

Read the text and then do activities A and B.

Merlin the Magician
No other wizard is as popular as Merlin the Magician, King Arthur's mythical adviser and prophet. The origins of this legend can be traced back into the 12th century when Geoffrey of Monmouth wrote a book called "History of the Kings of Britain". This work combined Welsh traditions and legends about a prophet and bard called Myrddin. In fact, Monmouth first wrote "Prophecies of Merlin" and then he included it in the other book.
There are many magical legends surrounding Merlin the magician and nobody really knows where the fiction ends and the legend starts.Many authors have made Merlin one of the most popular medieval characters and usually describe him as an old, wise man, who could talk to the animals and foresee future events. A variety of legends and books depict him as the creator of, among other things, the Stonehenge circle and the Round Table, that's to say, the true creator of England.
It is also believed that "Merlin" or Myrddin, could be a word used to describe druids in general in the ancient world, which would explain why there are so many versions of this character in different moments of history and art.
Fact or fiction, Merlin the Magician is a fascinating figure who represents both Christian and pagan traditions in perfect harmony.

A)Now answer these questions about the text in your own words and using complete answers. (Score 10)

1. What is the connection between Merlin and King Arthur?


2. How old is the legend of Merlin?


3. What did Merlin look like?


4. According to the legend, which extraordinary abilities did Merlin have?


5. Which theory explains the fact that there are so many characters called "Merlin" in literature?


B)Find words in the text that mean the same as the following expressions or definitions: (Score 5)

1. / a male witch
2. / find the origin of something
3. / a medieval singer
4. / a very old story which is not always true
5. / a fictional person in a book, story, etc


C) Write the names under the pictures. (Score 5)

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. / 5.

D) Underline the odd word out. (Score 5)

1. / alchemist / broom / astrologer / wizard
2. / frightened / happy / tired / thin
3. / steward / servant / apprentice / wand
4. / mortar / tower / stairs / cellar
5. / strange / unusual / rare / involved


E) Complete the sentences with correct form of the verb in brackets or with one word of your choice. (Score 10)

1. If I met a legendary character, I ______(choose) Merlin.

2. If the weathergetsbetter, we ______(go)skiing.

3. If I ______(be) you, I ______(take)a holiday.

4. - ______he ______(go)to the opera if he hasenough money to buy the ticket?

-No, he ______.He doesn't like classical music.

5. She will feel much better if she ______(stop) smoking.

6. He would be thinner if he ______(not eat) so much

7. ______he tells me the truth, I’ won’t forgive him.

8. She ______(get) angry if we forgot her birthday.

F) Underline the appropriate word for each sentence. (Score 5)

1) If the invite me to their party, I______be happy to go.

a) would b) wouldn't c) will d) can

2) Penny ______a great artist if she ______more patience.

a) will be/ had b) would be/ had c) was/has d)would be/has

3) ______Melissa works harder next term, she ______pass her exams.

a) unless/will b) if/ wouldn't c) if/won't d) unless/ won't

4) If she______money, she ______her life travelling around the world.

a) had/ would spend b) have/ won't spend

c) has/won't spend d) had/won't spend

5) If I ______you, I ______speak like that; it's offensive.

a) was/will b) was/ would c) were/wouldn't d) am/ won't


G) Double-click on the sound icon and underline the word you hear. (Score 5)

1 / least / last / list
2 / sleep / asleep / slip
3 / joke / York / yolk
4 / you'll / you'd / youth
5 / whole / wool / who'll

H) Fill in the gaps -Double-click on the audio icons and fill in the gaps in the text in the box.

(Score 5)

1 2
Despite all the luxury we see in [______] and books, life in a medieval[______] was not easy; even the rich suffered from cold when they were away from the fireplace. The lord, his [______] and guests had blankets, fur covers and tapestries hanging on the [______] to keep the cold outside, but the castle remained cold even in the warmest months of the year.
A castle was also a [______] place to stay; the first castles were built to keep out invaders, and they were used as shelter by [______] if an enemy army attacked the [______]. They were also used as garrisons during war, so castles probably were [______] and smelly places, with animals and unwashed people walking around all day. In times of war, [______] and nobles had to go to battle, and this way they [______] both the castle and the people inside it.
Total score: / xx / 50