The Ohio State University Retirees Association (OSURA)

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday October 10, 2017 - 9:00am

Longaberger Alumni House

Those in attendance:

David Crawford
Mary Cull
Shirley Flowers
Raimund Goerler
Daniel Jensen / Carl Leier
Gemma McLuckie
Chuck Miller
Gerald Newsom
Hallan Noltimier / Gabriel Reissland
Craig Little / Michele Bondurant
Time / Agenda Items
9:05am / Welcome and meeting called to order by President Carl Leier.
A motion was made by David Crawford and seconded by Mary Cull to approve the September 2017 Board meeting minutes. The motion passed without dissent
News from the Alumni Association - Craig Little, AA Liaison
Regarding the Alumni Association’s new Strategic Plan Craig offered the following suggestion for OSURA-
Conduct an annual executive board member retreat – either half day or full day with a SWOT analysis approach for planning and organization goal setting
examples include:
  • Engagingand increasing our membership of 3,000 out of 30,000 plus listed OSU retirees.
  • Strategies for membership renewal notices
Upcoming AA events
Football Friday Nights - free at the LAH Oct. 27 and Nov. 10 refreshments and vendor trucks available.
Society Hockey Night – Tail gate and game ticket $15 – February 3rd game at the Schott OSU vs Michigan State.
Check out the AA website for additional events -
David Crawford remarked that the AA sponsored October 6th Homecoming was great with hot buffet and plenty of activities; David questioned the low $25 ticket price. Craig shared that the event had been partly subsidized from his AA budget.
Gabby Reissland posed a question for Craig regarding general liability insurance. Craig stated that OSURA is not covered by AA indemnity insurance; he shared that Varsity O has purchased such a policy and suggested that OSURA reach out to them for more information, which Gabby and committee were aware of.
President’s Remarks
In Carl’s recap of the AA Leadership Symposium the take away points dealt with:
Fund raising
Communication with members
Volunteer participation and interest
Carl will reach out to Dr. Bob Hamlin and the Carpenter’s regarding to their positive responses interest to be active OSURA volunteers.
OSURA Board Retreat – it was suggested that a steering committee to include President-elect Steven D’Ambrosio be formedto put together a Board Retreat Agenda.
9:50a / Treasurer’s Report – Dan Jensen
About $15,000 was transferred over from the Fidelity account to pay the Fawcett bill from the September Conference.
See Dan’s report for additional information.
Membership Dues, general renewal process and sustaining members.
Gemma clarified that OSURAmembers are not Alumni Association sustaining members unless they have donated at least $75 to the Alumni Association. Alumni Association sustaining members are eligible to purchase game tickets and receive the AA magazine. [Note: you have to be an alumnus of OSU to be a member of OSUAA, unless one was an OSUAA member before July 1, 2012.]
Committee Reports
Finance – Jerry Newsom
Columbus Foundation’s “Big Give” program runs until noon tomorrow. It is critical to get membership renewals and or donation in by December 31, 2017 to maximize the benefit to OSURA.
STRS/HPA – Recommendations that subsidies for non-Medicare people be frozen 2019. If Medicare is capped at 5% this would provide 30 year solvency
See Jerry’s report
Annual Conference – Rachel Turner
Carl reporting for Rachel –Mary McCury is finishing up the conference evaluations. Dan Jensen shared that the Fall conference should either break even or see a slight profit. Carl praised the work and efforts of Rachel and committee for another successful Conference.
Membership – Gemma McLuckie
An email blast will be sent out regarding membership as well as renewal reminders.
The intended purpose and value of associate members and household members.
OSURAs participation in OSU HR Years of Service and Retirement functions – Michele Bondurant will send the HR Calendar of these events to Gemma and Carl.
Mary Cull suggested that having an OSURA presence at OPERS Retirement Seminars might also be an opportunity to pass along OSURA information.
Benefits – Hal Noltimier
Hal mentioned OSU decision to forgo OSU email forwarding after September 30th as a security measure
as well as a 10 gazelle article about Root Insurance company looking into self-driving automobiles.
Hal distributed Dick Hill’s “Short Answer” Why Are There Differences Between Actuarial Assumptions and Actual Pension Balances?”
Bylaws – Marie Taris
Carl reporting for Marie – nothing new to report
Cultural Arts – Rai Goerler
upcoming event Rare Books tour at the Thompson Library
October 20th Ballet Met
See Rai’s report
Travel – Alabelle Zghoul
Rai reporting for Alabelle
October 30 - 31– Berea trip needs at least 30 participants to break even with cost.
Social –Elenore Zeller
Carl report for Elenore – October 19th Special Lunch Bunch presentation featuring Dr. Jerry Newsom
Special Interest – Mary Cull
Keeping track of Calendar of events
October 26th Dinner lecture Richard Steckel on American Slavery and the aftermath
Other Reports
FCBC – Next meeting is October 18th
OCHER – Nancy Wardwell
Carl reporting for Nancy – OCHER also does not endorse POP5
See Nancy’s report
Bucks for Charity – David Crawford
The campaign is underway from October 2 through November 2, 2017. Packets will go out soon for retirees.
Historians – Fern Hunt & Tom Sweeney
Fern reported the OSURA files are in good shape and includes synopsis of OSURA meetings since 1983. OSU Historical papers are housed in the OSU Archives, at the Kenny Road site. Anyone wanting access to something in particular may want to call ahead with their specific request to allow the Librarians time to access the information.
Vice President’s Report – Steven D’Ambrosio
See Steven’s report
A motion was made by Gemma McLuckie and seconded by Gabby Reissland to approve the minutes to the OSURA September 20, 1917 Annual business meeting. The motion passed without dissent.
New Business
  • Carl will be meeting with both Geriatric and Gerontology folks for information gathering regarding OSURA scholarship idea
  • A motion was made by David Crawford and seconded by Gemma McLuckie for OSURA to participate in the AA sponsored Hockey event and purchase 10 game tickets for $15 each. The ticket purchase also includes a game tail gate at the Schott. The motions passed without dissent.
David volunteered to work with AA for this event.
10:40a / With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Mary Cull and seconded by David Crawford to adjourn the meeting.
Next meeting Tuesday November 14, 2017 at LAH

Respectfully submitted

Shirley Flowers

OSURA Secretary