Standard Twinning Light Project fiche

1.  Basic Information

1.1  Programme: IPA 2009

1.2  Twinning Number: KS 09 IB JH 02 TL

1.3  Title: Support to Kosovo Police in its reform process

1.4  Sector: Home Affairs

1.5  Beneficiary: Kosovo[1]

2.  Objectives

2.1  Overall Objective:

The overall objective of this project is to assist the Kosovo police in its reform process in order to ensure the implementation of the EU standards and best practices in a form of efficient and effective service.

The specific objective of this project is to support the Kosovo Police in implementation of the Kosovo Police Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2015 with the aim of enhancing the efficiency of the service.

2.2  Project Purpose:

The project purpose of this project is to provide guidance, advice and capacity building programs to Kosovo Police that are in line with EU standards ad target both senior management level but also the field operational level of the police.

2.3. Contribution to National Development Plan/Cooperation Agreement/Association Agreement/Action Plan

The project will directly contribute towards the implementation of the Kosovo Police Strategic Development Plan 2011 – 2015.

3.  Description

3.1 Background and Justification

Kosovo Police is still a young organization and faces many significant challenges resulting from Kosovo Government’s desire for accession to the EU. Particular emphasis to improve the areas of Security, Intelligence Led Policing, Integrated Border Management, Community Policing, Visa Liberalisation, Performance Management and the provision of a strong IT capability for the future is required to achieve compliance with European Standards. Tailored advice for the implementation of relevant recommendations resulting from the various EU recommendations should be rendered where necessary.

Kosovo Police are currently in a state of transition having embarked on a change and reform journey. To date, significant international donor investment has been provided under the broad umbrella of capacity building. It is vital that continued support is afforded to facilitate the organization’s transition to a stabilized EU compliant environment.

Considerable momentum has been generated through the EU funded projects on updating the Kosovo Police Information System (KPIS) and ICITAP Human Resources projects but these needs to be continuously stimulated and co-ordinated to achieve a seamless transition to the new state. Furthermore, these focused projects will impact on other functional areas of the organization and the circularity of ‘cause and effect’ must be carefully managed. It is in this regard that the establishment of a centralized Programme Co-ordination Unit is strongly recommended.

An in-depth Needs/Gap Analysis focusing on the key areas of Logistics Support, Performance Management and Resource Allocation is currently being conducted. The priority area within Logistics Support is Fleet Management. Transition from a paper-based to an IT-based Performance Management System and the training of supervisors are amongst the critical area identified for development. The Resource Allocation aspect of this analysis is based on the structure approved in May 2011 and will now be further influenced by the enactment of the new Law on Police (March 2012). The key changes will relate to senior management appointments. Consequently, significant changes to the organizational structure at the headquarters level is envisaged.

Resource allocation is a crucial element and impacts on all major strategic management areas of the organization. These are:

·  Human Resource allocation across the whole range of HR issues necessary for the efficient and effective delivery of policing requirements throughout Kosovo in accordance with existing legal requirements;

·  Information Communication Technology (ICT) Management;

·  Asset Management;

·  Logistics Management;

·  Procurement Management;

·  Financial/Budgetary Management and the establishment of effective Audit Processes;

·  Legal issues; and

·  Training issues.

Furthermore, the current paper based Performance Management System needs to be developed into a sustainable Performance Management Framework including Key Performance Indicators for the entire organization.

Underpinning all the above will be the introduction and implementation of a radical Change Management regime through a robust civilianization programme. This will consist of recruiting experienced professionals as part of a capacity building exercise to develop internal expertise across all areas of activity described above. This process would eventually bring the current civilian police ratio of 1:7 to the recommended European Standard of 1:3/4.

Following a presentation to Kosovo Police Senior Management Team on 6 December 2011 the General Director agreed in principle to this proposal and it remains under active consideration. Recruitment of professionally qualified civilian staff has been initiated to fill gaps in the key areas of finance and procurement.

