Length of Course: 1 semester/ 18 weeks / Credit: ½
Credentials/Certification: / Clock hours: 90
Grade Level: 10-12 / Prerequisites: NA
Teaching resources:
Illustrated Book of Child Care: From Newborn to Preteen, Good Housekeeping, Hearst Corporation, 1995
Illustrated Book of Pregnancy and Baby Care, Good Housekeeping, Hearst Corporation, 1999
Babycare for Beginners, Willilams, Frances, Harper Perennial, 1996
What to Expect When You Are Expecting, Eisenberg, A., Murkoff, H., Hathaway, S., Workman Publishing, 1996
What to Expect the First Year, Eisenberg, A., Murkoff, H., Hathaway, S., Workman Publishing, 1996
Pregnancy to Parenthood, Goldberg, L., Brinkley, G., Kukar, J., Avery Publishing Group, 1998
Pregnancy for Dummies, Stone, J., Eddleman, K., Duenwald, M., Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2004
Parenting for Dummies, Gookin, S. IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 1995
Babysitter’s Training Handbook, American Red Cross, 2003
Parenting with Love and Logic, Cline, F., Fay, J., Love & Logic Institute
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic, Cline F., Fay, J., Love & Logic Institute
Becoming a Love & Logic Parent – Facilitator Guide and Parent Handbooks, Cline, F., Fay, J., Love & Logic Institute
The Developing Child, Bisbane, Holly E., Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2000
Parenting Resource Guide, Ohio State Department of Education, OhioStateUniversity, 1995
Parenting, Rewards and Responsibilities, Hildebrand, V., Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2007
Parents and Their Children, Ryder, V., Goodheart-Willcox, 2006
Baby Think It Over Facilitator’s Guide, 2000.
Real Care Baby I or II Realityworks, 2709 Mondovi Road, Eau Claire, WI54701
InfantSeats and Diaper Bags
Empathy Belly
Videos, CD’s and DVD’s:
Nova-The Miracle of Life DVD, Photography by Nilsson, Directed by Agaton, WGBH Boston Video, 1996
Parenting Today, Video Series, Aid Association for Lutherans
FCCLA Get Connected CD-ROM,
FCCLA CD-Rom—Power of One,
FCCLA—STAR Events Manual,
Course Description:
Everyone at some point in their life will have to deal with children. Most will have children of their own. This course helps students realize the impact children can have on their lives both within a family and in employment situations. The process skills will be used to understand the physical, mental, social, and emotional development from prenatal through adolescence. Emphasis is on effective parenting skills like feeding, clothing, bathing, disciplining, etc., as well as the health and safety at each age. Guidance techniques (“Love and Logic”) and selecting substitute care are also taught. Projects include "Baby Think It Over" (the doll that cries) and child care labs in the evenings.
Experience-based Learning Activities:
“Baby-Think-It-Over” Parenting Simulation
COURSE: Parenthood Education
UNIT 1: Today’s Parenting Roles TIME SPENT: 1 week
0.1.3 Determines the meaning of words or phrases using context clues from sentences or paragraphs. (R1.3.1▲)(Evaluation)
0.1.4 Understands the purpose of text features and uses such features to locate information in and to gain meaning from appropriate-level texts. (R1.4.2▲)(Application)
0.1.5 Uses information from the text to make inferences and draw conclusions. (R1.4.5▲) (Application)
0.2.4 Communicate respectfully and effectively with people of different cultures and diverse perspectives. (*13.3.5) (CC K&S) (21st) (SC P/SD1.2) (SC CD 1.2) (Comprehension)
0.7.4 Determine skills and knowledge needed for a life plan. (Evaluation)
5.1.1 Examine parenting roles across the life span. (*15.1.1)(Analysis)
5.1.2 Determine societal conditions that impact parenting across the life span. (Evaluation)
5.1.4 Explain cultural differences in roles and responsibilities of parenting. (*15.1.5) (Evaluation)
5.6.3 Examine the effects of gender, ethnicity, and culture on individual development. (12.2.3) (Analysis)
Objective: The learner will determine parenting roles and societal conditions that impact these roles. (Evaluation)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(5.1.1) Stages of the family life cycle- beginning, expanding, developing, launching, empty nest, aging
(0.7.4) Career development skills- education, resources, talents, values
(5.1.1) Changes in parental roles across the lifespan.
