Connel Community Council

Secretary: Les Stewart

Dunavon, Connel, Oban, Argyll PA37 1PJ

01631 710425

21 November 2009

Jim Mather MSP

The Scottish Parliament

Edinburgh EH99 1SP

Dear Mr Mather

A828 Overheight Warning Signs Connel Bridge

I have succeeded Mr Harry Powell as Secretary of Connel Community Council and, following the Inaugural Meeting of the New Council on 17 November, I am writing to thank you for your letter of 2 November.

Your letter and the copy from Transport Scotland, which you enclosed, were read to the meeting and I have been asked to express the Community Council’s real disappointment with the reply from Transport Scotland. We can find no evidence that village residents were consulted as part of the Transport Scotland Review and we have also written to the Police to ask them precisely what opinion they gave when asked about the signs.

At least Transport Scotland recognises that there is an adverse visual impact and are attempting to do something about it. Given that they may be able to remove the wind turbines and the photoelectric panels, we would like to ask that they also consider replacing the very substantial poles carrying those pieces of equipment and, if the location of the signs/equipment remains unchanged, replace them with something slimmer and less unsightly.

I have spoken to the Secretary of Ardchattan Community Council, who is equally concerned about the signage on the north side of the bridge. There are still numerous reports that the signs are malfunctioning and, regardless of our objections, we all feel that, at the very least, the equipment should work properly.

As with most issues of this type, the key to resolution is consultation. If only, Transport Scotland would give some of us a call, send an e-mail, or write a letter, I am sure a lot amicable resolution would follow.

Could you please convey our disappointment to Transport Scotland and ask for their comments on the above points and on the ‘resident’ consultations they say they have carried out.

Thanks again for your help and interest.

Yours sincerely

Les Stewart


cc Cllr Duncan MacIntyre; Cllr Elaine Robertson; Cllr Donald MacDonald; Cllr Neil MacKay - all by e-mail.

Chairman: Sandy Dunlop 01631 564203

Treasurer: Lorne Nelson 01631 710223 Council/