Submittal Form B

Non-Functional Requirements


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources


Forestry Management SystemRFP

Table of Contents



5.2Operating Environment

5.3Performance and Usability



5.6Software as a Service (SaaS)



The following non-functional requirements outline the manner in which the Minnesota DNR (DNR) expects the integrated Forestry Management System (FMS) to function. Each requirement is presented in the following format:

Requirement Statement
5.x.x. Unique ID and requirement title/short name
Detailed requirement description
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:

There are two vendor responses required for each requirement: Solution Category and Narrative Response. They are described below.

5.1.1Solution Category

Select from the following drop-down items the category that best describes the vendor solution to that requirement:

  1. COTS solution is fully compliant – no modification required
  2. COTS solution compliant via “Customer configuration option” (by customer)
  3. COTS modification required (by vendor)
  4. New development required (by vendor)
  5. Requirement cannot be met
  6. Not applicable to this proposal

5.1.2Vendor’s Narrative Response

Use the free-form text field to provide a clear and concise narrative explanation regarding your solution for the requirement. When responding to each requirement, please explain how it will be met or indicate why it cannot be met. Where applicable, please describe any industry-leading features that you recommend be part of the solution. If an explanation is lengthy or requires other documentation, include the explanation as an attachment and reference it in the answer space provided.

5.2Operating Environment

5.2.1DNR Operating Environment Background Information

This section describes the DNR operating environment. It provides background information on existing systems and conditions that the proposed FMS should take into consideration, as it must work within this set of systems and conditions. It also describes DNR preferred systems and solutions. Forestry Work Locations

DNRForestry staff is geographically dispersed throughout the state of Minnesota. Appendix 10.5includes a map of Forestry office locations. The operating environment and hardware for DNR staff is modern and standardized. Center

The DNR Data Center is located in a modern secure facility in Minnesota. The DNR server fleet is a combination of virtualized Windows Server and enterprise Linux systems. Forestry Staff Workstations - Desktop, Laptop and Tablet PCs

Forestry personnel are provisioned with standard desktop, laptop and tablet PCs. Tablets are replaced on a three (3) year cycle and desktops and laptops replaced on a four (4) year rotation cycle. Standard hardware and software configurations are defined in Appendix 10.10. Many of these devices are configured for WIFI connectivity. Minnesota IT Services (MNIT) utilizes Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (MS SCCM) to manage all software installations, maintenance, and removals on these devices. Forestry Field Data Collection Devices

Forestry currently uses Trimble JUNO mobile devices to complete some field data collection tasks. Forestry desires to replace these devices with a newer device with simplified and highly reliable data transfer to and from the devices. This RFP requests vendor recommendations for device(s) that operate vendor recommended mobile application(s), but the cost of those devices must not be included in the vendor proposal. Network

Forestry office locations are provisioned with data network services managed by MNIT. Network speeds vary by location based on capacity requirements and are constrained, in some rural locations, by available services options and limitations. Appendix 10.9 summarizes data network speeds by location and workstations deployed to Forestry employees at that location. GIS Systems

DNR defines their geographic information system (GIS) in Appendix 10.8.2. See also Appendix 10.8.1 MN DNR ArcGIS Server Design and Appendix 10.8.3 MN Geospatial Standards. Service Desk

Forestry system users contact a central MNIT Service Desk for hardware technical support. The Service Desk is only operational during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM central time). Forestry system functionality questions, requests for data extracts, etc. are generally routed directly to MNIT staff assigned to support existing Forestry systems. Technologies

DNR uses the following technologies extensively in their current systems:

  • Relational Data Base Systems: Oracle, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL
  • Desktop Management System software: MS SCCM
  • MS Active Directory (AD) user authentication
  • SAP Business Objects Edge (Crystal Enterprise)

5.2.2Operating Environment Requirements

Requirement Statement with Current Standard DNR Workstation Configuration
Vendor proposed solution for applications on Forestry desktop, laptop and tablet workstations must be compatible with the following current DNRForestry hardware and standard software definition:
  1. Hardware configuration – see Appendix 10.10
  2. Software standards
  3. MS Windows 10+
  4. MS IE 11 or Edge and Google Chrome
  5. MS Office 2013+
  6. Cisco AnyConnect Web Security and VPN client
  7. MS System Center Endpoint Protection
  8. Absolute Computrace