An integrated IT database in the key areas of HR, Finance and Logistics will be rolled out to the Kosovo Police organisation during the last quarter of 2012. This will provide functionality for the tracking of assets and the creation of audit trails. This is effectively one key element in the development of a sustainable management instrument. Further tasks that need to be completed include:

·  Recruit, select and train suitable skilled staff;

·  Review policy, processes and procedures to ensure that they are fit for purpose in accordance with EU Procurement Standards;

·  Conduct a value for money review in respect of Fleet Management;

·  Develop an internal audit and monitoring process to ensure that policy guidelines are adhered to; and

·  To facilitate decentralization proposals by ensuring the availability of necessary support structures and business processes.

There is an overwhelming need for a co-ordinated approach to the management of change and reform within the Kosovo Police. This is critical for optimum benefit realization. The management of change is a complex process particularly where multiple diverse projects are involved. The lack of Change Management expertise within Kosovo Police needs to be addressed to ensure best value principles are achieved in regard to prior and on-going donor investment. A sustained programme of coaching, mentoring and skills transfer is therefore required to support this objective.

A merit-based Human Resource system would go a long way to ensuring openness and transparency in both recruitment and selection processes and promotion appointments. The essential elements would include:

·  Proper composition of selection and promotion boards including neutral representation;

·  The development of appropriate criteria and grading system;

·  The maintenance of related written performance records; and

·  An appropriate Appeals System.

The Twinning Light project offers an immediate and timely solution to the current centralized management and co-ordination vacuum that has been identified.

3.2 Linked Activities

The following assistance programmes are linked to the proposed activities described above and there is potential to consolidate the current TAIEX Assistance Programme activities into a Twinning Light project.

Twinning project on Strengthening the Rule of Law-Border and Boundary Police (IPA 2007)

TAIEX Medium Term Technical Assistance Programme on the provision of Strategic Policing Advice to the General Director Kosovo Police.

TAIEX Medium Term Technical Assistance Programme on the provision of HR Advice to the General Director Kosovo Police.

TAIEX Medium Term Technical Assistance Programme on the provision of IT Assistance to the ICT Directorate Kosovo Police.

EU Twinning Project on Improved Education in the Public Safety and Security Sector (IPA 2009)

Support to the implementation of Intelligence Led Policing (IPA 2010)

ICITAP IT Project on the provision of an integrated IT HR/Logistics Management system.

EULEX engagement is focused on and complements their work on the Action Fiches relating to Administration and Human Resources.

3.3  Results

Component 1:

The provision of Strategic Policing Advice to Kosovo Police Senior Management Team

1.1  Increased levels of performance in areas linked to the European integration process;

1.2  Increased strategic planning and ‘know how’ capability within Kosovo Police Senior Management Team;

1.3  Development of strategies to effectively implement the requirements deriving from the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue;

1.4  Strengthen strategic policing objectives relating to the areas of Security, Intelligence Led Policing, Integrated Border Management, Community Policing and Performance Management to achieve compliance with European Standards required for accession to the EU;

1.5  Development of guidance for the implementation of EPAP and/or SAPD conclusions;

1.6  Implementation of the Information Communications Technology Systems Strategic Plan in support of the above;

1.7  To identify areas for additional support to achieve a police service based on European Standards; and

1.8  To provide consistent support to deliver all the above.

Component 2:

The Development of Sustainable Management Instruments for Support Services

2.1 Development of a Human Resources Strategy and Strategic Plan;

2.2 Review the results of an on-going in-depth Needs/GAP Analysis based on the new structure with particular focus on the current Support Services organizational structure and professional capabilities of staff and make recommendations for a change management programme enabling adjustment to accepted EU civilian:police support staff ratios;

2.3 Develop, plan and implement the initial phase(s) of a Change Management programme in regard to structural change and management processes for the provision of core Support Services;

2.4 Develop a recruitment programme to identify appropriately qualified managers with relevant skills and professional support services background;

2.5 Develop a Strategic Plan and conduct an efficiency audit in all areas of Support Services to identify procedural and structural weaknesses, identify redundant assets and methods of disposal and make recommendations to realize value for money initiatives;

2.6 Develop a centralized Programme Co-ordination Unit to stimulate and co- ordinate reform, skills transfer and change management within the organization; and

2.7 To provide consistent support to deliver all the above.

Component 3:

Design and Implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign

3.1 Design and implement an Awareness Raising Campaign within Kosovo Police to explain the reasons for and benefits of the Change Management Programme.

