ELEG 6253: Telecommunication Network Security Course Syllabus
PVAMU, Spring, 2004
ELEG 6313 or consent of instructor.
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, by William Stallings, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World
by Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Prof. Lijun Qian
Office: WILS Room 110E
Phone: (936)857-2418
Office Hours:
MWR 2:00-4:00 PM, TF 1:00-2:00 PM, and by appointment
T 5:30-8:20 PM, WILS Room 109K
Course Objectives:
This course focuses on principles of cryptography and communication (especially computer) network security.
The course will cover the following material:
- Overview of cryptography and telecommunication network security.
- Symmetric Encryption
- Classical Encryption
- Data Encryption Standard (DES)
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- Public Key Encryption
- Review of Number Theory
- Public Key Cryptosystems
- RSA Algorithm
- Key Management
- Message Authentication
- Hash Functions and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
- Digital Signature
- Network Security
- Kerberos and X.509
- Email Security
- IP Security
- Web Security
- Intrusion Detection
- Firewalls
- Wireless Network Security
Midterm Exam40%
Final Exam40%
Homework has to be handed in one week from the date that it is assigned. Late homework will NOT be accepted unless due to acceptable reasons. Exams are close-book and close-notes. However, one page note is allowed in the midterm and in the final exams.
Exam Policy:
Every student must take all exams on the assigned dates. Any student who misses an exam without a valid excuse will automatically receive zero for that exam.
Class Attendance:
PVAMU requires regular class attendance. Attending all classes supports full academic development of each student. Excessive absenteeism may result in a student’s course grade being reduced to a grade of “F”. Accumulation of one week of unexcused absences constitutes excessive absenteeism.
Attendance Policy:
See attached University Class Attendance Policy.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities who believe they need an adjustment in this class, are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services at (936)857-2610/2620 as soon as possible. Once you have received a letter of adjustment from the office, kindly make an appointment with me to discuss appropriate adjustments for this class.