331 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, OntarioK2P 1S3
Telephone: (613) 230-8015; Fax: (613) 230-2655; Web site: www. infoukes.com/ukremb/consular.shtml Office hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m. Monday through Friday.
Acceptance of Walk-In Applications: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Closed for Ukrainian and Canadian public holidays.
Please read the following information carefully before submitting a visa application. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in a delay in your receipt of a visa or the return of your application unprocessed.
Please take note that the Consular Section responds to inquires as to the status of the visa applications only between 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
To enter Ukraine, no visa is required for persons who hold: (a) United Nations laissez-passer and are proceeding to Ukraine on business of the UN or of a specialized agency thereof; (b) laissez-passer issued by institutions of the European Union, including the European Commission, and are proceeding to Ukraine on business of such institutions; (c) a valid U.S. or Japanese passport for travel abroad whoenter Ukraine or transit through its territory for a period of up to 90 days and are not proceeding to Ukraine for the purpose of permanent residence, study, employment, or work with the diplomatic and consular representations of their respective countries in Ukraine or for any other purpose if their stay will not exceed 90 days; (d) a diplomatic passport of a European Union Member State, Israel or Mexico; (e) a diplomatic, service / official passport of Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Croatia, Cuba, Guinea, Iran, Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, Macedonia, Panama, Romania, Switzerland, Turkmenistan or Viet Nam; (f) a diplomatic, service / official or special passport of Turkey; (g) a service / official passport of Slovakia; (h) a service passports of Latvia for the period of the holders assignment to the Embassy or consular post of Latvia in Ukraine, or (i) a diplomatic, service/official/ special or ordinary travel passports of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan or Uzbekistan.
In light of possible variances among visa agreements between Ukraine and those countries listed above, holders of such passports are urged to contact the Consular Section for any limitations or conditions that may exist pursuant to said visa agreements. Similarly, holders of diplomatic/ service /official or special passports from any other country requiring a Ukrainian visa are also urged to contact the Consular Section prior to submitting their visa applications.
Who requires a visa: All persons other than those listed above, who wish to enter Ukraine, are required to have a Ukrainian visa, valid for the period of their intended stay in Ukraine, inserted into their passports or travel documents. Please note that all Ukrainian visas serve as both an entry and exit visa. Holders of ordinary passports of Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, India, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Somali, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Viet Nam, of other countries of the Near and Middle East and Northern Africa are urged to contact the Consular Section prior to submitting their visa applications.
Visa Types: The type of visa to be issued is based upon the purpose of the person’s entry into Ukraine. The various typesofvisas includediplomatic, service, business, student, private, transit and immigration. Also, a visa may be issued for a specific purpose of entry, i.e. to conduct scientific, rescue, cultural, sports, humanitarian and charitable, religious or mass media activities, transport passengers or cargo. As only one type of visa can be issued per single, double or a multiple entries, the primary purpose of the entry or entries should be indicated in the visa application form..
Important. The Consular Section will address visa applications and attendant documents which are in fact received at its office. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and confirm that the visa application and attendant documents have in fact been delivered for processing. Otherwise, the consular section can not take any responsibility for any resultant delays that may occur.
Where, When and How to Apply:Ukrainian visas may be applied for in most instances at any Ukrainian consular post, regardless of whether it is located in the country of the applicant’s citizenship or place of residence. The Consular Section of the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada accepts walk-in applications from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Otherwise, applications may be submitted to the Consular Section by mail, messenger or courier services, other than Purolator or UPS, e.g. FedEx, DHL, etc. The Consular Section reserves the right to personally interview any applicant.
In Canada, visa application s may also be submitted at the Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto, located at 2120 Bloor Street, West, Toronto, Ontario M6S 1M8, and whose telephone is (416) 763-3114, and fax is (416) 763-23-23.
Required documents: All requests for visas must include the following at the time of application: (a) an original passport or travel document, which must be valid for at least one month after the expiration date of the requested visa, and which must contain a blank visa page; (b) a visa application form, which is available at any Ukrainian consular post or can be printed from the Web site of any Ukrainian consular post, that services one, including the Consular Section, whose Web site address is .Legible duplicated copies of the application form are also accepted. A separate visa application form must be submitted for each holder of a passport or travel document. The visa application form must be answered completely* and typed or printed in block letters in black or blue ink, dated and signed by the applicant. Any corrections made on the application form should be initialed by the applicant. If the applicant is under the age of 16, the parent or legal guardian must sign the application form on the child’s behalf. If a child is included in an adult’s passport or travel document, that child must be included in the adult’s visa application form with a separate photograph for the child, and will be listed on the adult’s visa; (c) one color full front view passport size photograph on a white background, taken within six months of the date of application and attached in the designated space of the visa application form; (d) the consular fee for processing the visa, in the exact amount as indicated below. Payment should be in the form of a certified personal check, bank check or money order made payable to the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada. Uncertified checks and cash are not accepted. Payment for return postage should notbe sent. Each visa application must be accompanied with its own check or money order. Visa processing fee is waived for holders of diplomatic and in most cases service/official/ or special passports and for persons entering Ukraine for purposes of providing humanitarian aid or conducting charitable activities.
