Thursday 9 May 2013 at 7.30 p.m at 1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel

1. Attendance / Cllr JA Clowes in Chair
Cllr PA Cotton
Cllr L Gilbert
Cllr RC Parry
Cllr M Ranger
Cllr MJ Street / Mr DR Cowgill – Clerk of the Council
Mrs NL Clarke - Assistant to the Clerk
2 members of the public
2. Public Forum / Before the formal opening of the meeting, Mrs Hall addressed the meeting about her proposed plans to move Happy Days from HCCS site to HCPS site. She provided statistics on numbers of parents parking throughout the day and confirmed that no more than 50 children will be on the role.
Members of the Committee asked Mrs Hall questions.
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (ts12/13/60) to receive apologies from Cllr Guthrie
3. Declarations of Interest / Cllr Parry declared a non pecuniary interest in item 5. Planning Application 13/1064C as a governor of both HCCS and HCPS school.
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (ts12/13/61) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held 28 March 2013.
5. Matters arising / 1. Planning Application 13/1064C – Happy Days - The Committee discussed further information received aimed to reassure the Council about parking problems.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/62) that the Clerk contact CEC Planning to make the following further comments:
·  information has now been provided to show that the increase of traffic arising from the proposals will be minimal;
·  also information has been provided about efforts being made to mitigate concerns the Council had relating to parking issues.
2. Store of stone for Village Centre – the Clerk to chase CEC.
6. Planning Applications / None
7. Traffic and other issues review / The Committee reviewed the following issues considered at the last meeting:
·  Repainting of white lines, mini roundabouts and zebra crossing – As previously reported these items are on the list for attention but no date has been set by CEC.
Cllr Gilbert reported information from CEC Highways saying that the lay-by outside HCPS will be repainted with a single yellow line rather than the double yellow line which is currently there.
·  Village centre – The Clerk is still waiting to hear from Tim Allen of CEC re list of contacts and CEC Highways about stone. The Clerk has not pressed because of other urgent work being done for the Council.
·  Storage / bus shelter – Cllr Street confirmed that no maintenance work is required at present.
·  Traffic signals – Information has been circulated by email. Further representations have been made about traffic turning right from London Road to Chester Road. It is likely that S.106 money from the Fisons site will be used to improve this junction
·  Village notice board – The repair has been carried out and the notice board is back in use.
·  CCTV – A meeting was held on 9 April 2013 and further information is now awaited. Cllr Parry will take the place of John Latham in the sub-group.
·  Pedestrian crossing, London Road – This was discussed at a recent highway meeting and the suggestion made for improved beacons with halos above. The Clerk is waiting for a price for improved lights to consider whether the Council will be asked to contribute financially.
·  Middlewich Road – since the recent resurfacing other requests have been received – e.g. Chester Road and Hermitage Drive.
·  Brookfield Drive condition – CEC Highways have indicated that resurfacing will only be carried out when funds are available.
·  Hedges Middlewich Road – CEC has confirmed there is no budget at the moment. A review will be made in the Autumn 2013 by the Council.
·  Car parking survey – A draft skeleton report has been received, showing areas where further information is required. The Clerk to ask Paul Burns of CEC for a further meeting before the report is published.
·  Toilets – No further information has been received. The Clerk to contact Caroline Griffiths, CEC Streetscape to ask for a better sign at the library.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/63) that the various reports be noted and proposed action approved
8. Highway management / The Committee received an update report on:
·  SID’s – Letters have gone to neighbours affected by the installation. Where concerns have been made, CEC will look at the possibility of moving the SID. Training is still awaited. Cllr M Ranger and one member of the Traffic Group will attend.
·  Re-routing – The report has not yet been published.
·  Library display – This is due to take place from 17 May 2013 for about one month.
·  Public meeting – No information has been received as to a date or venue, but it is expected in mid-June 2013.
Cllr Gilbert and the Clerk to press for further action.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/64) that the report be received and proposed action approved
9. M6 motorway / The Committee noted the recent action proposed for improvements to Junction 17 and widening
10. Footpaths / Cllr M Ranger reported that the U3A is currently compiling historical detail on aspects of the route. Cllr Ranger will ask the U3A for a proposed completion date.
11. Speed limit on A50 Cranage / The Committee discussed the action proposed by CEC Highways for reducing the speed limit to 50 mph for the length of road just north of Goostrey Lane / Middlewich Road to the existing 40 mph speed limit at Toft.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/65) that:
·  Comments be made to CEC Highways that reducing the speed could encourage more overtaking and therefore more accidents; also consistency is required
·  Ask CEC Highways to remove the red route signs from the A50 as they are now out of date.
12. Hermitage Drive / Elm Drive Area / The Committee considered complaints about school parking and speed on these roads.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/66) that the Clerk to contact the Head of the Hermitage School to discuss parking issues.
13. Street names – Fisons site / The Committee considered names which have been put forward by CEC.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/67) to suggest an alternative to CEC with a English river theme:
Avon, Dee, Trent, Severn, Weaver, Ribble, Medway, Humber, Wye, Isis, Eden, Wharfe.
14. Annual Parish Meeting / The Committee considered issues arising from the APM relevant to this committee in particular:
·  Routing of Traffic from Congleton to M6 – The Clerk to contact CEC to ask for signs to be altered to direct traffic from Congleton to Junction 17.
·  Hermitage Bridge – Despite an initial agreement from CEC to repair the bridge, the bridge and the public footpath are now closed off. The Clerk to remind CEC that the bridge is listed and the route follows a public footpath / Right of Way so they may have a duty to repair the bridge or to force the owner to take action.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/68) to approve the actions agreed
15. Christmas lights / The Chairman reported that the sub-group has met with Paul Green, electrician to discuss connections and additional sites. Cllr Street has approached Bernard Court to ask if they will agree to increase displays at that end of the village. The group is due to meet again on 30 May 2013.
16. Meeting with Picton Square bungalow residents / Following a meeting with Picton Square bungalow residents the following issues were raised:
·  Trees – following the success of the jubilee tree, residents have asked for second tree. Cllr Clowes to investigate.
·  Barrier – this has been reported to CEC Highways
·  Security / Fencing – residents have asked for a low fence around the edge of the site on the Macclesfield Road side.
RESOLVED (ts12/13/69) the Clerk to contact Plus Dane with the Parish Council’s agreement that a low fence would deter trespassers.
17. Village Volunteers report / Cllr Clowes reported that the group is meeting on Sunday 12 May 2013 to weed and litter pick.
18. Chairman’s and Clerk’s report / The Chairman reported on:
1.  Hanging baskets - He has met with Ian Petherick who will maintain the village hanging baskets currently being filled by Paul Jackson.
2.  Planters - A Trader has contacted the Chairman to ask if they can erect planters on the railings outside the Village Lantern and shops up to Bessancourt. The Committee has no objections but suggests that permission is sought from the owners, the Co-op.
The Clerk reported on:
1.  Village Fair - HCP encouraged people to list suggestions for the village at the Village Fair. Ideas included more seats for the village centre. The Clerk to contact the Rotary Club who have indicated they are willing to donate a seat.
2.  Planter outside Barclays -This has been shunted again. The Clerk to contact CEC.
Meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 23 May 2013. Until approved they are draft minutes

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:
