Region 4 Education Service Center

Special Education Directors’ Meeting

May 5, 2016

Welcome and Introductions / New Directors
New ESC Staff
Video—What is Your Sentence?
Reports / TCASE
·  Mary Rosenberg, Ph.D., TCASE House of Delegates Representative, Klein ISD
·  Cynthia Peltier, GCASE President, Clear Creek ISD
Special Education CAC
·  Laurie Goforth Rodriguez, Texas Special Education Continuing Advisory Committee stakeholder, Dickinson ISD
Special Education Directors’
2015-2016 Meetings / Handout:
·  Special Education Directors’ 2016-17 Meetings* / Please register online at for the 2016-17 Special Education Directors’ Meetings:
Date / Session#
September 29, 2016 / 1220015
November 10, 2016 / 1220016
March 9, 2017 / 1220017
May 11, 2017 / 1220018
Resources Provided to Districts / Resources Provided to Districts
Throughout the 2014-15 school year, resources have been provided to districts to support the provision of services to students with disabilities.
To date, more than $600,756.74 in resources have been distributed to Region 4 districts!
This Just In – Hot Topics / We will review topics “hot off the press” that impact services for students with disabilities.
Support for Students with Disabilities / ·  Vouchers / ·  Region 4 ESC would like to support the Region 4 districts and charters by providing a voucher for products to be purchased online at the Region 4 Store ( The products purchased are to be used to support the progress of students with disabilities, including access to the general curriculum.
·  Each voucher has a unique code and is single use. Therefore, all products must be purchased at one time. The amount designated to individual districts/charters is based on special education child count.
For further information, contact Dr. Ginger Gates, or 713.744.6586
Cameras in the Classroom / Documents:
·  Letter to Attorney General*
·  Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Video Surveillance of Certain Special Education Settings* / ·  Commissioner Rules have been proposed regarding video surveillance of certain special education settings. The proposed rules include a requirement that each school district board of trustees and open-enrollment charter school governing body must adopt written policies relating to video surveillance under TEC, §29.022, and the adopted rules.
·  Participants are asked to share with the group their LEA’s plans for this requirement.
·  The public comment period goes through May 9, 2016.
Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) / Links:
·  TEA link
·  T-TESS resources and materials available
·  T-TESS Skill Crosswalk*
·  Teacher Domain-Dimension Overview*
·  Detailed Rubric* / Research demonstrates that a student’s teacher is the most important in-school factor in improving student learning. To support this finding, the Texas Education Agency has committed, as articulated in its approved ESEA waiver to the U.S. Department of Education, to improving educator supports imbedded within the teacher evaluation system. Moreover, feedback from Texas teachers and principals indicates that the state's current teacher evaluation system (known as the Professional Development and Appraisal System, or PDAS) does not provide for a supportive, continuous focus on instructional growth. As a result, the agency identified a need for a new system that will provide more robust and objective feedback to teachers and administrators and direct access to professional learning.
·  The teacher evaluation system, the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), was designed in 2013-14, piloted in 2014-15, will be implemented in 2016-17, and focuses on providing continuous, timely and formative feedback to educators so they can improve their practice. Note PDAS remains in place during the 2015-16 school year as the State’s approved instrument for appraising teachers.
·  The following Region 4 LEAs participated in the T-TESS Pilot.
o  Friendswood ISD
o  Houston Heights Learning Academy
o  Lamar CISD
·  Four domains are appraised
o  Planning
o  Instruction
o  Learning Environment
o  Professional Practices and Responsibilities (includes School Community Involvement, Demeanor and Ethics)
·  Appraisal of Teachers: The T-TESS is the Commissioner’s adopted appraisal process. LEAs must appraise teachers and may use the T-TESS or an appraisal process and performance criteria that is developed by the district, contains specific items, and has been adopted by the board of trustees. (TEC § 21.351; 19 TAC AA §§ 150 1001-150.1010)
For further information, contact Kelly Ingram, Director, Accountability and Leadership Solutions, at or 713.744.6372.
