Angelo Rodriguez High School

2016-2017 Biology Syllabus

Hello Parents and Students! Welcome to Biology Honors at RHS. This document outlines the objectives, materials, grading, rules, and procedures for my classroom. If you have questions about anything in this syllabus, please feel free to contact me. Your support will be a critical component of your student’s success during this year at RHS--thank you in advance for your dedication! Also please contact me throughout the year with any other questions or concerns you may have.

Text:Biology; Glencoe Science McGraw Hill; ©2007

Course Description: This high school biology course is focused on developing problem solving and scientific inquiry. We will be covering a variety of material including genetics, ecology, evolution, molecular and cellular biology, and human body systems.

Grading Scale


90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

59% F

Grades will be based on the following categories and corresponding percentages.

Category / % of Grade
Classwork/Homework / 20%
Assessments: Quizzes / 20%
Assessments: Tests / 20%
Semester Final / 10%
Labs / 10%
Activities/Projects / 10%
Participation, Attitude, Behavior, Responsibility, Preparedness / 10%


  • 3 - Separate “Science” folder for handouts (sturdy plastic type)
  • 2-SPIRAL Notebooks
  • Pens (Red and black or blue) – 2 of each
  • 2 highlighters
  • Positive attitude. 
  • Suggested: Dry erase marker, colored pencils, graph paper, 1 package of 3x5 note cards; scientific calculator, scissors, glue stick.
  • Materials for special projects will be announced as needed.

*Notebook checks will take place throughout the year and will count towards the “Labs, Projects, and/or “Classwork/Homework” portion of your grade.

Homework, Class work and Extra Credit

  • Expect to have homework every day for the class. It will be due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise stated.
  • Homework will be posted in the classroom under the agenda as well as on my teacher webpage. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of any daily changes to homework as these changes may not always be updated on the homework website.
  • Because the grade for this course is focused on mastery of the concepts rather than accumulated points, there will be few extra credit opportunities.
  • Late assignments (homework, or absent work) will be accepted up to two weeks beyond the due date or until the end of the unit (whichever comes first) for 50% credit off the final grade. Second Semester, you will only be allowed one late assignment per chapter, up to two weeks beyond the due date or until the end of the unit (whichever comes first) for 50% credit off the final grade.

Absences and make-up work

  • When you miss a school day, it is your responsibility to check the website and pick up any class work or homework that was missed. Some work may not be able to be made up, such as labs and videos. There may be an alternate assignment to make up the points.
  • You receive one day for every day absent to make up any missed work. For example, if you miss one day, you have one school day to make up that work. This means if you don’t have Science on the day you come back, you should go to your science class to pick up your missing work.

Contacting your Instructor

  • We will be utilizing a classroom update app known as Celly to send out reminders via text. Both student and teacher information is protected. Students may sign up by texting @BiologyRHS to 23559. You will be asked to provide the password “life” and then you need to create a username. This should be your first name and last name combined. Celly will only be used for basic reminders and announcements. Students may respond with clarifying questions but all grade-based questions must be submitted via email.
  • If you are using it with a computer or a tablet go to:1) or the celly app in you app store 2)sign up now 3)fill out the prompts (username-first and last name combined, no spaces)(create your own password)(Click student) 4)join cell 5) @BiologyRHS 6) password: life
  • Before emailing your instructor please use appropriate email etiquette. You may expect a response within 24 hours with the exception of weekends and holidays.

Academic Expectations & Class Participation

It is expected that all students will take responsibility for and be invested in their own learning through asking questions, seeking extra help, studying for test and quizzes, putting good effort/quality into work and participating in class. Positive class participation is vital for students to succeed.

  • Students are expected to enter class with their ID badges on. ID badges will be checked daily as part of participation grade.
  • Student participation in class activities and discussions is essential for success in this course. Ask questions! Study and seek clarification—you owe it to yourself to fully understand.
  • Do your own work. The RHS Academic Honesty Policy will be strictly enforced.

Restroom Passes

Students are expected to handle personal needs during passing periods. However, if a student must use the restroom they must wait until instruction or lab is finished before asking the teacher for permission, then they may leave the classroom after signing out. Excessive bathroom use will result in loss of participation points.

Classroom Expectations

The following rules and procedures have been created to ensure that every person in the classroom has the opportunity to achieve their best in a safe and positive learning environment.

  1. Treat yourself, those around you and all school property with respect. (Put downs will not be tolerated.) Being respectful also includes being responsible for your own actions and coming prepared.
  2. Obey all lab safety rules and guidelines.
  3. Follow all expectations outlined in the RHS Student Handbook-DRESS CODE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
  4. Students will be in their seats, ready to work, when the bell rings. Students will remain in their seats and will begin to pack up only when they have received the signal from me to do so.
  5. Clean up after yourself.
  6. No food, soda, energy drinks or open container beverages allowed.
  7. ZERO tolerance for unauthorized use of electronic devices (iPods, cell phones, headphones, etc). They will be confiscated and turned in to the office after your first warning. Please do not charge your phone in class, unless it is being used for instructional purposes.
  8. Be on time. The RHS Tardy Policy as found in the Student Handbook will be enforced. Teacher consequence at the 2nd Tardy is a 15-minute lunch detention. Failure to show becomes a referral.


There will be a disciplinary consequence for every situation in which a student chooses not to abide by the classroom rules and expectations stated above. In addition, rewards will be provided to students who choose to go above and beyond to contribute positively to the effective learning environment of the class.

First Offense: Verbal warning. The warning will be noted and a student may be asked to move seats.

Second Offense:Writing assignment and/or detention will be assigned as a consequence, as well as a discussion with the student and possibly parent contact.

Third Offense: Office Referral and/or conference with student including parental and/or administrative involvement.

Classroom Procedures:

  • Check the appropriate filing crate for any missed work.
  • Begin working on the warm-up once seated.
  • Make sure every paper you turn in has the proper heading (First and Last Name, Date and Period)

If you have any questions regarding this information please email me at

Please review the above syllabus and complete the Student and Parent Acknowledgement Form and Lab Safety Agreement to confirm your receipt and understanding of this information. Thank you!!