Minutes on the UECBV importers Working group(WG) 14-12-06

EU Cie participants
Mr F. Bollen (Beef)

Mr G. de Vulpillieres ( horizontal)

Mr. . Lourdais (Poultry)

Ms Kahlos (WTO aspects)

Goals for the import WG

·  Increase of quota, given a lack in EU production like for lamb quota

·  Make a set of data available to the importers , eg. On inspections

·  Encourage a better education of the EU politicians and citizens as regards imports and their production method

Request of Jl Meriaux to circulate the negative press campaign.

DMIA explained its 3 tiers approach : 1) General info explaining about the production and quality of the product ; 2) Negative campaign, in case of no big lies, let it fade away ; 3) Negative campaign, in case of big lies, do correct them.

Forthcoming Customs Measures on Security by Arne Mielken (EUCBV) regulation (EC) 648/2005

The whole mission is based on security (US influence)

The measures are based on :

-  Obligation to provide information prior to import or export

-  Trade facilitation through Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status

-  Uniform EU risk assessment and selection criteria

After much debate the pre arrival/departure information has been varied according to mode of transport. Where AEO status is achieved, the list of information would be reduced to a consignment ID number ans AEO ID. With regard to risk the aim is to have one way of defining risk and priority areas and actions would be identified electronically across the 27 member states.

There would be three types of AEO status :

-  Customs status

-  Security status

-  Customs and security status

The proposed date of implementation of AEO status 1-1-2008. It was suggested that traders should contact therr freight forwarders about this issue, but also consider acquiring AEO status as a company. The UECBV believed that the approval procedures would be onerous.

Proposed date of implementation of the Pre-entry / departure declaration 1-7-2009

With regard to imports, the importer would hold the responsibility, the supplier in the export country would not be AEO approved.

With regard to controls operated by EU Commission directorates rather than DG Taxud, such as those for special export refunds and veterinary checks, it is clear that this programme will not reduce existing checks.

With regard to the Single Window project whereby customs would be the one stop for all trade procedures, it seems that this will not happen through the EU before 2015 and it would only happen if there was political support. Extreme doubt was expressed that the German federal states would ever agree.

Possible problem on HQB

Difference noticed (horizontal text indicating whole figures ; other text indicate one or two digits behind the komma). This problem was not perceived as such by the rest.

Problems with shipments from New Zealand to EC with Maersk.

The UK delegation put forward the question whether problems where perceived by shipping with Maersk after they have merged recently. According to participants of meeting there are enough alternatives to ship with other lines

Quotas (horizontal alignment)

Harmonization of the quota (regulation (EC) 1301/2006)

Explanation given by the EU Cie by mr de Vulpillieres

·  Harmonization is fashion

-  It cannot be denied that each sector did have a specific approach

-  Court of Auditors requested harmonization (validity of the certificate was difficult to check)

-  Better harmonize and less exception

-  The implication for meat quotas can be far reaching.

Poultry (oil seeds)

EU Cie explained the differences in the new poultry quota :

50 tonnes minimum reference weight instead of 100 tons a year

import / export instead of only imports

certificates will be transferable to other who have the right to use them. Transfer is not possible from one to the next year. However transfer of not allocated and non-used quantities can be transferred from the first until the fourth quarter. As regards the non-used certificates this is only possible when known.

Question Germany : Why differ from soy import rights. Germany did oppose. The proposed approach will lead to atomisation.

Answer EU Cie :

1)  Horizontal rules (1301/2006) to be applied

2)  To ensure non discrimination

3)  Harmonisation

4)  Price should not disturb the EU producer (note : DMIA interpretation : A lot of competitors for the same share will encourage the trade in licences and that will increase the price of the goods because you have to pay for the use of the licence.)

With regard to the small allocation coefficient, which was no likely to become even smaller, the EU Commission response was that if companies stopped setting up daughter companies this problem would be resolved.

New poultry for salted and cooked from Brasil and Thailand

*With regard to the new quotas for salted chicken etc the EU Commission indicated that it was to early to make any comments. The 133 Committee would formerly agree these quotas in a few weeks and then the EU Commission would draw up implementing rules. It was is unclear as to whether the same eligibility rules as the other quotas would be applied or not.

*Time schedule april 2007 to july 2006

*according to mr. Lourdais, the origin of the goods must be proved by “certificate of origin”

Beef by Frank Bollen

EU Cie explained that 7 regulations need to be updated. The most easy ones have already been taken up. The most difficult ones (53.000 T and A and B) are still pending.

As regards the most difficult ones :

-  under influence of the horizontal text, harmonization has to follow, except if there are reasons not to do so.

-  Likely the system has to be changed here and there (In order to give a balanced entrance to importers of Rumenia and Bulgaria)

-  The EU Cie will wait two months after enlargement with these difficult texts.

-  The question whether to include export as criteria has not yet been decided.

-  18 April these two texts will be voted

5 other quotas (like thin skirts, Hilton etc ) will be voted month earlier

Additional volume will not yet be available in July 2007.

Enlargement with Bulgaria and Rumenia

Problems are to be expected was indicated by the importers. Big quantities of high quality products (different from the normal ones imported in those countries)

Products on these markets which fulfil the EU requirements (EEC approved slaughterhouse can be put on the EU market. Products not fulfilling this requirement do have to stay at the national market.)

Proposal by UK to allow for the GATT frozen beef application only beef from EU approved plants stored in EU approved coldstores

WTO by mrs Kahlos

EU Cie is working on additional quota (art. 24.6 GATT)

-  Period covered : 2002 – 2004 (2005 figures not complete and would also include speculative trade)

-  Quantities under TRQ are not included.

-  3rd countries have until 21st of January 2007 to claim rights.

-  8 digit tariff lines


Mr. G. Idigoras gave an explanation about the current and future rules for export and increase in production. He explained that 2007 will be the Election year and that the NFA (National Farmers Association) is a big opponent of the government. This can have some influence on the agreement on the export quantities

On basis of a question it was confirmed that also in Argentina slaughter plants are taken over (export ones) by Brazilian owners, like also is the case in Uruguay and Paraguay.