Wisconsin Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals Agenda

Board of Directors Meeting

September27, 2012

1:00-2:30 PM

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  1. Call to Order – Alissa Grenawalt
  1. Roll Call – Monica Lobenstein
  1. Additional Agenda Items
  1. Secretary’s Report – Monica Lobenstein
  1. Treasurer’s Report –Sara Gronski
  1. Standing Committee Reports
  2. Awards and Recognition – Amber Rehberg
  3. Communications – Monica Lobenstein
  4. Membership – TBA
  5. Professional Concerns – Donna Duerst & Pam Hobson
  6. Any volunteers to chair committee
  7. National Conference – Deb Ivey/Alissa Grenawalt
  8. Registration is now Open
  9. States Night Out
  10. Other

Motion to Approve Standing Committee Reports

  1. Other Association Reports
  2. Leadership Forum –Chris Viau/Alissa Grenawalt
  3. JCEP-WI Board –Jill Jorgensen/Dawn Kuelz/Sara Donnerbauer
  4. Wisconsin 4-H Foundation – Judy Kennedy

Motion to Approve Reports

  1. Professional Development Funds Ad Hoc committee – Deb Ivey
  1. Old Business
  1. MOU with State 4-H Office and 501 c. 6 update – Chris Viau
  2. Organizational changes ad hoc committee update- re Districts transition to Regions
  3. Association Website Conversion
  1. New Business
  2. Replacement for VP, Eastern/Quad Rep, Other?
  3. Fall Program Area Conference – WI Dells
  4. Table Discussions
  5. Goals for the year
  6. Any other New Business
  1. Adjourn

Next Meeting: doodle to be sent out by Alissa



Board of Directors Meeting

May 24, 2012


Call to Order – Alissa Grenawalt

Roll Call – Monica Lobenstein

Present: Alissa Grenawalt, Sara Gronski, Deb Ivey, Monica Lobenstein, Colleen Pulvermacher, Heather Schmitz, Christa VanTreeck, Jackie Johnson, Sara Donnerbauer, Judy Kennedy, Dawn Kuelz, Lori Laberee, Pam Hobson

Additional Agenda Items – None

Secretary’s Report – Monica Lobenstein

Emailed minutes from the March meeting. Motion by VanTreeck, second by Gronski to approve. Motion carried to file minutes.

Treasurer’s Report – Heather Schmitz/Sara Gronski

Emailed prior to meeting. Beginning checkbook balance of $5683.70, ending balance of $4453.92. CD balance of $70,042.06. The Treasurer’s report will be placed on file. Audit will be scheduled and the transition is expected to take place over the summer.

Standing Committee Reports

  1. Awards and Recognition – Applicants should be hearing directly from regional.
  2. Communications – Lobenstein – The Communications Committee submission deadline is June 1, 2012. Representatives will be needed for several regions when the restructuring takes place.
  3. Membership – Dean Slark is taking over the membership leadership this year.
  4. Professional Concerns – Hobson – A conference call will be scheduled soon to move forward. Duerst and Hobson are seeking volunteers to take over as chair or co-chairs of the committee.
  5. National Conference – Ivey/Grenawalt – National Conference in Orlando, FL.
  6. Registration is open. As colleagues plan to attend, they should let Ivey or Grenawalt know so they can maintain a list of who is going. Attendees MUST have a confirmation when they check in or they will be charged a large fee. Reminder to complete an out-of-state request.
  7. States Night Out – Ivey is looking for a location for this event.

Ivey made a motion to approve, second by Kennedy to approve Standing Committee Reports. Motion approved.

Other Association Reports

  • Leadership Forum – Kuelz – Viau and Grenawalt will be taking over representation on the Forum.
  • National 4-H Hall of Fame – Jim Barthel has been selected for the National 4-H Hall of Fame. He will be honored this fall.
  • JCEP-WI Board – Pulvermacher/Kuelz – JCEP went well and the Board got feedback from participants. Leadership Conference and JCEP will likely continue to be separate events. There were mixed reviews about the 2-day versus the 3-day format. JCEP Board is meeting tomorrow to start planning for 2013. Sara Donnerbauer is replacing Colleen Pulvermacher on the board.
  • Wisconsin 4-H Foundation – Kennedy – The annual spring mailing for donations goes out today with a matching donor up to $10,000. Fundraisers are scheduled for this summer – more information online.

VanTreeck made a motion to approve other association reports, second by Gronski to approve Standing Committee Reports. Motion approved.

Professional Development Funds Ad Hoc committee – Ivey/Schmitz – There were no applicants for the latest round of grants. August 1 will be the next deadline for funding requests. Sara Gronski, as Treasurer, will be taking over for Heather Schmitz and with Jim Winkler’s coming retirement a new chair will need to be elected. Quite a bit of money will be rolled over into the new fiscal year for this committee. Encourage colleagues to apply for funds.

Old Business

a)MOU with State 4-H Office and 501.c.6 update – No update.

b)Organizational changes ad hoc committee update re: Districts transition to Regions – Viau – The Association will not have an opportunity to meet at the Program Area Conference, but rather will likely need to meet via Blackboard Collaborate or some other electronic method. Please see Viau’s e-mail message about feedback he’s received regarding Board membership in the new regional structure.

c)PILD – Grenawalt – Grenawalt and Viau represented WAE4-HA at PILD in Washington D.C. They learned about partnerships on a national level and visited with Congressional representatives. They traveled with two young leaders from Youth Leaders Council.

d)Annual Meeting Overview – Grenawalt – A question was posed to the Board about whether the Association should match funds to purchase a Legacy Brick ($500 level, $1000 level, $5000 level – one-time donation or 3-year pledge) for the donation to Upham Woods. Schmitz indicated there was money left over in this year’s budget which could be drawn on for this purpose. Motion made by Johnson and second by Pulvermacher to have the association donate $729.75 +$270.25 from the dollar auction to purchase a legacy brick from the Association.

  • Dollar Auction – $270.25 was raised in the Dollar Auction. The funds raised went to Upham Woods.

New Business

a)Goals for the Year

  • Dawn Kuelz shared that she is still doing the WAE4-HYDP website updates because it hasn’t been switched to wordpress. Alissa and Dawn will discuss on where to go from here.

b)Other New Business?

Adjourn – VanTreeck motion to adjourn, second by Gronski, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:13 PM. Next meeting: Grenawalt will e-mail a scheduling poll for a Sept/Oct meeting

Respectfully submitted,

Monica Lobenstein

WAE4-HYDP Secretary

WAE4-HYDP Professional Development Grants Committee

Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2 pm, conference call

Deb Ivey called the conference to order.

Present: Sara G, Christa V, Lori L and Deb I

Not Available: Tammy Koop

Christa Vantreeck nominated Deb Ivey to be committee chair, second by Lori Laberee. Christa moved to close the nominations and cast a unanimous ballot, second by Lori. Motion approved.

Sara reported that there is $3000 available annually for professional development grants, plus there is $2540 left that was not used in 2011-2012. Of that total ($5,540), ¼ or $1,385 is available for grants in the first quarter of 2012-2013.

After a short discussion of the grant request submitted by Lori Laberee, Christa moved to award $500 to Lori to attend the International Experiential Education Conference in Madison, WI. Sara seconded the motion. Motion approved with an abstention by Lori Laberee.

Grant requests are due in February, May, August and November. It was suggested that we promote the grants now and continue in September and October. Information will also be sent to the District/Regional reps to share with colleagues at district/regional meetings.

Deb will submit an article to Youthline announcing Lori’s award and promoting the November deadline. She will also check on updating the committee page on the Association webpage.

Christa moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Lori. Meeting adjourned.