Title: 21 Shell’s Commercial Graduate Programme - Life in Downstream Commercial
Duration: 3:10 minutes
At the heart of the oil and gas industry, Tobias Chen joined Shell's graduate programme in Business Development. An exciting platform from which he can excel, feel pride in his achievements and propel is careers, all while having the flexibility to ensure that his work complements his life. Find out what makes his experience with Shell like no other.
21 Shell’s Commercial Graduate Programme - Life in Downstream Commercial
[Background music plays]
Guitar music
[Video footage]
Man sitting at workstation, talking on headset.
Man talking.
“I'm Tobias Chen, I joined Shell in 2011.
[Text displays]
The culture is very open, very friendly.
[Video footage]
Two young women in an open plan office.
Men in a meeting room.
One thing that keeps people here is the culture.
The Shell's Graduate Programme, is very different from
the typical management trainee programme
and the amount of participation of senior leaders in this programme
[Video footage]
Group of people at a meeting table.
is quite surprising and very encouraging.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking.
I have never been declined walking into a VP's office or a GM's office.
[Video footage]
People in meeting room, talking.
They're always very encouraging and very welcoming
towards feedback, enquiries or even challenges.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking.
Each Shell graduate will be assigned, or through his own means,
[Video footage]
Two women talking in a cafeteria, with cups on table, looking at a document.
find a mentor that is a senior leader in a business,
[Video footage]
Close up of an Individual Development Plan.
with advice, career guidance and help to resolve some of the issues
that a graduate might be facing.
[Video footage]
Same two women talking at table.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking.
[Video footage]
People talking in meeting.
The interactions with people who have spent 10, 20 years in a business
I think that's really helpful
for someone that's fresh out of university, like me.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking in meeting room.
Shell, as we all know, is a Fortune 100 company,
and it has a huge array of businesses.
[Video footage]
View of bay with storage tanks in the distance.
Aside from Upstream we also have the very strong Downstream business
[Video footage]
Shell V-Power signs at a filling station.
Tobias giving a presentation.
Through that, you bring out a very complete perspective.
It's a really a lot of opportunities that one can enter into.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking.
[Video footage]
People in meeting room looking at presentation on projection screen.
There's always new businesses to explore
and new dimensions, new markets, new challenges to face.
It never gets boring.
[Video footage]
Close up of information about Shell Open University, zooms out
There is this immense network of courses
that we can take up in our own time.
It's called Shell Open University.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking.
It broadens our horizons beyond just our job scope, our businesses.
[Video footage]
Tobias at workstation, talking and working.
I think that's a very strong benefit associated with being a graduate.
[Video footage]
Tobias speaking.
I'll typically begin my day with a little bit of planning
about what's going to happen throughout the day.
[Video footage]
Tobias working at a computer.
The mornings are typically time for, firstly, clearing overnight emails,
[Video footage]
Close up of Tobias typing on keyboard
[Video footage]
Group of people conducting a teleconference.
That would be followed by teleconferences
with our colleagues in the Philippines, in Thailand
and in China.
[Video footage]
Tobias speaking.
People talking and laughing at a restaurant.
Lunchtime is typically spent with the team or with friends.
[Video footage]
Tobias at his workstation working on computer.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking
After lunch, we can literally focus on our work.
- the project that's outstanding, the reports,
the analysis that we have to do.
[Video footage]
Close up of Tobias typing on keyboard
[Video footage]
Tobias at his workstation working on computer.
My proudest moment in Shell was
the winning of a very important contract.
[Video footage]
Tobias talking on headset.
Everybody, upon hearing the news, jumped up and cheered
and it was really a very exciting moment for us;
we celebrated.
[Video footage]
Close up of Tobias
[Video footage]
Tobias talking
The first thing that my line manager said to me,
when I first came to Shell, was
[Video footage]
Close up of Tobias
"You're all hand-picked to be the future leaders of Shell...
[Video footage]
Group of people.
Tobias writing on flipchart.
...that you will one day become a leader of this Fortune 100 company."
[Video footage]
Woman walking through corridor.
[Video footage]
Tobias speaking.
[Video footage]
Womans walking into light open office reception area.
This is also something that drew me to Shell in the first place;
[Video footage]
City scape at night with coloured lights at night.
the opportunity to make a difference for the world's energy future.
[Video footage]
Shell filling station at night.
City scene lit up at night showing traffic.
The world's constantly growing
and with economic growth comes an ever-increasing need for energy.
[Video footage]
Tobias speaking.
[Video footage]
Computer graphic
People at workstations with banks of monitors.
And so that prospect of being at the forefront
of the most exciting part of the energy industry,
[Video footage]
Group of people walking along a corridor.
I think that's something that really defines a Shell graduate”.
[Video footage]
Tobias smiling broadly.
[Text displays]
Shell logo