Pastor Charles Holmes


RUTH 4:13-17

13 ¶ So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: and when he went in unto her, the LORD gave her conception, and she bare a son.

14 And the women said unto Naomi, Blessed be the LORD, which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman, that his name may be famous in Israel.

15 And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him.

16 And Naomi took the child, and laid it in her bosom, and became nurse unto it.

17 And the women her neighbours gave it a name, saying, There is a son born to Naomi; and they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David.


69 And we're acquainted with the story as it goes on, that this great Boaz, which was the lord of the harvest, was in harvest at the time, and was a kinsman to Naomi. And when she found Ruth out there in a little mission, gleaning, every little straw that she could pick up, that had some wheat on it, she held to it, for it was life. And Boaz, being the lord of the harvest, he commanded that his reapers would drop a handful now and then for her; and she would pick it up, and with joy. And then she shucked out a great apron-full of it that day. And when Boaz, the lord of the harvest, came out and looked upon Ruth, and seen her faithfulness, he fell in love with her.

Watch Boaz represent Christ. Where was he at? Bethlehem. Where was Ruth come to? Bethlehem. Where was she gleaning at? In Bethlehem. See all those spiritual significance to this here, the background to this great scene that's taking place, God knowing it in the beginning?

71 And she begin to question to her mother-in-law, what she must do. And finally Ruth was married to Boaz, a Gentile married to a prince again in Judah, and settled down, and lived in Bethlehem.

Oh, thou little Bethlehem, aren't you the least among all the principal cities of--of Palestine; but it's pleased God Whose knowing and going forth was from old, from the beginning, to have His Son born there.

He knows all things, and He works it just to be right. And there Ruth married Boaz. And when Ruth and Boaz was married... If we had time to go into the great story there, which was one of the greatest love scenes of all ages, when Ruth and Boaz were married... And remember...

Let's just stop for a minute here; just too good to pass over.

73 Ruth was a Gentile. She had no inheritance with the Jew, just like we Gentiles had no inheritance. So Naomi was actually the one to inherit. So she'd lost all of her first estate, all of her goods had been sold at public auction; therefore, she was--been excommunicated and had gone away.

Now, when she come back, there was only one person who could ever redeem her lost inheritage; that was a kinsman right next to her. And Boaz knew this, so he had to work some way to get this Gentile girl for a wife. And what did he had to do? He had to buy all of the estate of Naomi in order to get in this estate, which Ruth was part of the estate of Naomi. And the only man that could buy it, would have to be a person that was kinfolks, near kinsman. That was the law of redemption.

75 And the only way that Christ could ever buy the estate of the backslidden Israel was to become a Kinsman. Only way God could redeem the human race, God Himself had to be made flesh. And Jesus was God made kinfolks to the human race. He was Emmanuel. He become kinfolks. He took upon Him not the form of Angels, but the form of a servant who washed the feet and lived. And the foxes had holes, and the birds of the air had nests, but He didn't even have a place to lay His head. He eat, He drank, He--He cried, He laughed, just like other men. And He was God, not a prophet. He was God, because He had to be kinfolks in order to redeem the lost human race. So, Boaz, in this great type at Bethlehem... Look where this Kinsman was born to the human race, had to be.

76 And then when this great Boaz redeemed her, he had to make a public showing that he had redeemed all of her lost estate. So he went to the gate of Bethlehem, that little city again, and he called the elders of the city, and he let them know that that day he had bought everything that had--Naomi had lost. Everything that she lost, he bought it back. And he kicked off his shoe and threw it up before the people as an ensign, "And if there's anyone has any reason to say something, say it now, for this is a memorial that I've redeemed everything that she lost."

77 Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. And when our Kinsman came, Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, He stood on top of the Golgotha, and lifted Him up between the heavens and earth as a memorial that He'd redeemed everything that the human race had lost in the fall. How can men despise Divine healing and the powers of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, when a public ensign was made at Calvary, that, "I've redeemed the whole human race and everything that they ever lost." He redeemed our soul, redeemed our body, redeemed everything that we lost in the fall. Our Kinsman Redeemer came and was made flesh, and dwelled among us, and offered up the ensign, and said, "It's finished," What's finished? Everything is finished. We're just walking right into our inheritance. And as the days go on, we're walking closer and closer.



102 Now, now, we want to give one more little illustration in the 5th verse here, and then we will start over on--get our 6th verse and start off. Now, I want you to notice in the plan of redemption how God foreshowed it, He worked it out perfectly in Ruth and Boaz. I... That's where we ended up last Sunday. Now, I want to begin right there now today on Ruth and Boaz.

Now, there is four stations or four junctions in Ruth and Boaz. The first is Ruth deciding. How many ever heard the--me preach the message? Let's see your hands. I know that all of you, I guess. I've had it here, and had it on tapes and so forth. Ruth, first, she had to decide whether she was going to go into this land or not with Naomi. She had to make a decision. Then after she got there, the next thing she had to do was serve in the field of Boaz; out there, barefooted, gleaning behind the reapers, serving. And then after she had found grace in Boaz's sight, then she had to wait till Boaz done the kinsman redeemership, to take back all Naomi lost in order to bring in Ruth, the Moabite. And then the next stage, is--is Ruth rewarded.

Now, watch. Ruth, deciding, perfectly...

Oh, if anybody'd say that Bible wasn't inspired, there's something wrong with them. Every Word of It's inspired, every Word of It fits right together just like a dovetail on a--on a--on a plank. It just goes perfectly together like the cogs on a mighty wheel turning, just timed to the millionths of a second, just exactly right.