In addition to the above-referenced items the following documents will also be required for the following visas:
service visa for representatives of foreign governmental entities or international organizations proceeding to Ukraine on official business - a diplomatic note or a relevant invitation from a Ukrainian governmental entity or a request from a foreign governmental entity or an international organization. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced invitation or request is in most cases acceptable.
service visa for representatives of political, industrial, trade, financial circles proceeding to Ukraine on official business matters at the invitation of a Ukrainian governmental entity or an enterprise or organization duly registered in Ukraine - a relevant invitation from such governmental entity or a request from a foreign governmental entity or an invitation from any other legal entity duly registered in Ukraine. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced invitation or request is in most cases acceptable.
* While it is not required, visa applicants may wish to include their telephone number in Item No. 8 of the form, which may assist the Consular Section in contacting the applicant in the event that any issues arise that would prevent the issuance of the visa. With respect to Item No.7 requesting a personal number, the applicant’s social security or driver’s license number should be supplied. With regard to the passport details requested in Item No. 9 of the form, the “type” of passport is located in the upper left hand corner of the identification page of the applicant’s passport, and the “issuing authority” is found below the words ‘ issuing office” in the lower right hand corner of the passport’s identification page. All persons must include the name and address of the inviting person or entity in Item No. 20 of the application form. With respect to the Item “Place of Submission”, above the applicant’s signature, the applicant should fill in the city in which the consular post to which the application is being submitted is found, whether it be Ottawa, Toronto, etc.
businessvisa for personsproceeding to Ukraine as co-founders of joint ventures or representatives of companies (firms, associations) for the purpose of reviewing the implementation of contracts, or as consultants of foreign companies (firms, associations) and for personnel of Ukrainian affiliates of foreign companies - a relevant invitation from a Ukrainian governmental entity or a request from a foreign governmental entity or an invitation from any other legal entity duly registered in Ukraine. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced invitation or request is in most cases acceptable.
immigration visa to enter Ukraine for authorized permanent residence - authorization for permanent residence in Ukraine from the local body of the executive branch. If the authorization was not applied for, obtained and/or received through the Consular Section, its original and one legible copy should be provided to the Consular Section, and the original will be returned to the applicant.
immigration visa to enter Ukraine for the purpose of employment – a work permit issued by the Ministry of Labor of Ukraine. The original and one legible copy should be provided to the Consular Section, and the original will be returned to the applicant.
private visa – a single entry private visa may be issued to persons who plan to stay in the home of a Ukrainian resident, and a single, double or multiple entry private visa may be issued to persons traveling to Ukraine for medical treatment. The former requires an original prescribed invitation in the applicant’s name issued by the local office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine where the applicant will reside. This invitation, however, is not required from any person who can provide documentary evidence of being of Ukrainian origin. The latter requires an original or faxed confirmation of the proposed medical treatment of the applicant from the Ukrainian medical provider. Also note that applicants may request and be granted a multiple-entry private visa with a term of five (5) years, provided that they are interviewed at the Consular Section and at such time present documentary evidence of being of Ukrainian origin.
tourist visa - a document confirming that the purpose of the trip is tourism, i.e. either (a) a tourist voucher issued by a Ukrainian travel agency, (b) a tourist voucher issued by a foreign travel agency, provided that there is information regarding cooperation between the foreign and Ukrainian agencies, (c) a tour package issued by a Ukrainian travel agency, or (d) in instances of a non-organized tourist trip, a confirmation from a Ukrainian hotel involved in tourist activities, listing the applicant’s name, reservation confirmation number and confirmation of payment for accommodations.
Please note that a tourist visa for citizens of Canada, Japan (before August 1, 2005), Switzerland (after September 1, 2005) and European Union Member States (after September 1, 2005) proceeding to Ukraine for the purpose of tourism may also be issued on the basis of an original or photocopy of a Ukrainian airline ticket to and from Ukraine, which must be submitted together with the application for a tourist visa.
