BrailleNote Apex or MPower BT
Lesson #3
* Create a folder through the File Manager
* Create a folder through Word Processor Menu
* Control the speech of the BrailleNote
Introduction #3:
The BrailleNote is a computer. With it, you can complete word processing tasks, use the planner to set and keep appointments, and send and receive e-mail messages. Just like on the computer, there is often more than one way to complete a task. This is true for creating folders. In this lesson, you will learn two ways of creating folders. After practicing both methods, you may decide which one is best for you.
Work Time #3:
This lesson assumes you are using a BrailleNote MPower or an Apex using the BT (braille style) keyboard. The lesson also assumes you are familiar with the parts and keys of the BrailleNote.
Method #1 From File Manager
1. Begin at Main Menu. Space to the File Manager and press enter, or just press letter f to jump to and open the File Manager.
2. BrailleNote displays, "file manager menu". Space to the Folder Manager and press enter to open the Folder Manager or just press letter f to jump to and open the Folder Manager.
3. BrailleNote displays, "folder manager menu". Space once until "new folder" is displayed.
4. Press enter on "new folder".
5. "Create folder on which drive?" is displayed. "Flash disk" is displayed. The flash disk is the BrailleNote. Press enter.
6. BrailleNote displays, "new folder name?" Begin writing a name for the folder. Press enter to complete the process.
7. The folder is created and you are put back at the original Folder Manager Menu.
8. To create another new folder from here, space once to "new folder". Press enter. Continue the process.
9. Practice as needed. To back out of the menu by level, press e + space. To return to Main Menu, press space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6.
Method #2 From Word Processor
1. Start from Main Menu. Letter w to open the word processor menu.
2. BrailleNote displays "key word menu". Space to "create a document" and press enter.
3. BrailleNote says, "folder name?" and the name of the folder you last had open is displayed.
4. To create a new folder, just start writing. Write the name of the folder you want to create. Press enter when done.
5. BrailleNote displays, "folder does not exist. Create a new folder?" Press y for yes.
6. BrailleNote displays, "document to create?" You may create a document to put in your new folder, but don't have to. Your folder is created.
7. Press e + space to back up by level.
8. BrailleNote displays, "key word menu".
9. Practice as time allows or until the skill is mastered.
Control the Voice
Practice the commands listed here to contro the speech of the BrailleNote. Skip these commands if you are not using speech.
1. Turn the volume up by pressing enter + dot 4.
2. Enter + dot 1 will turn the volume down.
3. Enter + dot 6 will increase the rate.
4. Decrease the rate by pressing enter + dot 3.
5. Make the pitch higher by pressing enter + dot 5.
6. Enter + dot 2 will make the pitch lower.
Quiz Yourself #3:
After reading the paragraphs and following the steps in Work Time, take this quiz. Questions may be taken from this lesson or previous lessons.
Tell what the result of each command or letter press will be.
1. previous thumb-key with space
2. At Main Menu, letter f
3. enter + dot 4
4. enter + d
5. space with a full cell
6. From Main Menu, letter w
7. enter + dot 2
8. e + space
9. enter + dot 1
10. enter + dot 5
Quiz # Answers #3:
1. Toggle among speech modes
2. Open File Manager
3. speech louder
4. check date
5. return to Main Menu
6. open word processor
7. make pitch lower
8. exit
9. turn volume down
10. higher pitch
Commands to Know Lesson 1 through 3:
1. Return to Main Menu with space + dots 1 2 3 4 5 6.
2. Press Previous thumb-key + space to toggle among the speech modes.
3. From Main Menu, press letter w to open the Word Processor.
4. Exit a document with e + space.
5. Enter + t to check the time.
6. Check the date by using enter + d.
7. From Main Menu, press u to open the Utilities Menu.
8. Space + dots 3 4 to toggle among choices.
9. From Main Menu, open the File Manager by pressing letter f.
10. Turn the volume up by pressing enter + dot 4.
11. Enter + dot 1 will turn the volume down.
12. Enter + dot 6 will increase the rate.
13. Decrease the rate by pressing enter + dot 3.
14. Make the pitch higher by pressing enter + dot 5.
15. Enter + dot 2 will make the pitch lower.
Quick Assessment #3:
* Create a folder through the File Manager
* Create a folder through the Word Processor Menu
* Control the speech of the BrailleNote
I = independent v = verbal cue p = physical assist na = not applicable
Skill / Date_____
Score / Date
Score / Date
Score / Date
New Folder from File Manager
1. Open File Manager (f from Main Menu).
2. Open Folder Manager (letter f, or space to it and press enter).
3. Open New Folder menu (space to it, press enter).
4. Place folder on BrailleNote flash drive (enter).
5. Name the folder.
6. Finish the process (enter).
New Folder from within Word Processor
1. From Main Menu, open word processor (letter w or space to it, then press enter).
2. Open "create a document" prompt (process can also be done from open existing document prompt)
Space and enter or use initial letter.
3. At folder name? prompt, write name for new folder.
4. Finish the process (answer y for yes).
Control the Speech
1. Volume louder (enter + dot 4).
2. Volume softer (enter + dot 1).
3. Rate faster (enter + dot 6).
4. Rate slower (enter + dot 3).
5. Pitch higher (enter + dot 5).
6. Pitch lower (enter + dot 2).
Possible Goal for Lesson #3:
Given a BrailleNote a folder to create, student will independently create a folder for 3 of 4 evaluated trials.
Rosa Mauer 6/11/12