1. Pre-crastination is the drive to complete tasks immediately to get them out the wayfaster,it is considered a possible method to combat procrastination, which can be exacerbated as tasks pile up.

Please choose from one of the following options.

A. No Change

B. faster;

C. faster:

D. faster—

2. Even though its crocodilian jaws are fragile and incapable of eating a large animal, the Gharial still evokes a powerfulemotion,terror.

Please choose from one of the following options.

A. No Change

B. emotion

C. emotion—

D. emotion;

3. Joanna possessed the star qualities of a tennischampion;resilience, strength, and humility.

Please choose from one of the following options.

A. No Change

B. champion:

C. champion,

D. champion

4. The thieves stole some of Beauval Zoo’s most valuedmembers—sevengolden lion tamarins and ten silvery marmosets.

Please choose from one of the following options.

A. No Change

B. members; seven

C. members, seven

D. members seven

5. A recent study revealed a dramatic shift in human life expectancy between 1800 and1935,women had begun to outlive men by almost ten years.

Please choose from one of the following options.

A. No Change

B. 1935;

C. 1935

D. 1935, by then

1. The correct answer is B


This choice is the best answer because it appropriately uses a semi-colon to punctuate the break between two independent clauses.

2. The correct answer is C


This choice is the best answer because it appropriately uses a dash to set off the emphatic last word of the sentence.

3. The correct answer is B


This choice is the best answer because a colon effectively punctuates the break between the "champion" and "resilience." A colon is an effective choice to separate a clause from the list that follows.

4. The correct answer is A


This choice is the best answer because it appropriately uses a dash to punctuate the break between the independent clause ("the thieves stole some of Beauval Zoo's most valued members") and the dependent clause ("seven golden lion tamarins and ten silvery marmosets").

5. The correct answer is B


This choice is the best answer because it appropriately uses a semi-colon to punctuate the break between "1935" and "women."