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement Device for Field Data Collection
Vendor proposal must recommend mobile device type(s) to meet RFP functional requirements for field data collection. Software installation and maintenance must be accomplished via a central mobile device management software without intervention by device user. The cost of the recommended mobile device type(s) must not be included in the vendor’s cost proposal.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement with Minnesota State Mobile Device Usage Policy
Vendor proposed solution must conform to the Minnesota State Mobile Device Usage Policy: .
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement Standards
The vendor’s solution should be based on industry standards and supported software that are:
  1. Widely used in government and industry
  2. Scalable
  3. Recognized by industry as reliable
  4. Supported by a large pool of technically skilled resources
This is especially important if the vendor’s solution will be in a MNIT provisioned hosting site.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement Solution
Vendor proposed solution should integrate with or leverage the existingDNR SAP Business Objects Edge (Crystal Enterprise) platform.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement Infrastructure Software & Hardware for a Hosting Solution
Vendor proposal must include identification of:
  1. All prerequisite software and hardware required to operate the proposed solution in a data center.
  2. A recommended system configuration with adequate capacity to operate the vendor proposed solution in compliance with DNR defined parameters for system availability and performance.
Hosting software and hardware component identification with associated costs are required on the Cost Proposal Submittal Form O. Provide supporting explanations, if required, in the narrative response section below.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement
Vendor proposal must include provisions for at least the following three operational environments that provide FMS business functionality defined in Submittal Form A, Functional Requirements:
  1. Production (for DNR production business)
  2. Test (for vendor functional and DNR user acceptance testing)
  3. Training (for DNR user training)
The vendor must describe their plan for providing, maintaining and supporting the above environments.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement Single Sign On

Vendor proposed solution must provide a single sign-on for all of the functions within their proposed FMS solution. Users should not need to enter user ids/passwords when they move from one module to another. DNR preference would leverage Active Directory.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement with Existing DNR GIS Systems

Vendor proposed solution must integrate with the existing GIS operating environment describedin Appendix 10.8.2, MN DNR GIS Definition. Except where noted in the description, the proposed solution may use alternative technologies or approaches; however, be cautioned that ease of integration with the DNR’s existing GIS systems is a factor in evaluating solutions. See also Appendix 10.8.1., MN DNR ArcGIS Server Design diagram.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:

5.3Performance and Usability

Requirement Statement

5.3.1System Design for Usability

Vendor proposed solution must incorporate a User Interface design that:
  1. Accommodates a range of User skills, connection speeds, and device sizes.
  2. Minimizes the number of unique screens and clicks/keystrokes required to accomplish specific workflows, within reason.
  3. Uses non-mouse navigation (e.g. tab keys, keyboard shortcuts) when possible.

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.3.2Data Network Connectivity Speeds

Vendor proposed solution must meet RFP functionality and performance criteria at common DSL speeds of a minimum of 3 mbps download / .986 mbps upload.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.3.3Must Support “Peak” Concurrent Active User Sessions

Vendor proposed solution must support up to 100 concurrent users (33% of 300 DNRForestry staff)during the business day without system response time performance degradation.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.3.4Event-Driven Notifications

Vendor proposed solution mustprovide event-driven notifications for such items as log processing failure, integrity monitoring, configuration checks and host intrusion detection.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.3.5Reporting Performance

Vendor proposed solution shoulddescribe anarchitecture optimization strategy and tactics for FMS reporting solution(s), so reporting activities do not adversely impact system operation. Use the space below or reference an attachment.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.3.6System Updates

The vendor proposed solution must describe a process for keeping software and components up-to-date, to correct errors, complete maintenance, and enhance the system.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:


Appropriate, adequate, and timely testing are essential to delivering a system that meets DNR requirements. Any functional change to the system must be rigorously tested and accepted in writing by DNR before implementation in production. Any maintenance change to the system must be thoroughly tested and documented by the vendor. The vendor is expected to follow the same structured approach to testing after the system is operational and throughout the life of the contract.

Requirement Statement

5.4.1Project Test Plan

The vendor’s proposed solution must include a Project Test Plan that ensures:
  1. Stability of the hardware and software
  2. Capacity and scalability of the hardware and software
  3. Functionality of the software
  4. Reliability and correctness of the software
  5. Accuracy of the input and output provided by the hardware and software
  6. Confidentiality of customer information
  7. Adherence to statewide security policies
  8. Test data, test case scenarios, and scripts are thorough and complete
  9. Secure transfer protocols for data exchange
  10. Ability of the proposed solution to handle power outages, network outages, other interruptions in service, or other loss to the system, including the ability to recover data

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.4.2Project Testing Types

The vendor’s proposed solution must include testing activities for each of the following testing types: unit, system integration, regression, load/stress, user acceptance, security, accessibility, and field testing. Appendix 10.17contains a description of each type of test.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.4.3Test Plan Execution

The vendor proposed solution must include successfully performing each type of testing outlined in Appendix 10.17. With the exception of user acceptance testing and field testing, all testing must be performed by the contractor. The system in its entirety must be tested (user acceptance testing) and approved by DNR prior to go-live. The DNR must approve any modifications to the system.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.4.4Issue Tracking and Resolution

