CISCO CCNA I and II Syllabus:

Periods 1/2

The purpose of this class is to give students the necessary skills in basic network administration, which will prepare them to succeed in both the CISCO certification exam and in future computer science fields.

Basic Class Information

Textbook: None- all online

Website: (flash required)

Supplies: valid e-mail address, $5 lab fee

Scope of the Content

CCNA Courses 1 through 4 of the Academy program, equivalent to 280 hours of instruction, provide students with a basic foundation in networking. Students who successfully complete this portion of the program are eligible to earn Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA™) or CCENT certification.

This is college-level coursework and follows CISCO rules. All content is online as well as demos, quizzes, and tests. It is not easy material; be prepared to work both in class and outside of class to benefit the most from this course. Parts I and II are best taken in a student’s junior year and parts III and IV are usually taken during the senior year. Seniors who are beginning CCNA are permitted to do so, but they should realize they will not finish the full 4-semester sequence by the time they graduate. It can, however, usually be continued in most colleges and community colleges. This class is not recommended for sophomores nor freshmen.

This class is taught entirely online and is largely self-paced. Students are presented with a schedule to give them an idea where they need to be at any given time, and class lectures will reflect this schedule, but students are allowed to work ahead if they choose. Students who fall behind by two weeks or more will have their parents notified, as this material is extremely difficult to catch up. Students who do not pass or complete one semester of CCNA can not move on to take the subsequent semester(s).

Dual Enrollment with the Northshore Technical Community College

St. Tammany Parish has an agreement with the Northshore Technical Community College (NTCC) in Sullivan which allows this class to be dual-enrolled. Eligible students will be enrolled at both Covington High and the NTCC, and upon successful completion of this class, will have course credit in both locations, complete with a grade and transcript. This opportunity will allow students going to one of the NTCC after high school to begin with some courses already completed. For students not going to the NTCC, this provides them with a college transcript with which to apply for transfer credit, the opportunity for college scholarships, or an improved chance for admittance.

Grading and Assessment:

Your grade is an accumulation of your chapter test scores, the lab practical, and the final exam. Each chapter has its own online test which may be repeated up to three times. There are occasionally additional multi-chapter tests that come up. At the end of each semester, you are also given a lab practical which will last no longer than three hours. Be aware that CISCO requires a 70% to pass; a 69% in this class is considered to be a failing grade. All tests and exams are closed-notes, and will be activated only once the teacher has seen the student’s notes for that chapter. There are periodic labs that are also required to be completed before a test is activated. Additionally, while this is a self-paced course, students are given a schedule of when chapters must be completed, and will lose points if deadlines are not met.

Nine Weeks Exam- The nine-weeks exam administered at the end of each nine weeks makes up 20% of the student’s overall nine-weeks grade as mandated by the school board. Your nine-weeks exam is simply one of the normal chapter tests administered by CISCO. The end of the semester exam is the final exam administered by CISCO.

NOTE: For the 2016-17 school year, there are no 1st and 3rd nine weeks exams.

Assigning Letter Grades- Student letter grades will follow the grading scale outlined by the St. Tammany Parish School Board. CISCO requires a 70% to pass; a grade of 67%-69% is considered failing and will reflect a failing grade on your school report card.

Basic Teacher Information:

Mr. Lynch was raised in Slidell, Louisiana and is a graduate of NorthshoreHigh School. He received three Bachelors of Arts degrees (Biology, Psychology, and Liberal Arts) and a minor (History) at West VirginiaUniversity and his Masters of Teaching degree from the University of Virginia. His free electives were spent in gifted education and technology integration. Mr. Lynch has also received CISCO instructor certification for CCNA and IT Essentials parts 1 and 2, as well as Pharmacy Technician instructor certification. Mr. Lynch has previously taught at WaynesboroHigh School, Waynesboro, VA, and has been at CHS since spring 2004. He also has three years of experience teaching statistics at the college level. Mr. Lynch currently resides in Slidell with his wife, son, and daughter.

CISCO CCNA and IT Essentials Parent Form

Dear Parents,

Your child has chosen to take one or more of Covington High’s advanced computer classes, either CISCO CCNA (computer network administration) or IT Essentials (computer assembly/repair and server maintenance). These courses are taught entirely online through CISCO’s NetworkAcademy website and the material’s difficulty level is at the college-level. Upon completion of these courses, your child will have been exposed to all of the material covered on each classes’ respective certification exams, and are encouraged to take them. CCNA prepares them for the CCNA certification exam, whereas the IT Essentials class prepares them for the A+ exam.

If your son/daughter is considering a career in computers, these classes are excellent preparation for them. However, please be aware that these are difficult classes, and that CISCO requires an overall 70% or higher for a passing mark. If you have an Internet connection at home, you may at any time check on the progress of your child. He or she can simply log into the CISCO website and show you their grades. There is no textbook for this class; all material, tests, and the final exam is online. Also, due to the fact that students will be online daily, please realize that misuse of the computer in any way (visiting inappropriate sites, going to chat rooms, etc) is taken very seriously and will likely result in not only a discipline report but also possible removal from the class.

This is a self-paced class, but a tentative schedule is handed out to give all students an idea of where they should be. Falling behind in either class almost certainly will guarantee a failing grade. Students are able to access the content online at home, so if you have an Internet connection and your child is falling behind, encouraging them to catch up at home is highly recommended.

Some important information for you:

Teacher: Mr. Vance Lynch


CISCO website:

I encourage regular contact with parents. Please sign below to indicate that you have read this and are aware that your child is in a difficult but highly rewarding course.

(Please Return to Mr. Lynch)

Parents Signature:______Phone: ______

Child’s Name: ______

Parent’s E-mail Address(es): ______