The Fruit of Her Hands
Final Chapter
1. How does the Bible instruct us that we should handle criticism (from any source)?
*Look up these Scriptures to help you answer; be prepared to share one more scripture, from your own investigation, with your group:
1Jn. 3:13
Lk. 6:26
Ro. 12:14
Lk. 6:27-29
For personal reflection: Have you been criticized recently? How have you handled it? Did you share with your friends the criticism you received so that they could affirm you in the midst of it? What about you? Do you have a habit of criticizing others, even if you never really vocalize it? Do you have a judgmental spirit? Are you constantly ‘sizing people up’, placing them in certain categories—‘she’s always this…or always does that’? Have you considered the transforming power of Christ in the lives of the individuals around you?
Share with the group: What ‘fruit’ has the Lord brought in your life as a result of criticism (in any form)?
2. Marriage, singleness, and widowhood: The author makes the statement: “Good doctrine will be a tremendous help to you in trial. Believing and learning
the right things about God are like storing up provisions for a famine. When affliction comes, you will have a good store of grace available.”
Look up the following verses that relate to or reveal God’s absolute control and sovereignty of all things:
Ps. 103:19 Is 46:9,10
Job 23:13 Prov. 16:1; 9
Ps. 33:11 Prov. 21:1
Prov.21:30 Acts 17:28
Isa. 14:27 Ex. 9:3-6
What did you learn about God’s sovereignty? How should these Scriptures govern our thinking about our lives? What practical applications can you glean from these verses?
3. Honoring your parents: Look up the following Scriptures: Ex.20:12; Matt. 15:4; Lev. 19:3; Dt. 5:16 and 33; Ex. 21:17
*Summarize from these verses what the Bible teaches about honoring your parents.
*Is there ever a point in your life when you don’t honor your parents?
*God never promised that obedience would be easy. Has there been a time in your life when honoring your parents was difficult for some reason, but you did honor them? How did God use that in your life and theirs?
4. The fruit of abiding in Christ: Use our 3-step Bible study method on the following passage: John 15: 1-8.
1) List the pertinent facts verse-by-verse; don’t paraphrase.
2) From the facts listed, draw out a general spiritual principle for each verse.
3) Now go back and list personal applications for each verse in the form of personal questions.
**Be prepared to share with your group what you gleaned from your own personal study of this pasage. What fruit is promised as we abide in Christ?
5. Acrostic time!!!! Do an acrostic using the word fruit. This acrostic should reveal what you have learned from the study of The Fruit of Her Hands this year. An example has been provided for you to get you going, but you are encouraged to come up with your own!
F-Following God’s Word will always lead to peace and joy
R-Respect for my husband is not optional.
U-Understanding God’s Word is an on-going, life-long process
I-I must always strive to honor my parents.
T-Trusting God will enable me to submit to my husband.