Minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday 27th September, 2016 at 7pm at The Foreman Carter Centre, Westwoodside Playing Field, Westwoodside.
Present: Cllrs Allcock, Booth, Carlile, Condliff, Cooke, Fiddler, Foreman, Harris, Lange, Knowles, Lindley, Orton Whitehead.
Also Present: Deb Hotson – Parish Clerk & 4 residents.
Chairman: Cllr Knowles presided.
Public Participation
Mr Garner asked to see the minute book. Clerk to bring to the next meeting for Mr Garner to view on site.
Cllr Knowles opened the meeting.
1609/01 Apologies for absence received from Cllrs Boor & Smedley.
1609/02 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 30th August, 2016 were approved and signed as a true and correct record. Proposed: Cllr Lindley, seconded: Cllr Orton. 11 for with 2 abstentions.
1609/03 To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
Cllr Allcock asked that the following is minuted “as a Councillor with NLC and Ward member I serve on theNLC Planning Committee, as such I cannot participate in any discussion on Planning and cannot vote on them."
Cllr Lindley declared a personal interest in agenda item 1609/09.
Cllr Carlile declared a personal interest in agenda item 1609/08 2016/1463.
1609/04 To note dispensations given to any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Dispensations were noted for all Cllrs present for agenda item 1609/11 with regard to the Parish Council being Sole Trustees of the Westwoodside Playing Field Association.
1609/05 Planning
To receive any decisions received and to discuss the following applications received from NLC.
The following decisions were received from NLC.
2015/1424 – Appeal on the decision for outline planning permission to erect a single dwelling and associated access and creation of a new access to 34 Nethergate at land at Netherhaven, 34 Nethergate, Westwoodside.
2016/1213 – full planning permission granted to erect an extension to front elevation at 25 Holm Road, Westwoodside.
2016/996 – full planning permission granted for change of use of land for the siting of a residential mobile home, siting of a café, erection of a poly tunnel for use as a hatchery and the creation of two 1m deep stock ponds at Oak Tree Fisheries, Station Road, Graizelound.
2016/1093 – full planning permission granted to erect a two storey extension and ground floor extension to the rear at The Hawthorns, 119 Akeferry Road, Westwoodside.
2016/1139 – full planning permission granted to raise the height of the roof to facilitate additional living accommodation, two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the rear and detached car port with new boundary fencing at 109 Akeferry Road, Westwoodside.
2016/1183 – outline planning permission granted to erect a two bedroom detached bungalow with all matters reserved for subsequent approval at land adjacent to Highwinds, 116 Akeferry Road, Westwoodside.
2016/1204 – full planning permission granted to replace rear conservatory with garden room at 3 Tower Hill, Westwoodside.
2016/1252 – refusal of consent to undertake pruning work on a sycamore, ash and sycamore trees identified as T2, T3 and T4 respectively in and subject to TPO at 1 Pond Edge Cottage, Cove Road, Westwoodside.
2016/1255 – notice of refusal to issue a certificate of lawful use or development for proposed use of a dwelling house as a residential children’s home.
2016/1368 – full planning permission granted to erect a rear extension and cosmetic uplift at 11 The Meadows, Westwoodside.
2016/1451 – Non-material amendment to PA/2014/0415 at plot adjacent to 9 Holm Road, Westwoodside agreed.
The following applications received from NLC were discussed by the Parish Council.
a. 2016/1354 – planning permission to erect an orangery extension to the rear and for the conversion and extension of existing stables to form a double garage at 25 Low Street, Haxey.
Resolved – see below.
2016/1406 – listed building consent to erect a rear ground floor extension and conversion of stables block into double garage, including demolition of small outbuildings to rear at 25 Low Street, Haxey.
As 1354, The orangery and garages mean a slight increase in depth of current buildings. It is a large enough plot to accommodate this. It is to the rear of the building and will not impact on the street scene
We cannot establish where the out building that is to be demolished as it is not clear from the plans provided, we presume it the store to the rear.
