PO Box 508
Park Rapids, MN 56470
(218) 732-9179
Krista Hesby, President
Frank Stuemke, Vice President
Diane Johnson, Treasurer
Shelly Herman, Secretary
Norita Smith, Past President
Neil Power
John Hoscheid
Patty Larson
Mike Johnson
Doug Hafner
Rick Bravo
1.Call to Order: By: KristaTime:6:05pm
2.Agenda Approval: Doug/John/P
3.Approval of regular Secretary’s Minutes of December 10th, 2012 Mike/Patty/P
4.Treasurer’s reports:Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s Report Norita/Patty/P
- Concessions request to open an account at Coborns. Yes
- Concessions request to purchase a hot dog machine up to $500. Motion made by Doug to purchase a hot dog machine for up to $500 Doug/Patty/P
- SKATE-Michelle and Toni will coordinate our own program and not use SKATE this year. Suggestion: they might use left over candy from the concession stand, hockey camp,1/2 off registration. These are just ideas to think about.
5.Gaming report:Motion made to accept the Gaming Report Norita/John/P
6.Old Business
a. Policy Handbook-Grievance (Discipline and Dispute Resolution)-Tabled
b. High School Contract Motion made that the 2013-2014 Boys’ Varsity contract be re-negotiated so that the Boy’s Varsity Co-op hockey agreement does not cost the PRAHA any more than it would if there were no Co-op at all. Additional costs shall be covered by Park Rapids School District and/or Walker School District, and/or Park Rapids Varsity and JV Boy’sprograms and/or Walker Varsity and JV Boy’s programs. Frank/Doug/P
Motion made that all additional costs incurred by PRAHA for implementations of the Girls Varsity and Girl’s JV hockey program in excess of program income, shall be incurred by the Girls’ Varsity and Girl’sJV members. Neil/Frank/P
c. Fundraising BSU game is scheduled for Feb. 1st, 2013. Emails will be going to all the managers
7.New Business:
- Player Movement- Dave and Laura Hillukka are present to request Joey move up to Squirts. Motion is made to allow Joey Hillukka for this 2012-2013 season to move up to the Squirts due to parent request. Patty/Frank/
Yeah votes: Patty, Frank, Norita, Rick, Mike
Nay votes Neil, Shelly, John,Doug, Diane
Krista votes nay for the tie breaker, motion does not pass.
- Smoking near the building-Adding no smoking sign by the front door. Motion made to make this a tobacco free campus. Neil/Diane/P
Krista will place a sign on the front door and remove the butt container.
c. Registration Fees for 2013-2014 Patty would like all of us to read everything over and we will discuss it at lengths at the next meeting.
d. Recruitment Retention Tabled until next meeting
e. Outside lights 3 bids were attained for new lights outside. Motion for Diamond Electric to fix outside lights for $1700.00 a.s.a.p. Mike/John/P
8.Next Meeting date is January 28, 2013at 6:00pm Board Room, second floor.
*Meetings are scheduled for every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month unless otherwise noted.
9.Adjournment: Doug/Frank/P TIME:8:45PM
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