Hope for our heroes
When Natasha Tyler was discharged from the U.S. Army, she was faced with the same dilemma experienced by many veterans—finding a job. “Entering the workforce proved to be lot more challenging than I had anticipated. I realized quickly that I was not alone and many veterans have difficulties in trying to find jobs as a civilian.”
Despite their proven skills and dedication, it can be difficult for our service members to transition from the military into the civilian workforce, and unemployment remains a challenge. Without a steady income, veterans and their families are at risk for struggling with homelessness, mental illness, and poverty.
“I am a veteran and I come from a family of service members dating back to the Korean War, so I have a personal responsibility to help my fellow comrades through personal service and by donating to organizations that support our service members,” Natasha said.
The Combined Federal Campaign provides Federal employees and retirees—civilian and military—the opportunity to support causes they care about, like veterans services, through one-time gifts, recurring donations, and volunteerism.
Fortunately, there are many organizations that support our heroes long beyond their call of duty. “There are so many organizations now that offer support to veterans to assist them with finding jobs, counseling services, and transitioning into the civilian workforce,” Natasha continued.“Every year I find multiple veterans nonprofit organizations that I am able to donate to through CFC. Each of these organizations will use the funding they receive to assist my fellow comrades in finding their next career in the civilian workforce.”
In 2016, the jobless rate for all veterans decreased to 4.3 percent. (SOURCE) And since 2010, there has been a 47 percent decline in homelessness among veterans. (SOURCE) Through the CFC, individuals have the opportunity to support organizations with programs that help make these improvements possible.
For Natasha, the CFC is fantastic way to pay it forward and provide help to veterans who find themselves faced with the dilemma she experienced. “Funding through the CFC can provide a disabled veteran with services to help them reenter the workforce as a civilian through various means of organization support,” she said. “Funding through the CFC can provide a veteran free physiological and counseling services to help us through work, family, and life. Funding through the CFC can provide a veteran with a service animal to assist them with daily task and emotional support.”
Support for veterans is just one of the services provided by charities participating in the CFC. So, Federal employees and retirees—whether you care about cancer research, disaster relief, education, or wildlife preservation, the CFC has a charity for any cause you want to support.
Want to make an impact in the world around you? Give through the CFC and Show Some Love to a cause you care about. Visit cfcnca.orgfor more information and to make a pledge.