The leaded window/doors and garage doors are not in keeping with a 18th century building. Suitable doors and windows should be specified by the Planning Authority to meet the requirements of the Grade 2 listing of the property
Resolved – no objection including all comments detailed. Proposed: Cllr Carlile, seconded: Cllr Harris. 12 for with 1 abstention.
2016/1451 – Non-material amendment to PA/2014/0415 at plot adjacent to 9 Holm Road, Westwoodside.
Decision made by NLC as detailed above. The Council would have appreciated the opportunity to view and comment on this amendment before the Authority made a decision.
2016/1463 – planning permission to vary condition 3 of PA/2014/0419 to allow for pop-up tapas and pop-up restaurant (re-submission of PA/2015/1590) at 27 Low Street, Haxey.
Resolved – objection with the following comments: -
· The commercial use of the property should be limited to the residents and their guests and that the definition of ‘Premises’ means inside and outside.
· The Parish Council would not like to see the premises open to the general public and they being given access to the facilities.
· The original planning permission granted was for a guest house only (no Restaurant).
· The application to vary condition 3 original planning permission was for a guest house and no other purpose (including any other purpose within class C1). This was to ensure compliance with policy R14 and policies DS1 and T2.
· The application seeks to allow limited openings, it is a little confusing as they quote between 8-10 per year and later 12 to 15 to vetted parties. How these events will be monitored is not clear and the applicant recognises vetting could only be done within reason. Our main concern must be that if granted the amenity of neighbours now and in the future could not be guaranteed and further extension to opening follow, which was the reason for condition 3 in the first place.
Proposed: Cllr Lindley, seconded: Cllr Booth. 6 for, 4 against with 3 abstentions.
b. To receive an update on outstanding planning issues.
· Clampit Creek – application has been submitted but is not valid. NLC are chasing up for further information.
· Walkabout Farm – NLC have tried to contact the owner as living in the caravan is non-compliant. NLC are gathering evidence and any other information would be welcomed.
· Haxey Carr Study Centre – letter received from NLC with regard to the recent site visit from Enforcement. It was noted that limited actions will be taken on the porta cabins which have been on site for the 5-year period when no actions can be taken even though residents have been complaining to NLC on a regular basis. It would be interesting to note what the resident’s response will be to NLC. NLC will continue to follow up.
· Haxey Carr Barn – NLC are looking at prosecution for non-compliance. NLC spoke with the agent and was informed that a further planning application was imminent.
· Caravan – East Lound / Shed - Tindale Bank – Tindale Bank shed is pending. East Lound caravan – letter from the Inspector withdrawing the enforcement notice and appeal. Further certificate expected for 1 caravan will have to be considered.
· Children’s Home – Low Burnham - still in progress and site visit by the Inspector due soon.
· Garage – Low Burnham – Enforcement are following up the further complaints.
1609/06 Clerks Report
a. Correspondence received from NLC with regard to the Upperthorpe Hill / Road signage and post codes. Clerk to deal with the signage only.
b. Update from resident who has been spraying over the dog faeces around Haxey public right of ways. FP119 has not yet been sprayed due to the bin not yet being erected.
There does seem to be a decrease generally and it has been noted that more people are picking up.
c. Litter issue reported to the Clerk which was passed on to Cllr Harris – this is being looked into by HPFA. Information on the Parish Councils contracts has been shared with HPFA.
d. Volunteers are required to help weed around the War Memorial prior to the railings being put back in place.
e. Overgrowing hedge on Graizelound has been reported to NLC. The owner will be informed to cut the hedge back and if this is not done NLC will intervene, cut and charge the owner.
f. All phone boxes in the parish have been reported and have been placed onto a maintenance schedule.
g. Remembrance Service update – road closure submitted, vicar and bugler will be in attendance, bus ordered, wreaths ordered. Item to be placed into the next Arrow. Rev Green would like to know how many Cllrs will be attending the Sunday event.
h. June, July & August planting reports.
i. ERNLLCA information on capping of parish and town councils, which at present only affects the higher level councils.
j. Overhanging hedges on the Nooking chased up with NLC, Officer being dispatched to take a look.