(0.1.3) Reading for meaning; graphic organizer, vocabulary
(0.1.5) Organizing information to make inferences and draw conclusions about parenting roles / Identify the family life cycle stages. (Comprehension)
Evaluate how careers affect the family. (Evaluation)
Compare and contrast individuals that represent different stages of the life cycle. (Comprehension)
Compare and contrast parental roles at the different stages of life. (Analysis)
Interpret reading using a graphic organizer. (Evaluation)
Write about parenting roles including the stages of the life cycle.(Application)
(5.1.2) Societal conditions that impact parenting; single parent families; blended families; employment
(5.1.2) Growth within the parenting role; parenting styles; self help books; extended family
(5.6.3) Societal effects impacting individuals
(0.1.4) Textbook features- graphs, tables, pictures, bold print / Evaluate conditions that impact parenting. (Evaluation)
Discuss the impact of poverty on parenting. (Synthesis)
List ways people learn to parent. (Knowledge)
Discuss how gender roles and culture impact individual development. (Synthesis)
Utilize textbook features to assist in locating parenting information. (Application)
(5.1.4) Cultural diversity and families- parenting styles and practices, economic challenges
(5.1.4) Parental roles from culture to culture- gender roles, world events, parenting styles
(0.2.4)Respect for other cultures and their ideas / Research different cultures’ parenting practices. (Comprehension)
Research the differences in financial costs of parenting among different global cultures. (Comprehension)
Discuss the impact of gender roles on families. (Synthesis)
Discuss how families are influenced by world events and activities. (Synthesis)
Theorize the advantages of having a culturally diverse community and/or family. (Synthesis)
Compare parenting practices from different cultures.(Analysis)
(5.1.4) Ethnocentrism and respect for other cultures- racial, ethnic, age, handicaps, physical stature, weight, socio-economic status, gender / Identify groups of people that suffer cultural prejudices. (Comprehension)
Investigate strategies to overcome stereotypes. (Analysis)
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COURSE: Parenthood EducationUNIT 2: Responsibilities of Parents TIME SPENT: 1 week
0.1.8 Uses data analysis in real-world problems with rational number data sets to compare and contrast two sets of data, to make accurate inferences and predictions, to
analyze decisions, and to develop convincing arguments from data displays. (M4.2.A1▲) ($)(Application)
0.3.3 Critique alternative methods of solving problems and accomplishing tasks. (CC K&S) (Evaluation)
0.6.1 Examine the FCCLA organization and its relationship to the family and consumer sciences curriculum. (Analysis)
0.7.1 Analyze ways that individual career goals can impact the family’s capacity to meet goals for all family members. (*1.1.3) (CC K&S) ($) (SC AD3.1) (SC CD 1.1) (Analysis)
5.1.3 Determine consequences of parenting practices to the individual, family, and society. (*15.1.3) (Evaluation)
5.1.5 Examine the financial responsibilities of parenting. (*15.1.6)(Analysis)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will compare consequences of parenting and financial decisions and how they affect others. (Analysis)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(0.6.1) FCCLA state and national programs: Families First, Community Service, FACTS, Student Body, STOP the Violence, Power of One, Financial Fitness / Classify parenting issues into FCCLA programs. (Analysis)
(5.1.3) Personal consequences of parenting- emotional, physical, social
(5.1.3) Parenting styles- authoritarian, democratic, permissive
(0.6.1) Power of One module- A Better You, Working on Working, Family Ties, Relationships to career and family / Predict adjustments of new parents. (Synthesis)
Identify values and goals underlying each of the parenting styles. (Comprehension)
Distinguish among common parenting styles and determine positive and negative effects of each. (Analysis)
Communicate with family about personal or family issues. (Comprehension)
Utilize FCCLA Power of One: Family Ties(Application)
(0.3.3) Steps to judge or critique / Explain the family rules to be kept, modified, or removed in student’s personal future family and explain why. (Evaluate)
Define inappropriate actions taken by parents and tell the type of guidance they are exhibiting. (Knowledge)
(0.7.1)Meeting the needs of family and self, personal needs, employer needs, family needs
(0.6.1) FCCLA national program- Power of One: Working on Working
(5.1.5) Financial Planning- costs associated with raising a child, strategies for lessening the financial burden, financial responsibilities
(0.1.8) Using data- graphing with x & y axis, charting columns / Examine the choices and consequences of meeting career goals and family goals. (Analysis)
Explore career and family goals through FCCLA Power of One: Working on Working. (Analysis)
Find hospital costs of normal delivery and full-term baby. (Knowledge)
Develop a list of equipment and supplies necessary for a child from birth to one year. (Application)
Interview parents of various ages of children to determine what the major financial needs are for each age. (Application)
Research the cost of raising children from birth to adult. (Comprehension)
Examine ways to save on expenses. (Analysis)
Make use of graphs and/or charts to organize and display number data. (Analysis)
COURSE: Parenthood Education
UNIT 3: Social, Emotional, and Technological Choices with Parenthood TIME SPENT: 1 week
0.3.4 Evaluate potential consequences of alternative choices. (CC K&S)(Evaluation)
0.3.5 Use criteria and standards to make ethical decisions. (21st) (Application)