Texas Principal Evaluation & Support System (T-PESS) / ·  TEA link at
·  T-PESS resources including a User’s Guide and FAQ at / The Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS) is the Commissioner Recommended principal evaluation system for the state of Texas starting in the 2016-17 school year. The T-PESS was completed in 2013-14 and piloted in 2014-15.
·  The intended purpose of the Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System is to assess the principal’s performance in relation to the Texas Principal Standards. The evaluation should take place in a collegial and non-threatening manner. The principal will take the lead in conducting the evaluation through the use of self-assessment, reflection, and input gathered from various stakeholders with an interest in the leadership of the school. The evidence and documentation gathered by the principal is not intended to become a portfolio. Rather, it should provide a basis for self-assessment, goal setting, professional development planning, and demonstration of performance on specific standards. A standardized principal evaluation system will:
o  serve as a measurement of leadership performance,
o  guide leaders as they reflect upon and improve their effectiveness,
o  focus the goals and objectives of schools and districts as they support, monitor, and evaluate their principals,
o  guide professional development for principals,
o  serve as a tool in developing coaching and mentoring programs for principals, and
o  inform higher education programs in developing the content and requirements of degree programs that prepare future principals..
·  Appraisal of Principals: The commissioner by rule shall establish and shall administer a comprehensive appraisal and professional development system for principals. In carrying this out, the Commissioner shall establish school leadership standards and a set of indicators of successful school leadership to align with the training, appraisal, and professional development of principals. The T-PESS is the Commissioner’s adopted appraisal process on which to appraise the performance of various classifications of school administrators. LEAs must appraise principals and may use the T-PESS or an appraisal process and performance criteria that is developed by the district, contains specific items, and has been adopted by the board of trustees. (TEC § 21.354; 19 TAC AA §§ 150 1021-150.1022)
For further information, contact Kelly Ingram, Director, Accountability and Leadership Solutions, at or 713.744.6372
PBMAS – Proposed Changes for 2016-17 / Handout:
·  Performance-Based Monitoring TETN Session, April 28, 2016* / ·  Projected date of 2016 release – Unmasked reports posted on TEASE ACCT 08/05/16
·  Projected date of 2016 release – Public masked reports posted on TEA website 09/16/16
·  New Acronym – “SD” Significant Disproportionality
·  Major Proposed Additions
o  Indicator #6: SPED Regular Class ≥ 80% Rate Ages 6- 11 being changed to Ages 6-21 & adding significant disproportionality by race/ethnicity (slide 38)
o  Indicator #7: SPED Regular Class < 40% Rate Ages 6- 11 being changed to Ages 6-21 & adding significant disproportionality by race/ethnicity (slide 39)
o  Based upon above indicators - removing Indicators # 8 & 9 (slide 40)
o  Removing Indicator #11 SPED RHSP/DAP Diploma Rate (slide 41)
o  SPED Indicator #14 SPED African American representation – adding disproportionality rates as a report only not including African American with one or more races (slide 44)
o  SPED Indicator #15 SPED Hispanic representation – adding disproportionality rates as a report only (slide 45)
o  SPED Indicator #16 SPED LEP representation – adding disproportionality rates as a report only (slide 46)
·  Rule adoption to accept the manual is anticipated mid-May to mid-June. This would include the thirty day comment so stay tuned
For questions, contact Jerry Klekotta 713.744.6393 or
Disproportionality in Discipline / Handout:
·  Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Special Education*
·  Federal Register
·  USDOE School Climate and Discipline / ·  Rules have been proposed to improve equity in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
·  Included are recommendations for a standard methodology that each State must use in its annual determination under IDEA section 618(d) (20 U.S.C. 1418(d)) of whether significant disproportionality based on race and ethnicity is occurring in the State and the LEAs of the State.
·  If found to have significant disproportionality in the identification, educational environment or discipline for students with disabilities a district would be required to set aside 15% of its IDEA, Part B funds to provide comprehensive coordinated early intervening services.
·  Additionally the LEA would have to review their policies, practices and procedure and revise, if necessary, to ensure compliance with IDEA.
