Mary Seacole

Awardees Handbook


Section / Item / Page No
1 / The Mary Seacole Award
·  Foreword from the Chair of the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group / 3
2 / Conditions of Acceptance
·  Conditions of acceptance of a bursary/learning contract / 4
3 / The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group
·  Contact details of MSASG members
·  Terms of Reference for MSASG
·  Dates of MSASG meetings for the coming year & your project end date / 6
4 / Mentors
·  What to expect from your mentors
·  Guidelines for academic supervision and professional mentorship
·  Quarterly progress report template
·  Supervision record templates
·  Skills audit template and training needs analysis / 11
5 / Financial Procedures
·  Agreeing your budget
·  Financial reporting
·  How to claim your bursary money
·  Continuing financial assistance after your award year / 24
6 / Writing up your award year and presenting at ceremony
·  Guidelines for the Mary Seacole Award Report
·  Report writing workshop notes
·  Presenting at the award ceremony / 26
7 / Media, marketing, publicity, intellectual property rights
·  Use of the Mary Seacole Award logo / 41
8 / Performance Management
·  Performance and conduct issues
·  Process for withdrawals
·  Appeals procedures / 42
9 / FAQ
·  PC equipment, attendance at MSASG meetings, change of project or mentor, benefits of award, completion of project, award ceremony presentation, publications, / 46
10 / Appendices
·  Background to the Mary Seacole Awards
·  Development award criteria
·  Leadership award criteria
·  List of past Mary Seacole Award winners / 49



Dear Colleague,

Congratulations on being selected as a Mary Seacole Awardee for 2014- 2015.

We welcome you to what we think will be an exciting and challenging year full of opportunities and new endeavours and of course, hard work. As you know the Mary Seacole Awards have been in existence since 1994. This is a prestigious award and there are many expectations on you as an awardee that will remain with you, once you have successfully completed your identified project. You will be an award holder and will remain one for life. The example you set others will be seen in the context of Mary Seacole herself, you too will demonstrate the qualities and resilience she did.

The members of the Steering Group have put this handbook together to assist you in navigating your way through what we believe will be an important year in your career. It will clarify what we expect from each other and how we as the Steering Group will support you to get there.

It may seem a little daunting, but together with hard work and commitment, we will achieve something special.

Good luck to you all

Tom Sandford

Mary Seacole Award Steering Group


Conditions for acceptance of a bursary

The bursary is a government funding and must withstand public scrutiny. Acceptance of the bursary is subject to the following conditions and you are asked to sign the learning contract below to agree that you accept these conditions:

General Conditions

1)  that winning the award may bring a certain amount of fast accelerated development and media attention

2)  to be accountable to the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group

3)  to attend regular meetings at agreed intervals with the Mary Seacole Award Steering Group and named mentors / supervisors

4)  to submit a joint winner/mentor progress report to the Steering Group three times during the year, or as requested

5)  to submit an updated expenditure against budget breakdown to each Steering Group meeting

6)  that release of the bursary funds is dependent on progress and delivery of written outputs

7)  to keep to the agreed budget or to seek approval from the Steering Group on any proposed variation to that budget

8)  that use of bursary funds for courses is dependent on demonstration of the benefits and agreement by the Steering Group

9)  to work with your employer or partner organisation for the life of the project

10) to complete the project within one year of the award being made, i.e. 4 September 2015

11) to make the award work data, some of which may be confidential, available to the Steering Group if requested

12) to produce a final report on the work for national publication that is of a standard acceptable to the Steering Group

13) that the cut off date for the final report may only be extended once in exceptional circumstances, after which time funding would be withdrawn

14) that the copyright of the report belongs to the Department of Health

15) to ensure support systems are in place to enable you to comply fully with the conditions set

16) to write a personal statement at the end of the award year to say what the award has done for you

17) to give presentations as a Mary Seacole awardee during the year of the award and on future occasions and speak about how the bursary has helped your work

18) to commit to publishing your Mary Seacole Award work in a professional journal/peer review academic journal

19) to write a paper for the Organisation’s newsletter or intranet on completion of the award

20) to write a 250 word summary for the Mary Seacole and professional websites

21) to identify a conference through which to present findings

22) within a year of completion to submit an abstract and writing schedule to Mentors

23) that an awardee cannot apply for a further Mary Seacole Award until their current award has completed

24) that where an award is withdrawn, re-application within 5 years will not be considered

25) that the intellectual property rights of any work arising from a Mary Seacole Award remains the property of the NHS.

Specific Conditions

1)  One page on purpose, frames of reference and methods to be submitted by 4 September 2014.

2)  Project proposal subject to revision in discussion with mentor.

3)  Budget to be approved at first mentorship meeting.

Signed: ______Date: ______

Please return one copy to: Mary Seacole Awards c/o Amy Cole, Governance Support, RCN, 20 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0RN and retain one copy for your own reference.


The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group: Address list

Tom Sandford, Chair,
Mary Seacole Awards Steering Group
Director for RCN England
Royal College of Nursing
20 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0RN / Janet Fyle, Vice Chair
RCM representative,
Mary Seacole Award Steering Group
Professional Policy Adviser
Royal College of Midwives
15 Mansfield Street London W1G 9NH
Gail Adams
Mary Seacole Awards Steering Group
Head of Nursing UNISON
UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road
London NW1 2AE / Obi Amadi
CPHVA representative,
Mary Seacole Award Steering Group
Lead Professional Officer
128 Theobalds Road London WC1X 8TN
Dr David Foster
Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
Department of Health
Room 528,
Richmond House,
79 Whitehall SW1A 2NS / Vanessa Heaslip
SeniorLecturer Adult Nursing
School of Health& Social Care (HSC)
Room243 BournemouthHouse,
Christchurch Road
Mohamed Jogi
NHS Employers representative
Mary Seacole Award Steering Group
National Programme Manager
NHS Employers
2 Brewery Wharf, Kendell Street
Leeds LS10 1JR / Stacy Johnson
Past Awardee Member
School of Health Sciences
University of Nottingham
B48, Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Christine McKenzie
Professional Learning and Development facilitator
Royal College of Nursing
20 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0RN / Dr Janet Scammell
Centre for Wellbeing and Quality of Life
School of Health and Social Care (HSC)
Bournemouth University
Room 235 Bournemouth House
Christchurch Road
Dorset BH1 3LH
Lihua Wu
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Jean McFarlane Building
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL / Amy Cole/Siobhan Smyth
Awards Officer
Royal College of Nursing
20 Cavendish Square
London W1G 0RN