105 Now, notice in this now, Ruth, deciding, she had to make a decision whether she was going to decide to go over there or not. She had to make a decision. Now, that's the way every believer has to do. You've got to leave your old haunts; you've got to leave your old life; you've got to leave the old--old things of the world.

116 And when Ruth was resting, it was a type of the church resting in the promises of God. We have the Earnest now of our salvation. We're not worried whether we're going over there or not; we're going. That's right. God said so. God promised it, and we've got the Earnest (Amen.), done been received; Christ has accepted us. No way to get away from It now, we're there. Amen. All you have to do is just wait till the--He takes... He's down doing the Kinsman Redeemership. We have the Earnest of it right now, waiting for the time that when He comes back.

And then what next thing Ruth was, Ruth was rewarded.

That's what the church did. It entered into justification under Luther. Then it went into sanctification under Wesley, went into the baptism of the Holy Ghost in this last days, and now resting with the Earnest of our inheritance that we know that something happened in us; we've passed from death unto Life, and waiting, groaning with nature for that time when we will receive an immortal Life, an immortal fulness. Our bodies will be redeemed. Everything's redeemed, and we're just waiting from Him to return back from the gate. Amen.

118 Then what? Ruth was rewarded. That's when we'll be rewarded. That's what this seven-sealed Book is going to open up to us. What is these things? They're mysteries. They're not wrote in the Word; they have to be revealed by the Holy Spirit; but if you'll notice, actually, they are revealed all down through the Scriptures, but they been hid from the people. When we get to the roll after while, you'll see how it was fixed; then you'll know just how them things open up.

119 Now, yes, resting. What Ruth under justification... Do you see it, say "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Ruth under sanctification, laboring, legalist, Ruth, resting, waiting for Boaz to return from the finished work...

Now, our Boaz did finish the work at Calvary. But before He come to take us to His home, He goes home first (in John 14) to prepare a place for us. Glory.

Let not your hearts be troubled: if you believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father's house is many mansions: if it wasn't so, I would've told you. But I'll go and prepare a place for you, and return again to receive you.

121 See, Boaz goes down, what did he do? He goes down, and stands took the elders and went before the gate took off his shoe, and said, "Let it be known today that I redeem Naomi and all of her inheritance." He got the Moabite with it.

And when Jesus came, who did He come to redeem? Israel. What did He do in taking Israel? He got the Gentile Bride. Sure, He did, when He took Israel. He went... And He went to His own; He had to. What was the first thing He had to do? Redeem His own. And the Gentile church is just a sister to that woman, the Israelite church. Certainly. So He had to redeem Israel in order to get this. And he had to redeem Naomi in order to get Ruth, his bride.

129 The 6th verse, well, part of the 5th, the elder in the 5th verse was right when he said, "Behold, a Lamb." But when he looked around, he saw a Lion. It was a Lion instead of a Lamb. But then what was it? His mediator work was done, mediatorial. He was quit being the Mediator at the end of the church age to become the Lion of the tribe of Juda; His mediator work was done. And He was to become a Lion, which was the Judge. Now, and He took... when He took the Book out of the hand...

Now, remember, when a man went to redeem (Don't forget it, now.), when a man went to redeem, he took men with him and went to the city gate, being the elders, and there he--he--he announced his purpose of being there. That's what he did. He went to the gate, said, "I'm here for to claim myself as a kinsman redeemer and to this inheritance, and I'm here making myself known before these elders of the city." See?

135 And soon as he advertised, "Who is worthy?" he was advertising the coming of the Kinsman Redeemer. And here He stood, a Lamb. And what did He do? Walked over to the throne where the Spirit of God was at, and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sets upon the throne. And all the elders fell down and said, "Thou art worthy, because Thou wast slain." See? And then He became then... His Book of... Or at least the Book of redemption, or--or the Book of intercession in the church age was finished, now He becomes the Redeemer.

Now, the revealing of how He did it is going to be in these seven seals. Now, we notice in the... Like when the Book of the mediatorial work of Him was done, the work was finished, now in the first three chapters of the church, finished, but now redemption, redemption is to be revealed. What is it? Now, when He took this Book... Now, try to put on your deep thinking, 'cause we ever get these seven nights, you're going to--you're going to get it now.


332-3 {394} While I believe, with all my heart, the seat's still open. I believe He's still on the throne of God, but soon He's going to rise now and come forth to claim what He has redeemed. He's doing the work of Kinsman Redeemer while Ruth is waiting. But soon, you know, after Boaz done the kinsman work, then he come and claimed his possessions, and that's exactly what the Bible said He done. He come forth and took the Book; then intercession is over. He's off the throne. There's no more Blood on the mercy seat, and then what is it? Judgment seat.

Don't let it be said some of these days. "I thought the rapture was supposed to come," and hear the Voice say back, "It's in the past."


408-2 {120} There's no more Blood on the seat of the--of the--of the--in the sanctuary at all. There's no more Blood on the altar. The sacrifice has been removed; and there's nothing but smoke and lightning and judgment in there. And that's just exactly what's poured out here tonight. (See?)

The Lamb's done left the--His mediatorial work. The mediatorial work has been finished from over on the throne, and the Sacrifice, as we've typed Him perfectly, the Kinsman Redeemer, the bloody Lamb that come forth, the Lamb that had been slain (a bloody One, been killed, bruised), come forth and took the Book out of His hand. That's... The day's are finished. Now, He's coming to claim what He has redeemed. Amen. That just sends something through me.