-Office use: Permit Number assigned: ______


Eligibility Requirements for Parking Permit Application:Applicant must be a junior or senior in the fall of 2015. For all courses completed in June 2015, students must have failed no more than one course and achieved a minimum 2.0 weighted GPA. Additionally, all financial obligations to South Meck must have been paid prior to submitting the application.These same eligibility criteria must be maintained at the end of the first semester or parking privileges may be revoked. Applications will be accepted from students without a license, but students must have a license (NOT a learner’s permit) in order to pick up the permit and permits must be picked up by 4 SEP or they will be resold and a refund issued.

Loss of Parking Privilege: The use of a motor vehicle on campus is a privilege that may be limited or revoked at any time. Any school administrator may revoke or suspend a student’s driving/parking privilege as a result of tardiness, repeated parking violations or any moving violation, unpaid financial obligations, leaving school without permission or any other disciplinary problems.

Application Procedure: Along with this completed form, payment in the amount of $25 cash is required at the time of application. The student need not personally be present to submit the application. Applications will be acceptedin the main school office 10am -12pm on Tuesdays 21 and 28 July and 4 August. The 14th of July will be for car pool applicants only. Previously purchased permits may be picked up 19 or 20August,10am – 12pmin the E building mall. Applications will not be accepted those days. Permits may be picked up by anyone who can present the student’s valid drivers license or a copy of it. Beginning the first day of school, purchased permits may be picked up immediately after school hours in CB-1. Any remaining permits will be available for purchase on Monday, 31 August and each Monday thereafter.Beginning the first day of school, parking without apermit will result in a $20 fine.


Student Name: ______Parent Phone #______

Student ID No: ______Grade in fall 2015: ______


Any vehicle that the student might drive to school should be listed. Any vehicle on campus that is not registered is subject to ticketing and bootingor towing. Any license plate change or new vehicle must be reported to the Parking Coordinator, CAPT Shewchuk, 24 hours prior to it being parked on campus. When registering any vehicle not listed below, a copy of the vehicle registration must be provided. Once a permanent plate is installed, that tag number must be provided to CAPT Shewchuk.Replacement permits are not required but may be purchased for $5; however, this requires that the original permit be removed from the previous vehicle and returned.

Vehicle # 1:

Make: ______Model: ______Color:______License Tag______

Vehicle # 2:

Make: ______Model: ______Color:______License Tag______

Vehicle # 3:

Make: ______Model: ______Color:______License Tag______

Vehicle #4:

Make: ______Model: ______Color:______License Tag______

We acknowledge that we have read and understand the South Mecklenburg High School Student Parking Regulations that are printed above and on the reverse side. We understand that any violation of the conditions set forth in these regulations may result in the termination of this parking privilege and may also result in appropriate disciplinary action by school authorities, the car being towed off campus at owner’s expense, booting of vehicle with payment of appropriate fine prior to removal, and/or legal action in court. We acknowledge that it may become necessary for school authorities to open, enter and search the vehicle and its contents and to remove any unauthorized articles described in CMS regulations or any articles that may endanger the health, welfare or safety of student or school personnel. Any such articles may be retained and used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings by school authorities or delivered to appropriate law enforcement officials. All such action is at the sole discretion of school authorities. We acknowledge that CMS and SMHS will in no case be liable for any damages to or theft from or theft of vehicles on school property, whether the result of negligence or otherwise, and we hold harmless and release from any and all claims CMS, South Mecklenburg High School, and all agents acting on their behalf.


Date Student Signature Date Parent Signature

South Mecklenburg High School Student Parking Regulations 2015-2016

The use of a motor vehicle on campus is a privilege that may be limited or revoked, without refund, at any time. Any school administrator may revoke or suspend a student’s driving/parking privilege as a result of tardiness, loitering in the parking lot before or during school, repeated parking violations, reckless driving, exceeding the 10 MPH speed limit, driving anywhere off the roads or parking lot, leaving school without permission, failure to follow directions of any staff personnel, possession of contraband or any other disciplinary problems. Once a permit is revoked, if the privileges are restored, a student will have to purchase another permit (subject to availability) at a cost of $25.

