8th Grade Integrated Science
Standard III, Objective 1
Title: Mineral Cards
Description: Students will use computers or pencil and paper to create cards with pictures and descriptions of mineral properties.
Time Needed: Two 50 minute periods
Materials: Computers, colored pencils and paper if printers are not available.
1. Reserve computers for your classes use.
2. Run off student sheets.
3. Read student sheets with students and describes computer lab rules.
4. Allow students or student groups to choose the minerals they wish to research from the list provided. You may wish to make an overhead of the minerals list and mark off the minerals as they are chosen or pass around the list the day before and have students choose.
5. Allow time to work and print cards. If you wish to preserve the cards, wide book tape will quickly laminate them.
6. Use the cards like you would mineral samples. Once you have a classroom set of the minerals you can use them like mineral samples.
7. You may wish to have students exchange cards, group their cards at their table by different characteristics or quiz themselves on how many names they can remember. (do not grade this, it is not that important)
Student sheet Name______
Title: Mineral Cards
Introduction: There are hundreds of types of minerals. Some are common, some are rare. It is difficult in nature to find a pure mineral but very easy to find great pictures of them on the Internet. In this activity you will choose three minerals and report on their properties.
1. Chose three minerals to make cards for.
2. Use the template below to get started.
3. Look up the information you need and find a good picture of the mineral. These are some sites to try:
You may not find all the information you need for each mineral, if you try two sites and it is not available, skip it and go on.
4. The card can be produced on the computer by creating a table that is one row and two columns wide. You can insert pictures and text. If you are using paper and pencils, write neatly and draw the mineral. The card is drawn on the back of this page.
5. Fold the card in two and trim the edges when you are finished. Tape the edges together.
(picture)Mineral name / Mineral Name
Crystal form:
Characteristics: (hardness, streak, breakage pattern)
o Actinolite
o Adamine
o Adamite
o Agate
o Alabaster
o Alamandine
o Albite
o Almandine
o Amatite
o Amazonite
o Amethyst
o Amphibole
o Angelite
o Antimony
o Apatite
o Aquamarin
o Aragonite
o Arsenic
o Asbestos
o Augite
o Azure Copper Ore
o Azure-malachite
o Azurite
o Barite
o Barite Desert Rose
o Beryl
o Berylite
o Bismuth
o Black Opal
o Bloodstone
o Blue Malachite
o Borax
o Bornite
o Brass
o Brimstone
o Bronze
o Calamine
o Calcite
o Calderite
o Cathedral Pyrite
o Cat's Eye
o Celestite
o Chalcedon
o Chalcedony
o Chalcopyrite
o Chert
o Chromite
o Chrysolite
o Opal
o Salt
o Corundum
o Copper
o Coprolite
o Crystalline Quartz
o Dendrite
o Diamond
o Dolomite
o Dunite
o Emerald
o Epsom
o Feldspar
o Fermorite
o Fiorite
o Fire Agate
o Fire Opal
o Flint
o Fluorspar
o Fluorite
o Fossilized Wood
o Galaxite
o Galena
o Galenite
o Garnet
o Gold
o Goldmanite
o Graphite
o Gypsum (mineral)
o Gypsite
o Halite
o Harlequin Opal
o Hematite
o Howlite
o Huttonite
o Hyalite
o Hydrohalite
o Ice
o Indicolite
o Iron
o Iron Meteorite
o Jade
o Jasper
o Kamacite
o Kernite
o Labradorite
o Lead
o Lizardite
o Lodestone
o Lussatite
o Magmatite
o Manganese Spar
o Magnesite
o Magnetite
o Malachite
o Manganapatite
o Marble
o Marmolite
o Mica
o Microcline
o Moonstone
o Morganite
o Morrisonite
o Mylonite
o Nicholsonite
o Nickel
o Oligoclase
o Oligonite
o Olivine
o Onyx
o Oolite
o Opal
o Opalite
o Orangite
o Orthoantigorite
o Orthoclase
o Peacock Ore
o Peridote
o Peristerite
o Perlite
o Petrified Wood
o Phosgenite
o Piconite
o Picrolite
o Pitchblende
o Plagioclase
o Platinum
o Plazolite
o Prasiolite
o Praziolite
o Puddingstone
o Pyralspite
o Pyrite
o Pyromorphite
o Pyroxmangite
o Quartz
o Quincite
o Quincite Opal
o Rammelsbergite
o Rasorite
o Red Beryl
o Retinalite
o Rhinestone
o Rhodochrosite
o Rhodolite
o Rock Salt
o Rosickyite
o Rosikyite
o Rubellite
o Ruby
o Safflorite
o Sagenite
o Salt
o Sapphire
o Selenite
o Serandite
o Serpentine
o Siderite
o Silica
o Silver
o Slawsonite
o Smithsonite
o Sodaclase
o Spectrolite
o Spessartite
o Sphalerite
o Spinel
o Spodumene
o Stalactite
o Stalagmite
o Starlite
o Steinmanite
o Stishovite
o Stronalsite
o Strontianite
o Sulfur
o Svabite
o Taenite
o Tellurium
o Tetrataenite
o Thenardite
o Thorite
o Tigereye
o Tiger's Eye
o Tirodite
o Topaz
o Torite
o Tourmaline
o Travertine
o Tufa
o Ugrandite
o Ultralite
o Uralite
o Uraninite
o Vaterite
o Verdelite
o Vermarine
o Williamsite
o Wiluite
o Witherite
o Wollastonite
o Wurtzite
o Yttrocerite
o Yttrofluorite
o Zeolite
o Zircon