Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 15th June 2011 at 7 p.m. at Upavon Village Hall, following the Annual Parish Meeting

Present: Paul Cowan, Chairman, (PC), Robert Bruce, Vice Chairman, (RB), Noel Maskell (NM), Tony Willman (TW), Ralph Hilliard, (RHil), Peter Williams (PW), Julie Swansborough (JS), Pat Eyre, (Clerk), (PE), Alan Saunders (Trenchard Lines), (AS)

Apologies: Eric Hagon, (EH), Alistair Gammie (AG), Paula Brown (Chairman, UCG), (PB), Russ Appleton, (RA), Richard Barratt (Neighbourhood Police), (RBa) Robert Hall, (RH), (Wiltshire Council)

Members of the public - Mary Cox

(WC = Wiltshire Council, UCG = Upavon Community Group)


2. Adjournment - 21 Avon Square - Enforcement orders were being processed in this matter. Wiltshire Council is allocating funding for this.
The Centenary of the Central Flying School on 15.5.12 was discussed. A project manager is yet to be appointed. It was hoped that the celebrations would involve both the village and Trenchard Lines. Robert Bruce to write to Mick Cotton.
Richard Barratt was not present and the Police Report had not been received.
Mary Cox asked why the Minutes were not appearing on the Council website. Alistair Gammie has been asked to place them, but it was possible that he had not been able to access the internet as he was out of the country. / PC
3. The Minutes of the meeting 18.5.11 were agreed and signed.
4. Matters Arising - the matter of ownership of the Upper Playing Field was discussed. Tony Willman to clarify with Wiltshire and MOD regarding responsibility for repairing the fence. / TW
5. Planning/Development Control -
E/11/0270/FUL and amended plans - 3 Devizes Road - house and garage - no objections
E/11/05781/TCA - 5 Vicarage Lane - tree works - granted
E/11/0510/FUL - 20 Down View - access and hard standing - granted
E/11/0515/FUL - Trenchard Lines - extension to passenger lift - granted
E/11/0492/FUL - 22 Jarvis Street - conservatory - granted
E11/0605/FUL - 12 Pewsey Road - dwelling and double garage - no objections
E/11/0652/TCA - 11 High Street - tree works - no objections
It was reported that the large trees near the old Vicarage in Vicarage Lane were growing amongst the power lines and causing them to bend. Paul Cowan to report to Clarence.
It was also reported that the lamp posts near Riverside in Pewsey Road were also leaning. Paul Cowan to report to Clarence.
Paul Cowan reported that a developer was interested in some sites in Upavon. He had been advised to study the VDS with a view to identifying scheduled land. It was hoped to arrange a meeting between the Council's Planning sub-committee. / PC
6. Parish Plan - Robert Bruce had prepared a revised summary of the Council sub-groups. He pointed out that there would need to be a cut in spending due to the nil increase in the Precept application. The Public Safety group were hoping to meet shortly regarding the speed signs. Noel Maskell was asked to confirm expected costs of the 2nd phase of the footpath at Riverside.
It was confirmed that the Council had received a grant on behalf of UCG of £5000. This was to be used to pay for the hire of the area of the school which would be used by the group, plus the installation of broadband.
Restoration of red telephone boxes - this work was proceeding well and it was agreed to make an interim payment of half the total invoice. It was suggested that a defibrillator might be placed in the box by the bus shelter. It was pointed out that there would need to be a responsible trained person available. Tony Willman to investigate.
Village Enhancement - Tony Willman reported that he was in touch with the Parish Steward. In the long term there were plans to restore the 2 copses on Andover Road and Vicarage Lane over the next 18 months. Paul Cowan was investigating the possibility of buying a brush cutter.
A345 footpath from Riverside - Paul Cowan agreed to look at the PIGS scheme. Written permission from the various landowners would be needed. This funding would be limited to £5000 and would require match funding. Noel Maskell to chase up the consent of the owner of Grey Flags.
Speedwatch - It was reported that Wiltshire were installing 20 mph signs in some areas. The volume of traffic along the A345 had increased significantly over the last year, with a total of 35,393 vehicles in 7 days at Enford. There had been no further progress in the matter of a co-ordinator.
