Classroom Observed:______Date(s) of Visit:______
Lesson Description: / Enter data/comments.Co-teaching method used
IEP objectives being taught
Related state learning objectives being taught
Relation of SOLs being taught to pacing guide
Tasks assigned to students
Resources and materials used
Assessment method and format
Student Activities: / Enter Y (Yes), S (Sometimes), or N (No)/Comments
Used a variety of modes to acquire content (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, tactile)
Used advanced organizers, frames, webs or graphic organizers to highlight essential skills and knowledge
Actively engaged in learning through peer tutoring, cooperative learning groups, small groups, technology
Made aware of critical content
Used accommodations and modifications to curriculum/instruction to master content
Demonstrated understanding in a variety of ways (answers to questions, tests, projects)
Used model and hands on activities
Students are seated and ready to work when bell rings
Students work until bell rings to end class
Instructional Practices Evidenced: / Enter Y (Yes), S (Sometimes), or N (No)/Comments
Activated prior knowledge (or provided formulae/equation/vocabulary to access content)
Connected learning to real life
Used differentiated instructional strategies (e.g., tiered lessons, flexible grouping, centers)
Provided clear instruction both verbally and visually
Maintained a positive learning environment (e.g., Stated expectations, minimized transitions, kept instruction quick paced, provided specific praise statements, used appropriate voice tone, treated students with respect, circulated and scanned room frequently)
Used technology and assistive technology to access content
Re-taught students not achieving mastery
Assessed students in a variety of ways (e.g., test, projects, oral presentations)
Provided many opportunities for students to apply and practice learning strategies
Taught a variety of concepts that can be applied across subject areas (e.g., predicting, problem-solving)
Provided adequate time for students to process information
Provided accommodations and modifications to allow access to the curriculum
Provided balanced reading instruction (e.g., teaching letter sounds, teacher guided corrected reading, immersion in media events, comprehension)