0.4.1 Use a variety of communication technologies to locate information and manage records for family, work, and community settings. (*13.3.6) (CCK&S) (21st)(Application)
0.4.2 Use technology to analyze, manipulate, and interpret information. (CC K&S) (21st)(Application)
5.4.3 Examine alternative choices related to parenthood. (*15.4.3) (Analysis)
5.4.4 Determine legal and ethical influences of technology. (*15.4.4) (S5.1.1▲) (Evaluation)
5.6.2 Determine the impact of social, economic, and technological forces on individual growth and development. (*12.2.2) (S5.1.1▲) (Evaluation)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will evaluate how the choices made by parents affect children’s development. (Evaluation)
Teacher will introduce / Students will
(5.4.3) Alternative parenthood choices- adoption, blended families, relative care, foster care, in-vitro, surrogacy
(5.4.3) Options for placement of a child with a non-birth family
(0.3.4) Choices affect alternative parenthood, positives and negatives of each choice
(0.4.2) Analyze data to create graphs using the computer / Compare and contrast alternative parenthood choices in today’s society. (Comprehension)
Discuss how age of parents influences childbearing and raising of children. (Synthesis)
Explain the characteristics of a strong, supportive family. (Evaluation)
Discuss the effects of adoption and foster care on the child, the biological parents, and the parenting adults. (Synthesis)
Compile resources on numbers of children placed in alternative non-birth homes and construct a graph using the computer to depict the findings. (Synthesis)
Compare and contrast early placement and late placement in a non-birth home. (Analysis/Evaluation)
(5.4.4) Use of technology- stem-cell, cryogenics, gender selection, pregnancy, delivery, and post-delivery
(0.4.1) Utilize the Internet and other on-line sources for researching latest data.
(0.3.5) Ethical decisions: “What would happen if everyone made this choice? What would happen if I were the person being affected by this choice? What if I were in a slightly different set of circumstances? Which choice would have the most positive consequences for the most people involved and will it contribute to the well being of all involved?” / Investigate legal and ethical aspects of using technology for parenthood. (Analysis)
Evaluate legal and ethical rights and responsibilities in the use of technology for parenting. (Evaluation)
(5.6.2) Social, economic, and technological factors / Discuss the affects of social, economic and technological factors on children. (Synthesis)
Evaluate the contributing factors in different case studies. (Evaluation)
COURSE: Parenthood Education
UNIT 4: Pregnancy and Childbirth TIME SPENT: 2.5 weeks
0.1.2 Comprehends a variety of texts. (Narrative, expository, technical, persuasive) (R1.4▲) (Comprehension)
0.1.7 Generates and/or solves multi-step real-world problems with real numbers and algebraic expressions using computational procedures and mathematical concepts. (M1.4.A1a,b,d▲) ($) (Synthesis)
0.2.2 Use listening and writing skills appropriately to communicate clearly. (*13.3.2) (*13.3.3) (CC K&S) (21st) (Application)
5.4.1 Examine biological processes related to prenatal development, birth, and health of child and mother. (*15.4.1) (S3.7.1▲) (S3.2.3▲) (Analysis)
5.4.2 Consider the impact of pregnancy and birth on the emotional health of the parents and child. (*15.4.2) (Analysis)
5.6.1 Investigate the impact of heredity and environment on human growth and development. (*12.2.1) (S3.2.3▲)(Analysis)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will explore the aspects of a healthy pregnancy and delivery that impact the child’s growth and development. (Analysis)
Teacher will introduce / Students will(5.4.1) Biological changes for mother and child; empathy belly
(5.4.1) Stages of normal fetal development- zygote, embryo, fetus
(0.1.7) Mathematical formulas for figuring the odds in inherited traits; blue eyes, cystic fibrosis / Summarize the biological changes that take place during pregnancy for the mother and child. (Comprehension)
Examine how pregnancy and birth can affect emotional health. (Analysis)
Compare changes in maternal and fetal development through the months of pregnancy. (Evaluation)
Predict changes that take place when the pregnancy involves twins and multiple births. (Synthesis)
Predict the percentage of offspring likely to have a specific inherited trait. (Synthesis)
(5.6.1) Pre-pregnancy maternal health and lifestyle- nutrition, exercise, emotional, weight, sleep, medical care
(5.4.2) Lifestyle choices that affect fetal development- exercise, food, drugs
(0.1.2) Comprehending text information- reference textbooks, professional writings, understand translation, dictionaries/technology sources / Investigate the relationship of pre-pregnancy maternal health to infant health. (Analysis)
Analyze maternal lifestyle recommend improvements. (Analysis)
Describe substances that can cross the placental barrier and their effect on the fetus. (Knowledge)
Determine maternal at-risk behaviors and diseases which are harmful to fetal development. (Evaluation)
Communicate information gained from reference books and professional writings about the importance of maternal health.(Comprehension)
(5.4.1) Medical tests and policies for pregnancy and childbirth / Rate hospital policies and medical tests pertaining to pregnancy and delivery. (Evaluation)
Examine legal paperwork required by hospitals. (Analysis)
(5.4.1) Labor; Delivery; Birth- ( Lamaze, LeBoyer, natural childbirth, epidural, Caesarean)
(0.2.2) Developing a survey- questions, introduction, thank you / Define the philosophy of the major birthing methods. (etc.) (Knowledge).
