Chairman Dr Nic Cooper


The Agenda for the next meeting of the Little Baddow Parish Council which will be held at The Memorial Hall, Little Baddow on Thursday the 7th day of April 2016 at 7.30pm is as follows:-

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declaration of Interests

3. To approve the minutes of the March 3 & March 11, 2016 meetings

4. Matters from Prior Meetings (for information)

5. Public Question Time

6. Development in the Village

- 16/00263/FUL Pipers Pool, North Hill

- 16/00335/FUL Danesridge, The Ridge

- 16/00381/FUL Old Hall Reservoir, Church Road, Boreham

- Danbury Neighbourhood Plan

7. To Receive Correspondence

- Refusal to convert footpath in Heather Hills to bridleway

- Danbury PC Assembly on April 18

- Maldon Local Development Plan

- Complaint about aggressive horse riders

- Request for permanent Blue Badge parking spaces

- ECC Waste Local Plan

- Complaint about hazardous parking at Paper Mill Lock

8. Payment of Accounts (Parish Clerk)

- agree expenditure items for April

9. Parish Assembly (Councillor Cooper)

- agree final arrangements

10. Memorial Hall (Councillor Cooper)

- feedback from User Group Meeting

- advise status on hall ceiling

- approve expenditure to modify kitchen entrance

- agree grant for Film Club for PRS/PPL licences

- agree grant for EWT for village treasure hunt

11. Special Responsibilities (Councillor Cooper)

- agree revised list of special responsibilities

12. Action Plans (All)

- review latest status of all action plans and agree next steps

13. Litter Pick (Councillor Buckley)

- agree final details

14. Community Care Group (Councillor Cooper)

- agree grant to cover cost of CRB checks

15. WGPA (Councillor Richmond)

- agree expenditure to restore goal mouths

16. Village Appearance (Councillor Bonsor)

- agree expenditure for hanging baskets/flower displays

17. Information Items

18. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday May 12, 2016

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present.

Signed: Parish Clerk

March 31, 2016

Little Baddow Parish Council

1 Popes Leeze, East Street, Coggeshall, Essex CO6 1SE

Parish Clerk Mr Roger A Upward

Tele/Fax: 01376 619506 E-mail:
