Unit Topic:_____Neolithic Revolution Name:____Marissa Russell, Jessica Freeman, Cortney Love
Key Learning: The learner will understand how societies and culture began, changed and developed during the Neolithic Revolution. Objectives: 6 G.1.4; 6 H.2.3; 6 G.1.2Unit EQ(s): During the Neolithic Revolution how did societies and culture form and change?
Concept:Birth of Civilizations / Concept:Development of Culture / Concept:Impact of Geography
Lesson EQ(s):
How does geography limit or encourage the development of civilizations?
Why did lifestyles evolve from hunter-gatherers to settled societies? / Lesson EQ(s):
How does technology transform societies?
How does agriculture shape societies? / Lesson EQ(s):
How are the 5 themes of geography important to developing culture?
How does geography lead to cultural diffusion?
revolution / Vocabulary:
culture / Vocabulary:
Cultural diffusion
Human-environment interaction
How does geography limit or encourage the development of civilizations?
Why did lifestyles evolve from hunter-gatherers to settled societies?
How does technology transform societies?
How does agriculture shape societies?
How are the 5 themes of geography important to developing culture?
How does geography lead to cultural diffusion? / That geography acts as both a limiting and encouraging factor in the development of civilizations.
Lifestyles evolved from hunter-gatherers to settled societies due to the Agricultural Revolution, advances in technology and changes in food supply which also, in turn, affected population growth.
Technology transforms societies by population growth, going from stagnant to dynamic, settled in areas more rather than living nomadic lifestyles, and improving healthcare, medicine, longevity.
Agriculture allows groups of people to settle permanently, affecting their economy, dependent upon the food supply/resources available, with trade becoming more prevalent.
Movement, Location, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, and Place affect culture by impacting the religion, politics, economics, social aspect and technology parts of culture.
Geography leads to cultural diffusion by unifying or dividing societies. / Create a Venn Diagram or Double Bubble map comparing limiting and encouraging factors. Research 2-3 basic civilizations, using primary sources, and determine whether geography limited or encouraged development by writing a report.
Analyze the cause and effect of the 3 factors listed by making a tri-factor graphic organizer, and create a triple Venn diagram comparing the 3. Create a line plot displaying the population growth post-AR period.
Get in groups with roles: carpenters/contractors, doctors, and merchants wherein groups share how the village has evolved due to technology advancements and write a RAFT.
Agriculture bubble map, trace the origins of the A.R. on a map and the spread of the A.R., research which crops grow best in every area and answer how climate and geography affects the food supply.
Identify the 5 themes in a bubble map graphic organizer, create a rap/song/poem telling about each of the 5 themes and what they mean, research one country’s culture and display each theme in relation to that area in a poster/presentation. Write a speech persuading the audience of the “most important” theme of culture with ample evidence to back it up.
Identify and explain which factors unify and divide societies. Compare and contrast unifying and dividing factors. Research an area and decide whether the geography unites or divides the society and present your findings to the class. List landforms and determine whether the landform would unify or divide the area and how?
Decision 1b Student Learning Map (SLM)