POLICY: Reimbursement of Expenses
For MASCC/ISOO Members, Staff, and Others Participating in Board and Annual Meetings

MASCC/ISOO Board Members

  • Registration to the Annual Meeting is waived.
  • Up to 2 hotel nights are covered, if the member arrives the day before the Board Meeting, Otherwise, only one night is covered.
  • Reimbursement travel rules are as follows: (a) same continent – up to $1,000 USD(b) Trans-Atlantic – up to $1,600 USD; (c) Asia/Australia – up to $2,400 USD. Only the price for “economy” (obtained at least 14 days prior to departure) will be approved, whatever class might be used.
  • As of July 2017, ground transportation from the airport and/or train stationwill not reimbursed.
  • Reimbursement is contingent upon the following: (a) active participation in Board meetings and calls;(b) members are in good standing; and (c) an expense report is sent to the Meeting Organizer, Kenes International, within 4 weeks (electronic reports are preferred).

Annual Meeting: Invited Speakers

  • Workshop registration is waived for the workshop speakers, and Annual Meeting registration is waived for Annual Meeting speakers.
  • Up to 2 hotel nights are covered (and these can be added to other granted hotel nights).
  • Travel reimbursement rules are the same as for Board members.
  • An expense report must be sent to the Meeting Organizer, Kenes International, within 4 weeks (electronic reports are preferred).
  • Proffered paper speakers are not reimbursed.

Workshop Speakers and Chairs and Annual Meeting Session Chairs

  • From 2014, Workshops are considered part of the main meeting.
  • MASCC members who are Workshop speakers and/or Chairs are not eligible for travel reimbursement.
  • Travel reimbursement for invited* Workshop speakers, who are not MASCC members, is the same as for Board members, and one hotel night is reimbursed (2 hotel nights will also be covered if workshop speakers, who are not MASCC members, are also invited speakers).
  • The Program Committee is encouraged to assign invited Workshop and Annual Meeting speakers to be Session Chairs. Workshop Chairs and Session Chairs registration fee will not be waived.

*The Mucositis Study Group Workshop often includes proffered papers, as well as invited speakers. Authors of proffered paper speakers do not qualify for waivers of registration, travel, or hotel.


  • Registration to the Annual Meeting and workshops is waived.
  • Travel reimbursement rules are the same as for Board members.
  • Up to 5 hotel nights are approved. Reimbursement for more than 5 nights requires approval by the Executive Director.
  • Daily allowances are not granted, but expenses related to travel (ground transportation, meals) will be reimbursed contingent upon submission of an expense report.
  • An expense report must be sent to the Meeting Organizer, Kenes International, within 4 weeks (electronic reports are preferred).

National Cancer Supportive Care Organizations Recognized by MASCC

  • For affiliated organizations that wish to organize a session at a MASCC Annual Meeting, a room with AV at the conference venue will be provided free of charge, subject to space availability.
  • Free registration for up to 3 speakers will be granted.
  • Any additional costs are entirely the responsibility of the affiliated organization. There will be no reimbursement of expenses (e.g., travel or accommodations) by MASCC or the Meeting Organizer, Kenes International.
  • The above terms do not apply for those organizations in which a Memorandum of Understanding is in place with said organization.

Revised June 26 2017 [October2013/March2014/December2014/September 2017/ExCom/MC]

MASCC/ISOO Travel Expense Form

Instructions: Use this form to claim reimbursement for expenses incurred during travel on MASCC business, along with completed, itemized, and documented statements. If not otherwise instructed, send completed documents as follows.

For Annual Meeting or other events arranged by the Meeting Organizer, Kenes International: Send completeddocuments,within four weeks of the event, to Kenes International.

For participation in events other than the Annual Meeting: Send completed documents within four weeks,

to MASCC Executive Director Melissa Chin, MASCC @ Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Ave., Suite 400, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2C7, CANADA.

Please print clearly!

City State (US only) / Country / Postal code
SSN: (US only)
Reason for travel
At the auditor’s insistence, receipts must accompany all major expenses submitted in order to provide reimbursement (electronic reports are preferred).
Date / Description / Amount

Date: ______

Signature: ______

Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer • • page 1