For questions, contact Dr. Clynita Grafenreed, 713.744.6868 or
State Performance Plan (SPP) Data Entry / Handouts:
·  State Performance Plan / Annual Performance Report Data Collection Schedule for 2015-2016*
·  Troubleshooting Guide: SPP 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14 (March 2016)* / ·  SPP application opening dates:
o  SPP 7 Application opened January 1, 2016.
o  SPP 13 and 14 Applications opened April 1, 2016.
o  SPP 11 and 12 will openWednesday, June 1, 2016.
·  Data must be entered and certified for SPP Indicators 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14 byWednesday, August 10, 2016.
·  Clarification process for districts reporting less than 100% compliance in data collections for SPP 11, 12, and 13:
1.  TEA returns data to the District after SPP application close date.
2.  District Certifier receives email notification of returned data.
3.  District Certifier reviews district level data. If data entry error is identified (inaccurate data was submitted) District Certifier will follow the steps for Clerical Error Correction Process. If data entry is correct (accurate data was submitted) District Certifier will follow the steps for Indicator Compliance Corrections Clarification Process.
For further information, contact:
SPP 7 --Sonja Hollan, or 713.744.6340
SPP 11 and 12 --Kara Zwolinski, or 713.744.6562
SPP 13 and 14 –Karen Pepkin, or 71.744.4470
Update on Data Entry for SPP 11 / Handouts for SPP 11:
·  SPP 11 Instructions*
·  SPP 11 FAQ*
Link for SPP 11: / SPP 11
·  The 2015-2016 data collection period is July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. All students, ages 3-21, who were evaluated, had their eligibility determined and had an IEP developed between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 should be reported.
·  Indicator 11 refers to “initial” eligibility determinations made for children ages 3-21.
·  Report students for whom the evaluation process was completed during the July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 school year. Students for whom the parental consent was obtained in the 2014-15 school year and the eligibility process was completed between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 would be included in this data collection.
·  Report students for whom the evaluation process was completed, but not within the timeline because the parent of the child repeatedly failed or refused to produce the child for evaluation. (CFR §300.301(d)(1)) Only districts or charter schools that maintain detailed records of delays should report these students within the timeline and in compliance.
·  Do not report three-year-old students who are transitioning from Part C (Early Childhood Intervention) to Part B (Preschool Programs for Children with Disabilities) Report these students in SPP 12 (Early Childhood Transition Timelines).
·  Do not report students for whom the evaluation process was interrupted and the district or charter school was unable to complete the evaluation process, therefore eligibility was not determined. Detailed records of attempts must be documented and maintained at the local level for audit purposes.
For further information, contact Kara Zwolinski, or 713.744.6562
Update on Data Entry for SPP 12 / Handouts for SPP 12:
·  SPP 12 Instructions*
·  SPP 12 FAQ*
·  ECI Transition Flowchart*
·  ECI Transition Flowchart Document *
Link for SPP 12: / SPP 12
·  For this data collection, the 2014-2015 school year is defined as July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
·  Report all children for whom the evaluation process was completed July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Referrals initiated in the 2014-15 school year and completed July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 would be included in this data collection.
·  Report children for whom the LEA has been notified that child served by Part C/ECI is potentially eligible for services under Part B prior to the child’s third birthday.
·  Report children for whom the LEA has received an invitation to the transition conference.
·  Report children served by Part C/ECI and the LEA was notified that the child is potentially eligible, even if the child was referred to Part C/ECI less than 90 days before their third birthday.
·  Do not report a child who has been served by Part C/ECI that enrolls in another LEA after the child has been referred for special education services.
·  Do not report a child who has not been determined eligible and served in Part C/ECI services.
For further information, contact Kara Zwolinski, or 713.744.6562
Options for Speech Therapy Services to Preschoolers with Disabilities / Handout:
·  Options for Speech Therapy Services to Preschoolers with Disabilities* / ·  This handout is provided to assist in clarifying options for two PPCD service location codes.
Indicator 17 - Phase I of the State Systemic Improvement Plan and SPP 3 / Current TEA SPP
·  National Reading Panel Executive Summary and National Reading Panel Report
·  37th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2015
·  The Condition of Education (May, 2015)