowledge
Understands the nature of scientific inquiry
Benchmark / Level 1 (i)
Level 2 (i)
Level 2 (i) (ii)
Level 2 (i) (ii) (iii / Level 1 (i)
Level 2 (i) (ii) (iii)
Level 2 (iv) (v)
Level 1 (ii) / Level 1 (iv)
Level 2 (iv) / Level 1 (ii)
Level 1 (i) (ii)
Level 2 (i) (iii) (v)
Level 1 (v)
Level 2 (ii) (iii)
Level 2 (i)
Level 1 (ii)
Level 2 (iii) (iv)
Level 2 (iv) (v)

*The TD Themes should be listed in chronological order as they are taught over the year

**List specific titles of novels, short stories or poems, if known

NB: Areas which are INTEGRATED into units of inquiry are in boldtext. Areas which are STAND ALONE are in regular text.