Examine reasons for Caesarean deliveries. (Analysis)
Discuss the implications of vaginal and Caesarean deliveries on recovery time. (Synthesis)
Identify the functions of the stages of a vaginal delivery. (Comprehension)
Compare and contrast the biological changes that take place during birth for the mother and child. (Comprehension)
Assess the physical and emotional effects of birthing methods on mother and baby. (Evaluation)
Research bonding and attachment with infants. (Comprehension)
Survey mothers to determine positive aspects of delivery. (Analysis)
(5.4.1) Newborn evaluation- APGAR, Brazilton / Describe the indicators that are used to show the levels of development in the newborn. (Knowledge)
Identify the characteristics of a healthy newborn. (Comprehension)
COURSE: Parenthood Education
UNIT 5: Care and Needs of Family Members TIME SPENT: 3 weeks
0.3.3 Critique alternative methods of solving problems and accomplishing tasks. (CC K&S) (Evaluation)
0.3.6 Implement an action plan. Critique alternative methods of solving problems and accomplishing tasks. (CC K&S) (Application)
0.4.2 Use technology to analyze, manipulate, and interpret information. (CC K&S) (21st) (Application)
0.6.2 Recognize and model positive leadership and teamwork behaviors to inspire others. (CC K&S) (21st) (H-G) (Knowledge/Application)
0.6.4 Recognize diverse abilities of team members. (21st) (SC AD 1.2) (Knowledge)
0.6.5 Apply leadership, citizenship, and teamwork skills in authentic experiences. (21st) (H-G) (SC CD 3.2) (Application)
5.5.1 Identify physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and ethical growth patterns and needs. (*12.1.1) (6.1) (Comprehension)
5.5.2 Determine interrelationships of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and ethical development. (*12.1.2) (Evaluation)
5.5.3 Determine significance of meeting developmental needs. (Evaluation)
5.6.1 Investigate the impact of heredity and environment on human growth and development. (*12.2.1) (S3.2.3▲) (Analysis)
5.5.5 Analyze strategies for caring for children with special needs. (Analysis)
OBJECTIVE: The learner will develop strategies to meet the developmental needs and challenges of family members. (Synthesis)
Teacher will introduce / Students will demonstrate
(5.5.1) Ages and stages of developmental patterns and needs / Identify the stagesof development. (Comprehension)
Determine interrelationships between types of development. (Evaluation)
Evaluate the principles of development. (Evaluation)
Analyze importance of meeting developmental needs of family members of various ages. (Analysis)
(5.5.2) Interrelationships of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and ethical development
(0.6.2) Model teamwork behaviors- initiative and persistence, thoughtfulness, vision and imagination, sincerity and integrity
(0.6.4) Diversity among team members- creativity, determination, communication, writing
(0.6.5) Leadership & teamwork; equal participation, all contributing, each accountable, need each other / Develop chart depicting developmental milestones of children. (Synthesis)
Examine physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. (Analysis)
Discuss the interrelationships of developmental needs. (Synthesis)
Design a toy or game encouraging one or more areas of child’s development. (Synthesis)
Plan and develop learning activities for children. (Synthesis)
Use teamwork behaviors while participating in FCCLA “Focus on Children” event. (Application)
Research skills, use of planning process, presentation skills, visual display, audience activity, written evaluation, and thank-you notes. (Comprehension)
Utilize teamwork and leadership to complete the project. (Application)
(5.5.3) Importance of meeting developmental needs
(0.3.3) Alternative methods meeting developmental needs of children / Determine the developmental needs of family members and weigh the consequences if these are not met. (Evaluation)
After observing children, interpret and summarize their developmental differences. (Comprehension)
Develop and implement games to help children develop skills. (Synthesis)
(5.5.1) Growth areas and its influence on development- physical, emotional, social, intellectual and ethical development
(5.5.1) Intellectual growth patterns through brain development / Organize the areas of physical, emotional, social, intellectual and ethical development and explore the influence these have on rates of development. (Application)