Application for a Graduate Assistant
Rubric / Scoring: maximum of 100 points
Graduate Assistantships are recruitment tools for the University’s graduate programs. Awards are made on the basis of exceptional scholastic achievement; outstanding professional promise; and competence for service in the departments of the University.
The financial need of applicants may be an additional consideration. GraduateAssistantship positionsarehighlycoveted byprospectivestudentsandprovidevaluetoour academicprogramsbyencouraginghigh-qualitystudentstojoinourcommunity.
In exchange for tuition remission and a modest stipend, a Graduate Assistantship has a student job for a set number of hours each weekduring the semester. Students with a full Assistantship work 17.5 hours per week. Assistantship awards may be prorated with fewer hours per week. (Students with Graduate Assistantships are subject to the work limits described in the Graduate Assistantship Program.)
TheOfficeof Graduate Admissions, incoordinationwiththe Officeof the Provost and graduate ProgramDirectors,selects a groupof incomingstudents for GraduateAssistantships. This assistantship program is designed to aid in the successful completion of the degree pursued and to enhance career opportunities through applied professional experiences. All Graduate Assistant duties are designed to foster student training and graduate learning experiences.
Faculty and Deans may apply for a Graduate Assistant, who will participate in research,academic initiatives,and strategicadministrative projects. A faculty member with a Graduate Assistant is responsible for a) assignments and supervision, b) monitoring of hours to ensure that assignments do not exceed the University’s expectation, and c) completing an
End-of-Semester Evaluation.
If you have a project that will add value to a student’s educationexperience, to your academicprogram,oryourCollege’smission, please complete this Application for a Graduate Assistant Form. Placements are made in the spring semester for the following academic year.
Applications for Graduate Assistants will be reviewed by a committee comprised of representatives of Colleges, a liaison form UARC, and the Provost’s Office.
For consideration for the Fall of 2018, submit the completed application to
Patricia Brennan () by Monday, April 16, 2018.
Applicant Information:
Supervisor/Principal Investigator’s Name: ______
College, School, andProgram ______
Project duration: □ One Semester (□ fall or □spring) □ Two Semesters □ Multi-Year
University funding:□ No□ Yes, ______
External funding(10 points)□ No □ Yes, ______
Graduate assistant awarded for this project before? □ No □ Yes, ______
Faculty Collaborators(5 points):______
(Names and Schools & Colleges)
On a separate page, please answer the following questions.
- One paragraph description of your project.(15 points)
- Brief description of the responsibilities to be assigned to a graduate assistant. (20 points)
a)What is the job description, including the specific responsibilities?[1]
b)What specific skills, experience or knowledge are required?1
- How a Graduate Assistant will advance your professional development and
facilitate achievement of your research or professional-practice goals. (20 points)
- How would your project enhance the Graduate Assistant’s educational experience?What kind of mentoring will you provide to your Graduate Assistant? (30 points)
Applicant’s SignatureDate
Collaborator’s SignatureDate
Executive Dean’s or Designee’s SignatureDate
[1] These will be used to match students with projects. Please take time to elaborate.