CONTRACT №______

Kazan ______2010

Kazanskaya Yarmarka OJSC hereinafter referred to as the ORGANIZER, in the person of its General Director Lev L. Semenov, acting on the basis of its Charter, on the one part,and______, hereinafter referred to as the PARTICIPANT, in the person of its ______, acting on the basis of ______on the other part, have concluded the present contract as follows:


1.1. The ORGANIZER is obliged to provide the PARTICIPANT with the exhibition space, additionalequipment and services at the OIL, GAS. PETROCHEMISTRY(further “the exhibition”) to be held on8-10of September, 2010on the territory of Kazanskaya Yarmarka OJSC at 8, Orenburgsky trakt, Kazan, 420059, Russia, upon the terms written in Enclosures № 1-4 which are the integral part of the present contract.


2.1. The total amount of the contract should be a sum of rental cost of the exhibition space, additional equipment and services, registration fee in accordance with the application (Enclosure№1).


3.1.The ORGANIZER is obliged:

  • to organize the exhibition and render the services to the PARTICIPANT according to Enclosures № 1-4;
  • to produce and organize publicity campaign, to inform organizations and persons concerned about the exhibition;
  • to work out a plan of exposition based on technical possibilities of pavilions and general design of the exhibition.
  • to register the PARTICIPANT (providing the participant with the official passport of the expo area) on the basis of the documents that confirm the registration fee payment and to provide full range of services, mentioned in the application (Enclosure № 1);
  • to guarantee public order on the territory of the exhibition center, safety of the exhibits during non-working hours of the exhibition.
  • to present a document with the information about the actual services and their costs received by the PARTICIPANT during the exhibition, including the services that were ordered additionally during the exhibition running period.

3.2. The PARTICIPANT is obliged:

  • to meet the terms of the ORGANIZER (general terms of participation, to submit all necessary documents within the time specified in Enclosures № 1-4, payment conditions in accordance with point 4 of the present contract), to follow safety regulations and fire safety during preparations and holding the exhibition;
  • to provide the ORGANIZER with power of attorney to their representative confirming signatory authority for necessary papers that concern services of the ORGANIZER to the PARTICIPANT at the exhibition in accordance with point 3.1 of the present contract;
  • to fulfill a commercial activity in full coincidence with the acting laws of Russian Federation and the Republicof Tatarstanand rules of wholesaling and retailing;
  • to place the exposition only within the territory of the ordered ground;
  • to set up the exposition and place the exhibitson 7.09.10 from 8.30 to 18.00, to dismantle the exposition and remove the exhibitson 10.09.10 from 15.00 to 18.00, 11.09.10 from 8.30. to 16.00;
  • Departure of the PARTICIPANT and (or) removal of exhibits before the finishingwork timeof the exhibition (10.09.10till 15.00 o’clock) are not permitted!
  • in case if the activity and-or the PARTICIPANT’s goods are subject to licensing, in the information the licence number as well as the name of the body which has granted this licence should be specified. Advertising of the goods which are subject to obligatory certification should be accompanied by a mark “it is subject to obligatory certification”. Copies of licences and certificates, assured properly, should be at the EXHIBITOR during the exhibition running period.
  • in case of renunciation of the ORGANIZER’S services or making alterations in the application to inform the ORGANIZER about it in a written form not later than 15 days before the exhibition opening.
  • to compensate the ORGANIZER for the cost of material damages caused to the ORGANIZER’S property during the montage and dismantling of exhibited devices, advertising structures inside and outside the pavilions except for cases when the ORGANIZER fulfills the given activity itself.

3.3. Date of fulfillment of services is the last day of the work of the exhibition. During 5 days since the day of fulfillment of services the PARTICIPANT signs the Acceptance Report or directs motivated refusal to the address of the ORGANIZER. If refusal of signing the Act is not directed to the ORGANIZER during 5 days from the moment of fulfillment of service, the service is considered to be accepted.


4.1.The PARTICIPANT is to prepay 100% of the contract total amount on the settlement account of the ORGANIZER not later than 5 working days before the exhibition opening on the basis of the issuedinvoice by the ORGANIZER. Other forms of payment should be negotiated with the ORGANIZER additionally and are registered by the additional agreement to the present contract. The specified payment is made with observance of the condition defined in point 6.2. of the present contract. A day of payment is consideredthe day of receipt of money on the settlement account of the ORGANIZER. All bank commissions levied both on the territory of the country of the PARTICIPANT, and on the territory of the country of the ORGANIZER, should be paid by the PARTICIPANT.