3.2 Awareness raising campaign for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, other Ministries, state institutions and media representatives conducted.

3.3 Kosovo Police – Headquarters and Police Stations Open Day for general public.

3.4 Activities

Component 1:

The provision of Strategic Policing Advice to Kosovo Police Senior Management Team

1.1 Conduct a GAP Analysis between current and expected performance in areas linked to the European integration process and draft recommendations to achieve required standards.

1.2 Provide consistent independent advice and guidance on strategic policing issues to the Kosovo Police Senior Management Team relating to compliance with EU Standards in all areas identified as requiring strengthening in the 2011 Kosovo Progress Report

1.3 Support the Kosovo Police in establishing a centralized Programme Co-ordination Unit for the implementation and management of strategic change and reform projects

1.4 Research and conduct a workshop for the Senior Management Team on strategic planning to explore knowledge increase initiatives and transfer.

1.5 Research and conduct strategic planning forums to deliver Visa Liberalisation Dialogue requirements.

1.6 Research and conduct workshops to identify enhanced methodology to deliver key objectives in compliance with EU accession requirements.

1.7 Research and conduct workshops to develop implementation processes to deliver EPAP and/or SAPD conclusions.

1.8 Research and conduct workshops with ICT and business area beneficiaries for the development of an implementation plan for the ICTSSP.

1.9 Research and conduct a workshop for cross pillar staff to identify areas requiring additional support to achieve a sustainable police service in accordance with European Standards.

1.10 Provide advice and guidance to assist in the delivery and implementation of the outcomes of all the above activities when requested.

Component 2:

The Development of Sustainable Management Instruments for Support Services

2.1 Research and conduct workshops with HR staff to develop a Human Resources Strategy and Strategic Plan.

2.2 Assist in the implementation of the HR Strategy and Strategic Plan.

2.3 Research and conduct workshops with Senior Management and HR staff to develop a civilianization programme to achieve European police:civilian ratios.

2.4 Assist in the implementation of the initial stages of the civilianization programme.

2.5 Research and conduct workshops with Senior Management and HR staff to develop an implementation plan for Change Management.

2.6 Assist in the implementation of the initial stages of the Change Management Plan.

2.7 Research and conduct workshops with Senior Management and HR staff to identify the skill sets and experience criteria for professional management of all Support Service functions.

2.8 Assist in the recruitment process.

2.9 Research and conduct workshops with Senior Management and HR staff to determine a Strategic Plan for the realization of value for money initiatives and efficiency improvements and preparation of a Support Services efficiency audit.

2.10 Conduct an in-depth audit of all Support Service functions and processes and delivery of a report including recommendations.

2.11 Research and conduct a workshop(s) with Senior Management to establish the criteria for a centralized Programme Co-ordination Unit.

2.12 Assist in the implementation of the above and ensure a seamless transfer of skills and knowledge.

2.13 Overall management of the HR – Support Services input and day to day involvement to assist in delivery of all the above.

Component 3:

Design and Implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign

3.1 Analyse internal communication and awareness raising methodology and provide recommendations for improvement.

3.2 Conduct an internal awareness raising campaign on the importance of communication and specifically regarding organizational and procedural change.

3.3 Analyse communication and awareness raising methodology between Kosovo Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, other Ministries, state institutions and the media and provide recommendations for improvement.

3.4 Conduct an awareness raising campaign with the above stakeholders regarding organizational practice and change.

3.5 Organise a Police Headquarters and Police Stations Open Day for the general public.

The following Table provides an indicative work schedule regarding the aforementioned activities:

Date / Activity / Output / Input
Component 1:
The provision of Strategic Policing Advice to Kosovo Police Senior Management Team
Month 1 / Activity 1.1 / GAP Analysis report with
Recommendations prepared. / 1 MS Expert
10 Days
Month 1 / Activity 1.2 / Workshop – SMT. / 1 MS Expert
5 Days
Months 1; 2 & 3 / Activity 1.3 / 3 Strategic Planning Forums – SMT. / 1 MS Expert
15 Days
Months 1; 2 & 3 / Activity 1.4 / 3 Workshops – SMT and other management staff. / 1 MS Expert