Job Descriptions – 3/24/11
Christian Education Coordinator (CEC)
- Check the website for the most recent information regarding the Creative Festivals (e.g. theme, guidelines, rubrics, lesson plans, etc.).
- Work with the Fellowship President of your diocese to recruit the Creative Festivals Director (CFD).
- Gather chair contact information and send to the Department of Christian Education (AODCE) within one week of annual Diocesan Parish Life Conference (PLC).
- Ensure that CFD has access to Diocesan contact information.
Creative FestivalDirector(CFD)
- Check the website for the most recent information regarding the Creative Festivals (e.g. theme, guidelines, rubrics, lesson plans, etc.).
- Recruit chair for each Creative Festival category.
- Send Chairs’ contact information to Christian Education Coordinator (CEC).
- Gather contact information of all parish priests and Church School Directors in your diocese and email a copy to the Department of Christian Education at
- Send theme, deadlines, website info, mailing instructions to all contacts.
- Send notification of winners to all contacts.
- Send certificates/ribbons to each Festival Chair.
- Order awards.
- Submit bill for awards, certificates and judges gifts to your diocesan Fellowship of St. John.
- Submit report to your diocesan Fellowship of St. John.
- Arrange for display space for each festival category with PLC.
- Confirm PLC Awards Presentation set-up with PLC committee.
- Run PLC Awards Presentation.
- Remind priests that they or a representative from their parish needs to pick up their entries, awards and certificates at end of the PLC. Note who picked up their entries.
Festival Chair (FC) (Art, Writing, Poetry, Photography)
- Check the website for the most recent information regarding the Creative Festivals (e.g. theme, guidelines, rubrics, lesson plans, etc.).
- Select judges and schedule judging dates.
- Receive entries by deadline date.
- Organize entries by grade.
- Have entries judged.
- Purchase and give gifts to judges.
- Submit bill for judges’ gifts to Creative Festivals Director (CFD).
- Send list of winners to the CFD.
- Fill out participation certificates (some use ribbons instead).
- Display winning entries at PLC.
- Award prizes at PLC for your category
ChurchSchool Director(CSD)
- Check the website for the most recent information regarding the Creative Festivals (e.g. theme, guidelines, rubrics, lesson plans, etc.).
- Decide on how to implement Creative Festivals.
- Implement. (Many church schools have a coordinator that does this job instead of the CSD.)
- Attach a Standard Identification Formsecurely to each entry and make sure it is filled out completely.
- Fill out a Record of Participants Formfor each category and submit it with your entries.
- Mail entries to Festival Chair by deadline.
- Notify winners and encourage their attendance at PLC Awards Presentation.
- Be sure that entries are brought back to your parish from PLC.
- Distribute certificates of participation and awards.