k. Update from NLC Dave Sanderson – fence on FP119 to be replaced/repaired, FP119 bin to be erected and FP113 will not be repaired at this time as adequate for a footpath.
l. Thank you note from Room21 with regard to the 2016 Fabulous Forties event.
m. Thank you note from Isle of Axholme Physically Handicapped Society for the recent donation.
n. Highway issue logged with regard to the Kings Arm public house hanging ropes from the lamppost on Haxey Lane to the road sign at the junction of Low Street.
o. Crime number obtained for the graffiti on the ball wall / skate park on the Westwoodside playing field. Clerk has asked that the Neighbourhood Team contact the Clerk.
Improvement / Projects
1609/07 To receive an update on the Isle of Axholme Hatfield Chase projects, including the report received from Historic England, determining if any further actions are required.
Clerk to arrange a further meeting with NLC Tim Allen to move on the projects particularly the East Lound Pinfold.
1609/08 To consider the way forward for a permanent site for the Parish Beacon, determining any further actions required.
Cllr Booth is attending a meeting on Friday at NLC to discuss planning and highway issues to try and obtain all consents required.
The adaption of the present beacon has been discussed with Steve Jones and Cllr Booth has approached South Axholme Academy to see if the Engineering Department would be interested in taking on the construction of a new beacon as a project. NLC Tim Allen had also provided details for a beacon.
Highways / Neighbourhood Services / North Lincolnshire Council items
1609/09 To be notified of the correspondence with regard to the fencing running parallel to Haxey Memorial Hall car park and the response from NLC determining actions required.
On contacting NLC about the fencing that had been removed the Clerk was informed that the MP had also been asked to look into this. NLC stated that they and ONGO are not responsible and Haxey Memorial Hall do not believe they are responsible either. Cllr Allcock to speak with NLC Rob Beales for an urgent way forward to make this area safe until the responsibility for a replacement fence is discovered.
Reports / Updates
1609/10 To receive a report from the Ward Councillor on activities within North Lincolnshire Council.
Cllr Allcock informed the meeting that the Finance Department has been in contact with the agent for the strip of land alongside Haxey School with regard to a provisional price. NLC are waiting for a response from the owner.
Councillors to inform Cllr Allcock of any street signs that need replacing by Friday as he is attending a meeting.
1609/11 To receive a report from the Westwoodside Playing Field Management Committee to include potential adoption of Holm Road entrance by NLC.
Holm Rd entrance now registered with the Land registry as belonging to the Parish Council, but the registration needs to be amended to the correct address for the Council. The next WPFAMC meeting is scheduled for 30/09 – Item deferred.
Clerk to speak with Cllr Smedley with regard to funding from the Lions for the children’s play park renovation.
The Clerk has asked NLC for further funding to assist in the refurbishment of the play area due to an increase in material costs. Clerk to chase a response.
1609/12 To receive a report for Haxey Playing Field Association.
Cllr Harris informed the Council that £400- had been raised at a recent quiz night.
The next monthly meeting was scheduled for Thursday of this week.
The litter issue is being dealt with by the Chairman.
The Cricket Club is holding a quiz night on 29/10 and would welcome a Parish Council team of 8.
1609/13 To receive an update report on hydro-carbon activities in the area.
Cllr Fiddler stated that there would be more news next month – Item deferred.
1609/14 To receive an update report from the ERNLLCA AGM determining any actions required.
Cllrs Carlile & Knowles attended the meeting on 15/09.
Long standing President Tom Glossop retired a new President Gordon Thurston elected.
The constitution is being reviewed.
Resolutions from last year – response from Government was that the Principle Authority had powers to cover all. Council briefed on this year’s resolutions.
General Items
1609/15 To be notified of the recommendations from the Land Working Party with regard to the future judging of the Best Kept Allotment.
The Allotment Association have asked for a paper trail with regard to the judging of the completion. Cllrs Knowles & Whitehead agreed in principle with the proposed document which was from the Leeds Association. Cllr Boor to be consulted prior to any decisions to move forward.