4.2. In case the ORGANIZER is informed about changes in area and/or shape of stand that require reconstruction of the main exposition and also in demand of additional equipment in period less then 15 days before the exhibition starts (if the ORGANIZER has a possibility to realize these changes), cost of additional services will increase up to 15%.

4.3. In case the construction is made by a separate contractor a 15 per cent surcharge to the rent of the exhibition space ensues. The contractor should provide the fair administration with permits to carry out construction work as per the approved list.

4.4. In case the payment is done by athird partycompany thePARTICIPANT sends to the ORGANIZER a notification in written form. This notification can be a note in a payment draft “on account of clearings (with a name of a company for which the payment is made) according to the contract from (date) №” .

4.5. The PARTICIPANT that uses the exhibition ground of the other PATICIPANT pays to the ORGANIZER a registration fee. In this case both PATICIPANTS have system of services that are included in the cost of registration fee.


5.1. All questions which may arise at the fulfillment of the present contract or in connection with it the parties should solve by means of negotiations. In case of impossibility of such regulation all disputes are to submit for consideration of the Arbitration Court at the respondent whereabouts.

5.2. In all other cases not provided by the present contract the parties should follow the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The parties are excused from responsibility for partial or complete default of obligations under the present contract if this default was a consequence of force majeure circumstances which have been arisen after the conclusion of the present contract as a result of circumstances of extraordinary character, which the parties could not expect or prevent.

5.4. In case the exhibition will be cancelledon the initiative of the ORGANIZER, the last-named is obliged to inform immediately the PARTICIPANT and within 10 days from the date of informing to make return of the sums paid by the PARTICIPANT, or the Parties have the right to conclude the supplementary agreement to the present contract for prolongationof currency of the contract.


6.1. Without prepayment the PARTICIPANT is not allowed to participate in the exhibition according to point 4.1. of the given agreement.

6.2. The exhibition ground is assigned to the PARTICIPANT based on the application (Enclosure №1) after theadvanced payment to the settlement account of the ORGANIZER within 5 working days from the time of giving the application. The magnitude of prepayment is 30% from the total amount of the contract (point 2.1.).

6.3. If the PARTICIPANT or the third party company makes the construction and design of the stand by its own, this activity must meet the requirements of appliances and fire safety. The project of stands construction must be in accord with the ORGANIZER not less then 15 calendar days before the exhibition starts.

6.4. The exhibition grounds that are not occupied by the PARTICIPANT within two hours after the exhibition opened, rate as free and the ORGANIZER has a right to use them at own discretion so as for the given moment benefits of the ORGANIZER are considered executed and the ORGANIZER determines his damage in 100% of the PARTICIPANT cost at the exhibition. In this case the PARTICIPANT does not have his money back.

6.5. In case the PARTICIPANT refusesfrom the benefits of the ORGANIZER less then 15 calendar days before the exhibition starts and if payment is available, the ORGANIZER stirs up submitted data in the official catalogue of the exhibition and sends the catalogue on the address of the PARTICIPANT. In this case the difference between total cost of the contract and cost of making and delivery of the catalogue to the PARTICIPANT is not returned.

6.6. In case the PARTICIPANT refusesfrom the benefits of the ORGANIZER less then 15 calendar days before the exhibition starts after the contract is signed and application is presented and payment is absent, the PARTICIPANT is obliged to pay 50% cost of ordered grounds and additional services, if the PARTICIPANT refuses less then 15 calendar days before the exhibition starts – 100% cost of the ordered grounds and additional services. Payment period is not late than 3 days before the exhibition opens.

6.7.Under a refuse either the written refusal of services of the ORGANIZER or actual not participation of the PARTICIPANT in the exhibition without the officially registered refusal is meant.


7.1. The Contract and all enclosures sent via fax are competent and legal. For the moment of registration of the PARTICIPANT at the exhibition parts exchange originals of all necessary documents for the Contract and Enclosures to it.

7.2. The terms of the present contract are subject to alterations and additions in accordance with the parties and are to be presented in a written form.


8.1. The present contract comes into effect since the moment of its signing up to the fulfillment of obligations by the parties and regulation of accounts.


Correspondent Bank Account № 30109978600000038805
JSBC Rosevrobank, Moscow, Russia
Beneficiaries Bank LLC CBED «Bank of Kazan», Kazan, Russia
Beneficiary Account № 40702978200010200855
Kazanskaya Yarmarka Joint Stock Company
Orenburgsky trakt, 8, Kazan, 420059, Russia


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