U3A Monthly Bulletin.
Dear U3A Member,
This is the first of what we hope will be a monthly news bulletin sent out on e-mail only.
I hope Group Leaders will use it to advertise their Groups, and tell us about any special events their Group is organising.
We do produce posters before each monthly meeting and are on the lookout for new places we can display them, so any suggestions will be most welcome. We have also a general poster advertising our U3A, and again, ideas where these could go will also be gratefully received.
Thursday Nov 9th. The Value of Nature. A talk about the wide range of essential services that the natural world provides by Tony Whitbread, CEO Sussex Wildlife Trust.
Thursday Dec 14th Our Christmas Party. Music, fun games and a chance to meet old friends, and make new ones. Please bring a plate to share, wine and soft drinks supplied.
OUTINGS Organised by Anne Bickmore
The Royal Courts of Justice
14 March. We can start accepting payment at our monthly meeting on November 9th. The cost will be £46.
This includes coach from The Lido, tour ticket, cream tea on the journey back, raffle and driver tip. The tour is approximately 75 mins. with an opportunity to see a hearing. We will leave The Lido at 10.30 (to be confirmed) which will give people time to pick up a lunchtime snack.
On a first come first served basis, Anne will collect cash or cheques (Cheques made out to "The 5Deans U3A") at the November monthly meeting (Nov 9th).
Windsor Castle (Wed 20 June) and A River Cruise on the Medway (July 25th). A three and a half hour river cruise lunch on The Kentish Lady
Bookings and Payment for Windsor Castle and the Medway Cruise will be at the January meeting.
Contact Anne Bickmore for any more information about any of these outings
Phone: 07702809276
Walking Group One led by Anne and Jerry Bickmore:
10 November WALKING GROUP 1 will meet at the Saltdean Lido car park @ 1115 for a walk to The Chattri and afterwards to Cakes The Difference
The Second Group led by Frances Low:
The next walk is on 3rd November. Please meet at 10.30am at the top of Longridge Avenue in Saltdean.
The final walk of 2017 is on 1st December at Peacehaven. Details to follow!
Isle of Wight Walking Holiday 2018
23-27th April. Only 1 double room left at present but please contact Frances if you want to go on the waiting list. E-mail: or phone Frances on 01273 388910)
November 8th. Meeting in the Saltdean Lido car park @ 10am and visiting Arlington Reservoir
This month's Social Lunch is on Thursday Nov 16th at Cote Brasserie, 115-116 Church Street, 12.30pm. A delicious choice of courses - £10.95 for 2 courses, £12.95 for 3 courses. All meals must be pre-ordered, Linda will be at the November meeting with a menu and to take bookings.
Christmas Lunch is on Friday Dec 8th at Diella's, Dane Road, Seaford. Those who came to the lunch here in 2016 will know how good the food and the ambiance is at Diella's. The cost will be £21 for 2 courses and £24 for 3 courses (these prices include a 10% service charge) and Linda will have the menu at the November meeting. All meals must be pre-ordered and pre-paid in full at the November meeting - cash only please.
There are still places available for the Gourmet Lunch trip to France on Thursday 17th May 2018. Included in the trip is travel by 32-seater diner coach with courier/hostess service.
Return travel via Eurotunnel.
4-course lunch with red & white wine and coffee.
Bucks Fizz and Danish pastries served en-route to France.
Morning coffee with biscuits served whilst on Eurotunnel.
Supper of French bread, pate, cheese and wine served on return journey.
Hopefully there will also be time for a visit to a Hypermarket.
All this for £115 - deposit of £25 per person payable now and the balance by 1st April 2018.
If you would like to join us please get in touch with Linda -
We are fortunate to have local artist and retired teacher Barry Hinchliff in our U3A. Barry has offered to run a Sketching Group but so far this hasn't attracted much interest. The Group has now stopped for the winter but if there is enough interest Barry will restart it in the spring. If you are interested please contact Barry on 01273 305229.
Margery Angus is starting a new Group "Working with Thread". They will meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month 10 until 12 at Woodingdean.
Margery says it will cover all types of needlework: Knitting, Patchwork, Crochet, Tapestry and whatever else your creative talent can think up.
You can contact Margery at
Bill McNaught kindly said he would Lead this, we will have the signing on sheets available at the next Monthly MeetinginNovember.
Anne is asking for contributions for the next Newsletter , by 23 November please for January-March 2018 edition.
This is a chance to promote your Group, or to gauge interest if you are thinking of starting one. If you have organised, or been on a U3A outing tell us about it please.
Contributions to
If you renewed your membership "on the day" you will have seen that this year we ran the membership records on a laptop. This helped us organise the membership lists better and made it easier to administer.
Enormous thanks to Robert Fodor for the hours of work he has put into making this system work for us, and indeed for distributing this bulletin to you.
We have a few left, ask at our next monthly meeting
S.U.N. (Sussex U3A Network) STUDY DAYS
Nov 18th Historic Sussex Industries by Geoffrey Mead. At Steyning
Dec 9th. Jazz. A Band Leader, a bass player and a trumpet player. At Pulborough
For more information see our website and follow the links to SUN.
So what do you think about receiving a Monthly e-mail bulletin? Any thoughts, anything for inclusion in next month's bulletin please to:
And a reminder that you can get more information about all these events, all the Groups and how to contact them via the website. If you haven't clicked on it yet, try it now and have a look round.
I hope you found this e-mail interesting and useful.
Mike Benson