Footpaths and bridleways - It was reported that a path had been cut across Ham field but it was not in the right area. WC had cut back the foliage on other footpaths and there had been objections to the use of weed killer along the A345 path.
Upavon Community Group/use of the school - Paula Brown was not present but a report had been received. There was now a mothers and toddlers group running on Fridays and the group were working on the provision of an internet cafe which would also provide help to the 'scared'. Paula and Michelle were meeting with Malcolm Crump regarding the accounts.
Budget - discussed above under Parish Plan.
Village Fun Day - 9/7/11 - arrangements were well in hand for this event. It was hoped that the A345 in the centre of the village would be closed on the day from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Various activities such as games, displays, a dog show, military vehicles, a helicopter, a fire engine, a display by the Police dog section and a Police car were being planned. Robert Bruce had produced a detailed Action Plan. / NM
7. Upper and Lower Playing Fields - It was reported that Peter Williams was preparing an application for the Upper Playing Field to be included in the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee scheme. It was felt that the provision of a BMX track would not be cost effective. There had not been any more damage since the last meeting, but the equipment formerly installed by the Community Group was now in poor condition. Tony Willman will check. Paul Cowan will liaise with Paula Brown. Paul will also investigate the provision of bark. Some picket fencing had been replaced in the Lower Playing Field and the metal goal posts should be re-painted before the ROSPA inspection, due in September. / PW
8. Village maintenance - Julie Swansborough reported that all but two of the seats in the village had been repainted.
Old gas lamp at Avon Square - Paul Cowan reported that Sarsen were preparing to erect some scaffolding around the lamp. He would then see whether it was repairable. Ralph Hilliard to liaise.
WC have been asked to replace the damaged bin outside the Corner Shop. The bins needed to be emptied twice a wee, rather than fortnightly. Paul Cowan to contact Mike Carr and Paul Baggaley, who is not expected to return to work for another 2 weeks
Verges and play area in Farriers Field - Wiltshire Council have carried out work on some areas. It was suggested that a Residents group be formed to liaise with Persimmon regarding the other areas and the hedge. / JS
9. Litter picking - Julie Swansborough reported that picking now took place every other month. Arrangements were in hand for picking before and after Village Fun Day. / JS
10. Web site - Neither Alistair Gammie or John Cabra were present. Also see above in Adjournment. / JC/AG
11. Other items - Route 5 bus service - Paul Cowan had received the results of the survey of users. He will collate the answers and contact WC, Claire Perry and Robert Hall.
New Councillors Courses - Peter Williams and Russ Appleton will report at the next meeting. / PC
12. Finance - Cheques for payment were -
(250) P. M. Eyre - Clerk’s Salary and expenses £989.46
(251) J. Stevens - bins - June 80.00
(252) Bobby Van - donation 25.00
(253) Community First - membership 36.00
(254) Landmarc - footpath licence 30.00
(255) WALC - Good Councillor Guides 3.00
(256) The Post Office - PAYE 157.20
It should be noted that Clerk's expenses included replacement cartridges for both the photocopier and the colour printer.
Bank balance after payment of above and allowing for unpaid cheques and receipt of the half year Precept = £11134.58
It was reported that the accounts had been sent to the external auditor.
The VAT refund of £1230.54 had been received.
All allotments accounts had now been paid.
£50 hire fee for parking in the Lower Playing Field on 24th September had been received from Jim Fox.
It was agreed to make a donation of £50 to St. Johns Ambulance at the next meeting. / PE
13. Clerk’s notes and correspondence - it was reported that the Village Hall Committee was looking for new members. Mary Cox and Tony Willman offered to attend their next meeting.
Copies of the Good Councillors Guide were distributed. / PE
14. Items for the Magazine -
15. AOB - There had been no further responses to the notification of a vacancy on the Council. Paul Cowan to speak to Eric Hagon and Paul Baggaley. / PC
The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.



Next meeting -Wednesday 20th July 2011 at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall