Minutes of the Rural Municipality of Lakeland No.521Regular Council Meeting held September 10, 2008 in the R.M. Council Chambers in the Village of Christopher Lake, Saskatchewan.

In Attendance: Reeve Christensen,CouncilorsAspvik, Hudson, GangeandRobert

Absent: Councilor Gowda

The meeting was called to order by Reeve Christensen at 8:45am

Minutes255/08 ROBERT –That the minutes of the regular council meeting held August 13,

2008 be approved as circulated.CARRIED

Financials256/08 GANGE –That we approve the statement of financial activities for the

month of August 2008 as circulated.CARRIED

Landfill257/08ASPVIK –That Councilor Gange contact AMEC Engineering for a quote on

the environmental study of the South Emma Landfill.


Anglin258/08GANGE – That we pay $33.17 to Don Dugan for supplies for maintenance of

thepark at Anglin Lake.CARRIED

Accounts259/08HUDSON –That we approve the list of accounts for approval including

Cheques 15979 to 16039 totaling $448,177.53 and that it form

part of these minutes.CARRIED

Neis260/08 HUDSON - That we approve the Engineered plan from Associated Engineers

Regarding the 1991 Servicing Agreement with Neis’s Beach Ltd. as per the recommendation of our Engineer Blair (AMEC). CARRIED

Jean Bay261/08HUDSON – That we write a letter to Sask. Power requesting the move of the

power pole in Jean Bay.CARRIED

Auditor262/08CHRISTENSEN– That we appoint Davies Breen and Drury as our Auditor

for the 2008 audit. CARRIED

Benefits263/08GANGE – That we approve the list of employees for the SARM benefits


Bells Beach264/08ASPVIK – That we hire a surveyor to survey Burberry road and misc. on

Bells Beach.CARRIED

Bylaw265/08ASPVIK – That we introduce Bylaw 12-2008 an amendment to the zoning


266/08GANGE – That we read for the first time Bylaw 12-2008.


267/08ASPVIK – That we introduce Bylaw 17-2008 an amendment to the RF –

Rural Forest zoning adding “Campground” as a discretionary use.


268/08HUDSON – That we review the legalities of the procedure taken on Bylaw

11-2008 and that we re-advertise the public hearing if necessary.


Sask. Power269/08ASPVIK – That we approve Sask. Power order #20107466.


Continued on Page Two

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Election 270/08GANGE – That we appoint the following election officials and venues for the Officials November 5, 2008 Municipal election.

Returning Officer: Andrew Spriggs

Nomination Officers: Daphne Rowe, Christine Hoodle

Saskatoon Poll (St. Joseph’s Hall)

Deputy Returning Officer: Maureen Anspach

Poll Clerks: Marie Sebestyen, Ron Anspach

Prince Albert Poll (St. Joseph’s Church)

Deputy Returning officer: Polley Kardos

Poll Clerks: Mary Ellerman, Joe Kardos

Christopher Lake Poll (Legion Hall)

Deputy Returning Officer: Judy Burk

Poll Clerks: Kim Kelly, Brian Dyck

Regina Poll (Residence of Jack & Elenor McNeil)

Deputy Returning Officer: Jack McNeil


Election271/08HUDSON – That we advertise the call for nominations in the Prince Albert

Herald and the Saskatoon Star Phoenix.CARRIED

Election272/08GANGE – That we set the remuneration for the election officials as follows:

Returning Officer : $165

Deputy Returning Officer: $160

Poll Clerk: $140

and $20/ mealCARRIED

Council273/08CHRISTENSEN – That we set Council remuneration at $160/day, $20/hr, Remuneration $0.50/KM and a maximum of $150 per Council meeting

for mileage for a Councilor that lives outside the R.M. of Lakeland. CARRIED

Road274/08ASPVIK –That we reply to S. Stata & C. Amos Lot 1 Block 5 Macintosh that Allowance 16ft is not adequate for the road and we require 24 ft and that they

move theirfence to allow for 24 ft.CARRIED

Division 4275/08 CHRISTENSEN – That we accept the resignation of Bert Robert as

Councilor for Division 4 and that Division 4 be included in the November 5, 2008 Election. CARRIED

PARCS276/08CHRISTENSEN – That we submit for the PARCS convention a resolution

that PARCS continue to lobby the Provincial Government to lower the reliance on property tax to fund education to 20% property tax and 80% Government funding. CARRIED

Adjourn.277/08GANGE - Thatthe next regular meeting be October 8, 2008 and that we

adjourn this meeting.CARRIED


Reeve Christensen Administrator A.J. Spriggs