7Appendix A – Submission Form

Complete this Section 7 and enclose with your response. A copy of this section 7 is attached in Word format for the convenience of Proponents to use in their response. Table cells will expand to fit your responses and additional materials may be incorporated. Please reference any additional materials to the sub-section numbers stated below.

Proponents may add any additional information they consider relevant to any section of this response section 7.

This Section 7 is distributed in Word format for the convenience of Proponents that may wish to utilize this in the preparation of their response.


RFP# 1918

Project Title: Electrical Facilities Maintenance and Repair

(This Submission Form “must” be completed, signed and returned with the Proposal)

The Proponent hereby acknowledges that 1) its understands and agrees with the RFP process described in this document, including without limitation that the City makes no commitment under this RFP; and 2) the information included in this Proposal is correct and it has thoroughly reviewed and has complied with the documents making up this Proposal, including all drawings and specifications as may be listed in the Index, and any amendments or addenda thereto:

The Respondent represents to the City that the individual signing this Submission Form on its behalf has proper authority to do so.

Contact Information / Company Information
Contact Name: / Company
Telephone: / Complete Address:
E-Mail: / GST#
Date: / Telephone:


Please note receipt of any addenda issued by the City to this request:

Addendum Number / Date issued


See Section 3.5. Please state any potential conflict of interest which could include financial or familial relationships with City personnel.

Proponent has potential Interest conflict, check one: / Yes: / No:
If yes please clarify:

The City will determine whether or not a potential interest conflict is an actual conflict or not.


Provide a summary of your response as per Section 6.1.3

7.5Proponent capabilities

Complete the following form (reference Section 6.1.4) check either yes or no, provide notes or alternate as may be required to clarify your response:

Item / Yes √ / No √ / Notes or alternate response
A Journey Person Electrician will be available 24/7 with a mandatory 1 (one) hour response maximum 2 (two) hours site attendance capability for emergency services request; / Mandatory Requirement
Proponent has personnel trained and/or certified to provide repair and/or replacement services to:
a)Electrical motors and components;
b)Data and voice communications cabling and conduit;
c)Building, facility, area access control systems;
d)Fire, smoke, noxious gasses, and intrusion alarm infrastructures;
e)Environment control systems, DDC, low voltage and HVAC wiring and controls;
f)Electric controlled valves for irrigation, swimming pools, water supply and sewage;
g)Confined Spaces Maintenance Work;
h)Qualified field safety representative according to the Electrical Safety Regulation of the BC Safety Standards Act.
Proponent has in place a formal dispatching process available 24/7; / Provide Details
Proponent has a process to collect and report to the City the amount, type and location of services performed by time periods such as monthly, quarterly and annually / Provide a sample report in your response
Proponent’s invoices will contain the information requested in Appendix C / Enclose a sample invoice with your response
The contractor has or is able to obtain security clearance for any person assigned to work at RCMP facilities (refer to Section 8.5)
The contractor can obtain clean criminal record checks. (refer to Section 8.5)

7.5.1Specialized Services

Complete the following form indicating if the services are in-house or can be supplemented through existing subcontractor relationships:

Proponent to provide information of their experience with installation and commissioning of PLC and HMI related hardware; preferably ScadaPack and Control Microsystem Flow station pump controllers and required components: / Response:
Proponent to provide information of their experience with installation and commissioning of Information Technology related hardware: / Response:

7.6experience and qualifications

Complete the following table. The City reserves the right to inspect qualification documents at any time during the contract. Please note the consent statement in Section 3.10

Place a check mark √ in the appropriate column(s) where so certified. Add lines as may be required. Note any other Industry Trades Authority Certifications or other certifications that the service worker could currently possess. Attach additional materials if necessary.

Red Seal Certified Electrician / Other / Years of
Service Worker Name / Construction / Industrial / Apprentice / Certification / Experience

7.6.1Safety Training

Provide here a statement concerning the Proponent’s in house and/or Proponent contracted safety training program. Include a high level overview of subjects covered and proponent’s policies concerning refresher and ongoing training requirements.

Yes √ / No √
Proponent has and maintains a Safety Manual consistent with WorkSafe BC requirements which is available for inspection by the City on request:


Please state the company or entity’s name of any sub-contracted persons and/or equipment with operator that could be employed in the performance of the work. Note that the Proponent with which the City contracts shall be deemed the “Prime Contractor” according to WorkSafe BC Regulations. (Add lines as necessary)

Sub-Contractor Name & Contact Info. / Experience – Yrs. / Portion of the Work


Please state the warranties offered:

Item / Term / Warranty Summary (e.g. no cost replacement etc.)
Contractor Supplied Services
Sub-Contractor Services
Contractor Supplied Materials
Additional warranties offered


Refer to section 6.1.8 for suggestions as to what could constitute value added components of your response. The list of suggestions is not exhaustive; respondents are encouraged to add anything they consider could provide additional value and/or reduce costs to the City. Attach information labelled “Value Added” to your response in a format similar to that immediately below:

Value added item / Details

7.10fees, costs, rates to be charged

All fees, costs and rates charged to the City shall be constant throughout the three years of the contract term. Exclude and show separately GST. Include overhead such as fuel, tools, administration, etc.; any other taxes and profit.

7.10.1Labour Rates

Please state when standard, premium or overtime rates will be charged. I.e. Standard Time M-F 07:00 – 17:00 hrs.etc. It is assumed that charge out time shall commence at workers leaving the proponent’s dispatch yard to the time of return to the dispatch yard unless stated differently below in the tables below:

Labour Class / Standard Time /hr. / Overtime /hr. / Min. Callout hours
State when rate in effect:
Electrical Apprentice
Red Seal Journeyperson
Charged time commences and ends from point (worksite or dispatch yard):
Dispatch Yard Civic Address:

7.10.2Rates Applicability - Personnel

State when the following rates will apply:

Rate / When Applicable (hours, days of week, times of days, holidays etc.)
Standard Time

7.10.3Equipment Rates

State whether equipment is owned or could be rented by the Proponent

Equipment Class / Standard Time /hr. / Overtime /hr. / Min. Callout hours / Equipment Is Proponent:
State when rate in effect: / Owned √ / Rented √
Bucket Truck to 54 ft. cap
Bucket Truck < 54 ft. cap.
Interior worker lift
Other – state:
Other – state:
Charged time commences and ends from point:
Dispatch Yard Civic Address:

7.10.4Rates Applicability - Equipment

State when the following rates will apply:

Rate / When Applicable (hours, days of week, times of days, holidays etc.)
Standard Time

7.10.5Materials, Equipment and Sub-Contractors

State the percentage of cost marked up on the supplier’s invoice cost net of GST for any materials, rentals and sub-contracted services purchased by the contractor for incorporation into the work delivered to the City.

Item / % Mark-up of Invoice Cost
Sub-Contracted Equipment and Operator
Sub-Contracted Services
Other State:
Other State:


Provide references as requested above, Section 6.1.10

Contract Term
Organization / Contact person name / Phone / E-mail / Current / Previous