Please note that citizens of Canada, Japan(before August 1, 2005), Switzerland (after September 1, 2005) and European Union Member States(after September 1, 2005) proceeding to Ukraine for the purpose of tourism and entering Ukraine by way of the international airports in the cities of Simferopol and Odessa or through the commercial seaport of Odessa may be issued an authorization to enter Ukraine for a period of fourteen (14) days by Ukrainian consular posts at said points of entry, provided that such citizens possess either (a) a round trip Ukrainian airline ticket indicating a period of 14 days or less between the date of arrival and departure to and from Ukraine; (b) a tourist voucher issued by a Ukrainian travel agency; (c) a tourist voucher issued by a foreign travel agency, provided that there is information regarding cooperation between the foreign and Ukrainian agencies; (d) a tour package issued by a Ukrainian travel agency, or (e) confirmation from a Ukrainian hotel involved in tourist activities, listing the applicant’s name, reservation confirmation number and confirmation of payment for accommodations. The processing fee for each such authorization is 29 U.S. Dollars.
student visa for students, graduate candidates and interns proceeding to Ukraine for the purpose of studying– an original (copies are not accepted) prescribed invitation issued by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and the presence of the applicant on the pertinent list of the Consular Section of the Embassy;
visa for representatives of rescue services to enter Ukraine in order to address the aftermath of a civil or natural disaster - an official written request issued by the Ministry of Civil Emergency Management of Ukraine. An original, copy or legible facsimile of the above -referenced request is acceptable.
visa for representatives of the militaryto enter Ukraine on official business at the invitation of relevant ministries or other Ukrainian governmental entities – the Ukrainian invitation or a request from a foreign governmental entity, supported when necessary by the pertinent instruction to the Consular Section from Ukraine. An original, copyor legible facsimile of the above-referenced invitation or request is acceptable.
visa for representatives of the mass media to enter Ukraine for the purpose of conducting their professional duties - instructions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the Consular Section.
visa for persons proceeding to Ukraine for the purpose of scientific exchanges, participation in scientific seminars and conferences orto conduct scientific research - a relevant invitation from a Ukrainian governmental entity or a request from a foreign governmental entity or an invitation from any other legal entity duly registered in Ukraine or from a private person issued in the format established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced invitation or request is in most cases acceptable.
visa for members of artistic groups, sports teams and organizations proceeding to Ukraine for cultural exchanges or tours or to participate in sporting events - a relevant invitation from a Ukrainian governmental entity or a request from a foreign governmental entity or an invitation from any other legal entity duly registered in Ukraine or from a private person issued in the format established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced invitation or request is in most cases acceptable.
The issuance of a visa to persons entering Ukraine for purposes of providing humanitarian aid or conducting charitable activities requires a letter of confirmation of the purpose from the Commission on Humanitarian Aid of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. A legible facsimile copy of the letter is in most cases acceptable.
The issuance of a visa to persons entering Ukraine on religious matters or for work with religious organizations in Ukraine requires a letter of invitation from a Ukrainian religious organization. Such a letter of invitation must contain a written authorization from the State Committee of Ukraine on Religious Matters. The letter of invitation may be accompanied or substituted by the authorization letter from the State Committee itself. All such letters are accepted only in originals.
visafor crewmembers and service personnel of civil international airlines and train lines and persons who bus passengers or truck cargo into Ukraine – a license for conducting international transportation, issuedbytherelevantcompetentstate authority.The original and a copy of the license should be provided, the original of which will be returned to the applicant.
transit visa for persons transiting immediately and continuously through Ukraine to a third country - a visa to that country or if that country does not neighbour Ukraine, also a visa to the neighboring country to be entered from Ukraine on the applicant’s way to the country of final destination. When a visa is not required for the neighboring country, a visa to the country of final destination will be required in the applicant’s passport. When an applicant does not require a visa neither to the country neighboring Ukraine, nor to the country of his/her final destination, the applicant must provide: (a) a legible copy of any document that confirms entry to a neighboring country or to the country of final destination, or (b) a legible copy of a confirmed one way or round trip train, passenger ship or airplane ticket from Ukraine to a neighboring country or to the country of final destination.
multiple entry transit visa for persons who bus passengers or truck cargo through Ukraineto a third country - documents, which confirm the transit character of the above-referenced form of transportation. An original, сopy or legible facsimile of the above - referenced confirmation is in most cases acceptable.
Please note that the above-referenced supporting documentation is not required from citizens of Canada, U.S.A, Japan, Switzerland, Turkey and European Union Member States applying for a service, business or private visa or visa for entering Ukraine to conduct scientific, cultural or sports activities. Notwithstanding, all applicants should include the name and address of the inviting person or entity in Item No. 20 of the visa application form.
Period of validity of a visa is the period during which its holder may make single, double or multiple entries into Ukraine, depending upon the number of entries indicated on the visa. The period of validity is clearly indicated in the upper left hand corner of the visa by the “Valid from” and “Valid until” dates. The date of first entry, prior to which the visa holder cannot enter Ukraine, is the same date as that indicated in Item No. 17 of his or her application form. The visa holder may not remain in Ukraine after the expiration (“Valid until”) date.