Any student who parks a vehicle on campus during school hours that is not registered with the school or who parks in an unauthorized location is subject to receiving a parking citation and may have the car booted or towed off campus at the student’s expense. Once the boot is placed on the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle becomes the sole individual responsible for the boot. If the boot is damaged or lost, the owner and student driver of the vehicle will be held financially liable and the student will be subject to disciplinary action.

Unless prior permission has been granted by CAPT Shewchuk, vehicles registered on this form may be driven only by the student on this form. If siblings will be sharing driving responsibilities, both names must be on this form and both must retain eligibility. A sibling may be in a car pool, but no more than one individual permit may be purchased by a household; violation of this policy will result in revocation of the second permit without refund. Permits and parking spaces may be used only by the student to whom the permit is issued; “loaning” or resale is strictly prohibited.Violation of this regulation will result in revocation of the permit and loss of parking privileges and fines which will be assessed for both the permit owner and the person using the permit without authorization.

1. Authorized DriversOnly students with assigned parking permits may park on campus during school hours.

2. Authorized Vehicles Onlyvehicles registered with the school may be parked on campus by students. If the parked vehicle is not registered on this form, the student or parent must register that vehicle with the Parking Coordinator (CAPT Shewchuk) in person or by email 24 hours prior to parking it on campus; failure to do so will result in a ticket. Copy of vehicle registration must be provided.

3. Parking Areas There are only two areas on campus where students are allowed to park:

a. Main Parking Lot. This lot is only for students with permits numbered 365 and lower. The permit number corresponds to a numbered parking space. Parking is only allowed in the individual’s assigned space.

b. Softball Parking Lot. This unpaved lot at the end of the access road alongside the softball field is for students with permits numbered 400 and above. There are no reserved parking spaces in this lot. Students must park in the gravel portion of this lot, staying off all roads, shoulders of roads, and grass areas. Parking in front of gates and other areas marked as “NO PARKING” is prohibited.

Students are prohibited from parking in any other area including visitors parking, handicapped zones, staff parking areas, bus or stadium parking lot, gravel lot along tennis court, any reserved spot without a corresponding permit tag, on any roadside, on the gravel roads and road to the gym (including hillside shoulder) and at auto mechanics without prior permission from the Auto Mechanics instructor when their vehicle is being worked on in the school shop.

4.Parking Permits. To eliminate the problem of “shared” permits, only one permit will be provided to the student driver.

a. Permits will be sold to rising seniors and juniors on the dates indicated on the reverse and once school starts subject to the availability of the Parking Coordinator and parking permits.

b. Student Parking Permits are adhesive stickers that must be applied to the lower rear window, driver’s side. If the vehicle has no rear window, the permit must be displayed as near as possible to that point. Simply taping the permit to the car window is unacceptable and will result in a fine.

c. There is a $5 charge for replacement stickers. So long as the vehicles are registered with CAPT Shewchuk, there is no requirement for purchasing a replacement sticker for a new vehicle. DO NOT PEEL OFF THE PERMIT STICKER AND PLACE IT ON ANOTHER VEHICLE.

5. Parking Tickets: Tickets will be issued for violations of parking and driving regulations. A fine of $20.00 will be charged for each citation issued. Fines must be paid promptly to the Parking Coordinator or the driver may lose parking privileges, requiring reapplication and repurchasing of a permit after clearing of financial obligations (if permits are available). Parking after revocation of privileges will be treated in the same way as parking an unregistered car on campus during school hours. Additionally, a disciplinary referral will be written. Outstanding fines are reported to the school registrar and financial secretary as financial obligations and may impact retention of the parking permit as well as participation in extracurricular activities, including prom and graduation. Additionally, repeated parking on campus without a permit constitutes a violation of school rules that may result in disciplinary action to include out of school suspension.