Yoga and Pilates Instructor, HPA 1174

Spring 2015 - Monday 8:00-10:00a.m.

Susan Gillis Kruman (YOGA) & Sally Sherman (PILATES)

Course Description

This is an introductory course on the teaching of yoga and Pilates. This will not be a certification course but will provide you with the basics of how to create, instruct, and evaluate basic classes in both contents. Students will experience introductory class leadership covering a variety of traditional and contemporary models for Yoga and Pilates group instruction.Having knowledge of basic anatomy and prior experiences in these contents will be helpful.

Course Rationale

This course will provide you with important information you can utilize to get the most out of any yoga or Pilates class. What is important to include in a class? What progressions should be followed? What instructional methods should be used? What is the vocabulary of yoga and Pilates? These and many other questions will be the topics for each class in the course. Videos, hand-outs, and other supplemental materials will be provided in class. Although this is not a certification class the information provided will facilitate any certification program in either content area.

Course Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate through practice basic yoga and Pilates exercises, and postures
  • Develop an appropriate, sequential progression of exercises for a yoga and Pilates group class
  • Demonstrate ability to properly monitor class intensity and related safety issues
  • Display a knowledge of anatomy as applied to the various exercises and postures in yoga and Pilates
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of various instructional methods and vocabulary in yoga and Pilates
  • Teach a mini-lesson or parts of a lesson to other students in the class
  • Demonstrate through instruction, familiarity with yoga and Pilates as a tool for personal health and lifetime fitness

Required Materials:

For Yoga you will need to purchase: “Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques” by Mark Stephens (Atlantic Books)

Course Expectations & Requirements:

Assignments and Projects:

There will be tests in yoga on your readings, lectures and videos.

All students will be required to take one outside yoga class weekly during the 7 week Yoga Instructor unit.


  • Due to the nature of this course, attendance is required. Experiences missed in this class cannot be made up. If excessive excused absences require the student to take an incomplete (“I”) grade, the incomplete grade can only be converted to an appropriate letter grade by the student repeating the course in a subsequent semester. If you have more than two tardies it will be considered an absence. Yoga will be in the first half of the semester and Pilates will be in the 2nd half of the semester.
  • You are expected to be ON TIME for all classes. By coming late you disturb the atmosphere created by those who are already working. Please be courteous to those who are here and on time. Please be prompt and no one will have an issue with tardiness. Class will begin promptly with a roll call. If you miss roll-call you are late. If getting to roll-call consistently on time will be difficult (for any reason) you should not take this class. And, if you need to consistently leave early for another class, you should not take this class. Students are required to participate in the entire length of the class.
  • There is no make-up work for this class. For prolonged illnesses and injuries that will require you to miss class you must communicate with the instructor as soon as possible. Failure to do so in a timely fashion will negatively affect your grade. You will be given a participation grade for each class. The following will be taken into consideration: attention, focus, enthusiasm, cooperation, preparedness, and punctuality. Showing up and going through the motions is not enough. Failure to attend class will result in a participation grade of "0" for the day.
  • Try to practice ethical behavior.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Come to class in the proper exercise attire. May vary based on module. Please note: muddy, snowy, salty shoes damage fitness flooring and equipment. Please change shoes prior to entering the fitness facilities.
  • Students will be responsible for cleaning equipment after use.
  • No food, drink, or smoking is permitted in the space. Since we work on movement, please, NO GUM. If you smoke, do not wear your smoking clothes into class and do not wear perfume as many people have sensitivities to scents and smoke. When we are working and sweating in close proximity this is important. Also, make sure you launder your exercise clothing frequently.
  • Arrive ready for class. You may change in the locker rooms in Trees. Please do not use the studio rest room for changing.
  • It is helpful if long hair is pulled back and kept from falling in the face. Also, rings, bracelets and necklaces can impede some poses - that will be left for you to decide.
  • NO caps or hats of any kind should be worn in class.
  • Please turn off cellular phones during class time and do NOT bring your phone onto the floor.
  • Keep water bottles off the dance studio floor.
  • Take care of necessary business before you come to class. We are in class for two hours and you should be able to stay the requisite time without having to leave the classroom. It is also distracting to students to have people moving around in all parts of the class. However, if you have an emergency there is a bathroom you may use in the Dance Studio.
  • If you are ill, be sure to bring tissues and cough drops if you need to.
  • Students are not permitted into the fitness facilities and are not permitted to begin using equipment or enter the pool (if applicable) until the instructor is present and has prompted the start of the class.
  • Students are required to participate in the entire length of the class.
  • Notify the instructor immediately if an accident or injury occurs during class. Grading Attendance is required. You will receive a daily grade for participation. Taking and passing all tests and demonstrations is required.

Important Dates:

Martin Luther King Holiday: January 19, 2015- no classes

Spring Break Week: March 9-13, 2015- no classes

University Policies:

Students in this course will be expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh's Policy on Academic Integrity. Any student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity. This may include, but is not limited to, the confiscation of the examination of any individual suspected of violating University Policy. Furthermore, no student may bring any unauthorized materials to an exam, including dictionaries and programmable calculators.

Disability Services

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 140 William Pitt Union, (412) 648-7890, , (412) 228-5347 for P3 ASL users, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.

Copyright Notice

Course materials may be protected by copyright. United States copyright law, 17 USC section 101, et seq., in addition to University policy and procedures, prohibit unauthorized duplication or retransmission of course materials. See Library of Congress Copyright Office and the University Copyright Policy.