SHU Research Data Archive (SHURDA)

Deposit your data


You can deposit digital data as follows.

  1. Decide what needs to be archived. You can refer to our guidance onselectingandpreservingresearch data:
  4. Save your dataset in suitable file formats and with accompanying documentation in a separate folder on your Q:\Research drive, eg in a folder called "shurda", where repository staff can retrieve your files, or in exceptional cases arrange for your data to be transferred to repository staff in another way. You can refer to our guidance onfile formatsanddocumentingresearch data:
  7. Fill out this form.
  8. Repository staff will check the metadata you provide on this form and check your files, and may get back to you with further questions. You will be informed when your data goes live.

If you have any paper data that needs archiving, then please go to for further information, or contact .

All fields indicated with * are compulsory.

1.Location of your data and Deposit Agreement

Location of your data:

Please indicate where on your Q:\Research drive repository staff may find your data, or through what other means you will arrange for your data to be transferred to repository staff.

Sheffield Hallam University encourages all academic staff and students to make their research available through open access. This supports the principle that the results of publicly funded research should be freely accessible in the public domain. The purpose of the SHU Research Data Archive (theRepository) is the long-term preservation and free open access to research data produced by University academic staff and students.

Why is a deposit agreement necessary?

The University requires permission from you (theDepositor) to store, copy, distribute and manipulate the research data (theData) that you deposit to ensure that it can be preserved and made available in the future.

This agreement is made to confirm that the Depositor has the right to submit the Data to the Repository and gives the University permission to process the Data for the purposes of the Repository. The agreement is non-exclusive. The Depositor is free to publish the Data elsewhere. No ownership is assumed by the Repository when processing the Data.

The Deposit Agreement

I agree as follows:

  1. That I have the authority to make this agreement as the copyright owner or holder of the Data or I am authorised by the copyright owner and hereby give the Repository administrators the right to store and publish my deposit of Data for the Purposes outlined above.
  2. Under this agreement, I grant to Sheffield Hallam University the non-exclusive, royalty-free right to reproduce, translate to any medium, format or copy (for the purpose of preservation or migration), and/or distribute my Data worldwide in electronic format.
  3. That the Data I have submitted to the Repository does not infringe the copyright of any third party.
  4. If the Data is based on work that has been sponsored or subsidised by any organisation or agency other than the University, I represent that I have fulfilled all obligations to that sponsor and the submission of the Data to the Repository does not infringe the intellectual property rights of the sponsor.
  5. That, where applicable and to the best of my knowledge, the Data has been collected in compliance with the University's Research Ethics Policy and the Data Protection Act 1998. In preparing the Data for publication, I represent that all reasonable steps have been taken to safeguard the privacy of individual human participants in the research.
  6. I understand that I may not remove the Data from the Repository but I may request removal by contacting the Repository administrator and should do so if I become aware that the Deposit may be in breach of any of the terms of this agreement.
  7. I understand that the Repository administrator may remove my Data from the Repository without notice for professional, legal or administrative reasons.

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England.

Please tick the box below.

* I grant the University a licence of use on the terms set out above.
  1. Core metadata


Alternative title:




Please give family name, given name or initials, email address and ORCID iD (if available).

Corporate creators:

Companies that are considered authors of your data.


Please give family name, given name or initials, email address and ORCID iD (if available). Also specify their contribution (eg "supervisor").

Copyright holders:

Please indicate the person, firm or corporate body who holds the copyright for the data.

The copyright of your data, or parts of your data, may be owned by various parties: Sheffield Hallam University, academic collaborators, commercial collaborators, data providers (if you are re-using existing datasets), research funders and sponsors, and other third parties. Who holds copyright over what, should ideally have been set out in a Data Management Plan.

For research students, the copyright in the thesis submitted for examination remains with the candidate, but all other Intellectual Property rights lie with the University and/or the funder of the research project - including those over the research data produced for the thesis.

*Academic units:

The academic units such as research centres and departments with which this item should be associated.

*Research funders:

If no external funder contributed to the creation of your data, then please mention "Sheffield Hallam University" as your funder.

  1. Further details

*Types of data:

Please tick all that apply.

Interactive resource
Physical object

*Collection period:

Please give start and end date of the period you collected your data.

Temporal coverage:

The time period (start and end date) for this data collection, if it is different from the data collection period, e.g. for data representing a historical period.

Geographic coverage:

Enter, if applicable, either the geographic region(s) in which your data collection was carried out (e.g. name of country, region, location) or the spatial reference system used.

Data collection and processing

Data collection method:

Describe the methodology used to create this data collection, including information on the studied population, studied entities and sampling procedures.

Data processing and preparation activities:

Describe any changes made to the raw data prior to deposit.

Statement on legal, ethical and access issues:

Enter a description of any legal or ethical issues encountered in generating the data, and how these have been dealt with in order to allow sharing (eg through anonymisation or putting in place access restrictions).Example:"Risk of disclosing participants' identities was mitigated by removing references to real names and other identifying information."


* Resource language:

* Metadata language:


Links to other resources

Title of associated publication in SHURA:

If your data collection underpins a publication held in theSHU Research Archive (SHURA), such as a PhD thesis or journal article, you can link the two resources. The record of your dataset in SHURDA will contain a web link to the publication in SHURA, and vice versa.

Please give title and if possible URI (eg. ).

Links to external resources:

Enter any additional external resources that relate to this data collection. Please give their title and URL.

License and Access restrictions


Please select which license should apply to all files in your dataset. The default license is Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY).

X / Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY)
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 (CC BY-ND)
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC)
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND)
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA)
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA)
Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 4.0 (CC0)
GNU General Public License v3 (GPL3)

* Downloadable by:

Who will be allowed to download the files? Only registered users can download files. You may restrict access to files, in which case users must request access; repository staff will handle any such requests for access. Please define any conditions under which repository staff may grant access below under "reasons for restrictions".

everyone (after registration)
on request only

Embargo expiry date:

The date that any embargo expires, if there is one. On and after this date, the files for this item will be made publicly accessible. Please describe the reason for any embargo period below under "reasons for restrictions".

Reasons for restrictions:

Please describe the reason for any embargo period and any other legal, ethical and other access issues, and the conditions which must be met to give access. Repository staff will use this description to handle any requests for access. This field will be displayed on the landing page.

Additional information and comments

Additional information:

If you think you can specify some useful information about your deposit that can't be entered anywhere else, please enter it here. This informationwillappear on the public summary page for this item.

Comments to repository staff:

Any comments to the staff managing this repository. This informationwill notbe displayed to the public.

* Name and date:

Please give your name and the date you filled out this form.

SHURDA Deposit Your Data v1.1 (9 August 2017)1