The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group: Email list

Please also cc to:


The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group: Terms of Reference

The Purpose of the Group

The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group is committed to offer the benefit of their combined knowledge, expertise and experience to awardees for the duration of the award.

The Steering Group will:-

·  Work together in partnership to uphold the integrity of Mary Seacole Development and Leadership Awards.

·  Promote publicity of the Awards both within their own organisation and externally.

·  Ensure that the selection process for the Awards is conducted in a fair, consistent and equitable manner.

·  Ensure that each project has a clearly articulated project plan.

·  Provide mentorship to awardees with constructive comments, support and advice to ensure that their project outcomes are satisfactorily achieved and encourage awardees to submit a high standard of work on time and at all stages.

·  Play a critical role in monitoring the budgets of awardees to ensure probity, accountability and value for money.

·  Agree strategies for addressing unsatisfactory progress or deviations from the original proposal and for resolving problems which could have major implications for the project.

·  Support, signpost and facilitate development of awardees.

·  Ensure regular review of recruitment strategy for the Awards.

Membership of the Group

Membership is comprised of one representative from each of the following:-

·  Department of Health

·  NHS Employers

·  Royal College of Midwives

·  Royal College of Nursing


·  Unite CPHVA

·  Mary Seacole Award Holder

·  Independent member - minimum of two

·  Administrative support is kindly provided by the RCN

Each member brings different qualities, knowledge and experiences to the role of the Steering Group, depending on their own background.

Problems or constraints affecting the Steering Group will be openly debated and decisions to address the issues will be formally agreed.


·  Quorum – 5 members

·  Frequency – Quarterly, with some additional meetings subject to discussion.

·  Chairmanship – Rotated alphabetically between the four professional organisations: RCM, RCN, UNISON, Unite CPHVA. Duration of 2 years. The new chair will take over immediately following the award ceremony & this will be announced during it.

·  Chairing - in the absence of the chair for any reason the vice chair will conduct the meeting.

·  In between meetings the chair and vice chair of the steering group will be required to ensure the smooth running of the process including giving, where appropriate, chair approval for key decisions which will not wait until the next scheduled meeting. All significant decisions will be agreed virtually by the steering group.

Document: MS Terms of Reference (version 5)

Updated: August 2012


The Mary Seacole Award Steering Group: Awardees’ timetable 2014/15

10th September 2014 / Induction day for new awardees
23rd October 2014 / Award Ceremony
3rd week of November 2014 / First joint mentor/awardee report due
Mid February 2015 / Second joint mentor/awardee report due
March 2015 / Report writing workshop for awardees
3rd week of May 2015 / Third joint mentor/awardee report due
May 2015 / Presentation Skills workshop
** July 2015 / First draft of final report to mentors
3rd week of August 2015 / Final joint mentor/awardee report due
Final draft of final report to Steering Group
September 2015 / Final meeting with the Steering Group
** September 2015 / Final reports bound and sent to Steering Group
October 2015 / Award Ceremony


Mentorship: What to expect from your mentors

A steering committee with representation from all the participating organisations provides support and oversees the completion of the awards. On an individual basis each of the awardees is allocated two ‘critical friends’ to act as mentors who may also be part of the steering committee. One provides ongoing support and monitors progress during the award, while the second is to provide advice and feedback relating to the academic/written quality of the research project and the project report.

You will be expected to provide written up dates for December, March, June & September[1]. The reports must be with Amy Cole () 10 days in advance of the steering group meeting. Your mentors must see your draft and add their own feedback. It will be your responsibility to liaise with your mentors and agree time tables with them to ensure you can achieve the 10 day time period.


Mentorship: Guidelines for Academic Supervision and Professional Mentorship - Guidelines for Awardees


This paper outlines the supervision/mentorship process that is integral to your journey towards successful completion of the Mary Seacole Award Project. The relationship is essentially one of support and guidance, and is built upon an expectation of open communication between all parties. This paper outlines expectations and in particular the roles and responsibilities of participants.

Initial tripartite (mentor, awardee and supervisor) meeting (2 hours)

The foci for this meeting are:

a)  Revisit and discuss the project outline

b)  Agree a way to work together (supervision and mentorship)

c)  Begin to identify personal and professional development needs

Project Outline

1.  As not all mentors and supervisors are involved in the interviews, this meeting is used to clarify and agree the project:

a)  Finalise project remit, including details of service development, award journey

b)  Benefits to health service, including financial

c)  Aims and objectives.

d)  Implications.

e)  Key project milestones & time line (Gantt chart).

2.  Clarify if ethics committee approval is required and clinical governance arrangements within Trust and the status of any application. In addition

a)  Any conditions levied must be disclosed to the supervisors.

b)  The documentation from the relevant agency must be provided to the supervisors and the MSASG secretary to retain in your file which is held at the RCN.

3.  Identify documents / tools that need to be developed for project, e.g. outputs.

4.  Identify who else needs to be involved, e.g. clinical supervisors / peer supervisor, etc