/ ST/IC/2013/4/Amend.2
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/ ST/IC/2013/4/Amend.2

Information circular*

[Superseded by ST/IC/2015/4 issued on 13 January 2015]

To: Members of the staff

From: The Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management

* The present circular will be in effect until further notice.

Subject: Membership of the Central Review Board, Committee and Panel at Headquarters


Sections I and II should read as follows:

I. Central Review Board


Mr. Nabil Abdel-Al Metwali / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Ms. Nannette Ahmed / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Ms. Zehra Aydin / New York Office of the United Nations Environment Programme
Mr. Ramu Damodaran / Department of Public Information
Ms. Cecilia Elizalde / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Mr. Brian Gray / Department of Management
Ms. Eszter Horvath / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Mr. Andrei Kovalenko / Executive Directorate of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism
Mr. Rick Martin / Department of Field Support
Ms. Margaret Novicki / Department of Public Information
Ms. Kazumi Ogawa / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. John Purcell / Department of Management/Office of Central Support Services
Ms. Heidi Schroderus-Fox / Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
Ms. Harriet Solloway / Department of Peacekeeping Operations

II. Central Review Committee


Mr. Rajan Ananthanarayanan / Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Ms. Ann Biddlecom / Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Ms. Gwendolyn Chellam / Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
Ms. Ping Cheng / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Ms. Maha Fayek / Department of Public Information
Ms. Emer Herity / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Mr. Branko Krstulovic / Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Mr. Hak-Fan Lau / Department of Public Information
Mr. Ariel Lifshitz / Department of Management
Mr. David Nyskohus / Office of Internal Oversight Services
Mr. Egor Ovcharenko / Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
Ms. Stefania Piffanelli / Peacebuilding Support Office
Mr. John Schot / Department of Safety and Security
Ms. Sunari Silva / Department of Management/Office of Central Support Services
Ms. Matilde Mabel Triguis Gonzalez / Department of Management/Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts
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