The vendor proposed solution must include tracking and correcting any defects that arise during testing using an issue tracking system (e.g., JIRA). The DNR must be provided access to the issue tracking system in order to report issues and track progress. The vendor must cooperate with the DNR to classify and prioritize defects for resolution. A resolution and timeframe must be agreed upon by all parties and documented in the issue tracking system. The vendor must resolve all defects prior to system implementation and operation.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.4.5Maintenance / Operational Testing

The vendor proposed solution must include quality assurance on maintenance releases that includes all testing types specified in Appendix 10.17, especially regression suite testing, to guard against loss of current functionality with maintenance releases.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:


Requirement Statement

5.5.1Annual Certification of Accessibility Compliance

Vendor proposed solution must
  1. Provide DNR with a plan for third-party accessibility testing and certification of the integrated FMS at the vendor’s expense. The third-party choice must be acceptable to DNR and the vendor.DNR will manage the contract with the accessibility third-party vendor.
  2. Be in compliance with Section 508 (refresh) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and WCAG 2.0 Level AA throughout the life of the Contract.
  3. Repeat the third-party accessibility testing and certification of the integrated FMS at the vendor’s expense each time there is a DNR-recognized major release that affects the integrated FMS and changes the form or function of the System web site in some manner. The third-party choice must be acceptable to DNR and the vendor. DNR will manage the contract with the third-party vendor for accessibility testing and/or certification.
  4. Address any remediation identified in the accessibility testing report requested by the State within 90 days. The vendor must bring all applicable non-compliant FMS components into compliance immediately upon discovery of the non-compliant situation at the direction of the State of Minnesota.
The state may withhold retainage until the release is deemed to be in substantial conformity with Accessibility Standards.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:

5.6Software as a Service (SaaS)

If the vendor proposed solution is a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, the following requirements apply, a response is required, and will be scored. Vendor is also required to complete Submittal Form M.

Requirement Statement

5.6.1System Availability

Vendor proposed solution must meet DNR’s system availability requirements:
  1. Normal expected system availability is 24 hours a day/7 days a week/ 365 days a year.
  2. System must be available during normal business hours. Normal business hours is defined as follows:
  3. 8:00AM to 6:00PM Central Time Zone
  4. Monday thru Friday
  5. Exception: MN state holidays

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.2Scheduled Outages

Vendor proposed solution must meet the followingDNR requirements for scheduled outages:
  1. Normal scheduled outages are allowed as required for routine system maintenance provided they fall outside DNR normal business hours, as defined in requirement 5.6.1 above.
  2. Vendor requested outage date/times must be approved by DNR.
  3. Vendor must provide at least 48 hours warning to DNR before scheduled maintenance.
  4. Vendor must provide DNR a complete list of changes/updates for each system release or maintenance upgrade.

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.3Recovery to Normal Operations afterSystem Outage

Vendor proposed solution must meet the following DNR requirements for “ Recovery to Normal Operation” status from an unscheduled outage:
  1. During normal business hours:
  2. Recover to normal operation within 4 hours of outage
  3. No transaction/data loss more than 4 hours prior to outage
  4. Outside normal business hours:
  5. Recover to normal operation by start of next business day, or within 4 hours of outage if occurrence was less than 4 hours prior to start of next business day
  6. No transaction/data loss more than 4 hours prior to outage
  7. In either case, the vendor must notify DNR of the outage as soon as possible and provide an estimated timeframe for resolution.

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.4Database Backup

Vendor proposed solution must create regular production database back-ups at least once per 24 hours and be stored at and available from a secure location offsite from the production data center.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.5Encrypted Tunnel Data Network Connectivity

The vendor must provide encrypted tunnel data network connectivity from the hosting site to the MNIT Enterprise Data center. The connection must:
  1. Be of adequate capacity/speed to support all system related data traffic during peak periods without adding network delay to transaction response times.
  2. Include redundant and diverse routed data network connection.

Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.6Automated System Performance Notifications

Vendor proposed solution must send automated, event-driven system performance notifications to one or more DNR specified email addresses. System must provide event-driven notifications for such items as log processing failure, integrity monitoring, configuration checks and host intrusion detection.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.7Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Vendor proposed solution must negotiate a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to apply from the time FMS is operational though the life of the Contract. The SLA must include, at minimum, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for:
  1. Availability and performance of Hosted Services
  2. Help Desk Services
  3. Defined Ancillary Services
  4. Performance Reporting Services
  5. Transaction response times
The most current SLA must be available to DNR at all times. Vendor will supply DNR regular reports regarding compliance with performance measures in the SLA.
Solution Category: / Choose an item. /
Vendor’s Narrative Response:
Requirement Statement

5.6.8Disaster Recovery