The Bridge

February 2015

United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational


During these days leading through Epiphany to Lent, our Sunday lectionary readings follow Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Mark. On his first day of teaching in the Synagogue in Capernaum, those listening to Jesus were said to be “astonished”. Those who followed Jesus were even more astonished as their lives with this teacher unfolded. There were “unclean spirits”, healings, and times of being run out of town. There was the arrest and killing of John the Baptist, stories told by Jesus that were hard to understand, and cleansing of lepers. Those called by Jesus to follow were not bored, that is for sure!

Mark’s Gospel will challenge us to consider how it is that we follow the man of Nazareth. What does it mean to be his disciples today? If our faith is boring or no longer central to our lives, why not take the opportunity to re-examine what it all means?

When Jesus preached in Capernaum, Mark says, “immediately there was in their synagogue someone with an unclean spirit who cried out, ‘What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.’ But Jesus rebuked the spirit, saying, ‘Be silent, and come out!’ And the unclean spirit, convulsing the person and crying with a loud voice, came out.” (Mark 1:23-26)

Though we don’t often call it, “casting out demons”, we know of God’s transforming grace and the difference it makes. Here at the UCC we participate in casting out demons in the name of God’s love. We do this when we welcome everyone to our church, when we teach God’s love to our children, when we work for justice, when we work on behalf of the poor and hungry, when we give time and talent and money to refugee resettlement or work on Pine Ridge Reservation.

Practicing discipleship is one way to bring our discipleship to life. Join us as we worship and share together, listening for what God is calling us to do in 2015.

Blessings, Micki

Silver Lake Summer Opportunities!

Silver Lake Summer Conference brochures are in the church office! Please speak to Tracy if you would like one for your child(ren). You can also see a brochure and register online at

Kids have a wonderful week full of singing, crafts, games, swimming, active worship, ropes course and much more. The food is great too! Scholarships are available!!!


Congratulations to the following young people who celebrate a birthday in February:

February 1 Ciara Hurlburt and Kale Prentice February 22 Saoirse Fischer

February 7 Jorie Welshans February 28 Layla Decker

February 11 Jonah Folds and Lily Danforth- Gold

We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Charlie Gold who passed away on January 7.

We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Wendy (Jamgotchian) Weigel who passed away on January 8.

We extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Bob Charity who passed away on January 24.


A group of 7 youth and adults will represent us this coming June at the Pine Ridge Reservation. Each person will pay for airfare and room and board. There will be some fundraisers this year to help offset this cost. Please plan to participate as you can in order to make our trip more affordable. If anyone wishes to contribute to the Pine Ridge Fund, please make a check to the church and put “Pine Ridge” in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your help!

Worship in the Parish House…

…has begun with a service on Jan. 25. In spite of ice and cold outside, worshippers were toasty inside and the spirit was good! Since the space is smaller than our sanctuary, some commented that there was a more intimate feel to the service, which many liked. Organist Anne Chamberlain spoke about the piano, a Steinway upright, saying that it is in very good condition and was given to the church many years ago by George Kittle. It was moved to the Parish House when Mary Schiefflelin’s niece, Julie, donated the grand piano to the church. Join us in the coming weeks for worship!


March 1, 8, 15, 22


Is Topic for Lenten Study

Join in on this year’s Lenten Study, which will be held on the first four Sundays in March after Fellowship Hour. The study will follow a video led by Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity after Religion. Embracing Spiritual Awakening invites participants to examine and understand the changing cultural landscape in North America. In the sessions she will lead us to discussion of what it means to be spiritual, to be religious, and how Christians today might be grace-filled witnesses to the reality we know and experience. Do you feel you are more spiritual than religious? Do you know people who describe themselves that way? What does that mean and what are the implications for the 21st century church?

Each class will be discrete, so come when you can. A study guide may be purchased for $12.95. Let Tracy in the office know if you wish to order a book. It will be possible to participate without the study guide as well. A sign-up sheet will be in the Parish House.

In the Mailbag:

Dear Friends, thank you for your generous donation to the Cornwall Food & Fuel Fund from the Ecumenical Community Thanksgiving Service. Throughout the year the fund offers assistance to people in Cornwall who are having trouble meeting their basic living expenses, such as heating fuel, groceries and utilities. 100% of donated funds are sued for direct aid to those in need. The Cornwall Food and Fuel Fund is a vital resource for many of our Cornwall neighbors. I appreciate your help in this effort and wish you all the best in the coming year.


Jill Gibbons, Director, Cornwall Social Services

Donation: $191.00

“Dear T. G., much and lovely greetings are coming to you from your sponsored child, Suleka and the entire family of Lepatoyie. Everyone in family is in good health hoping everything is alright with you.

Suleka has already join college school and she is doing well. She will come home during December holiday to visit her parent and grandmother before going back to school on January.

At moment the climatical conditions at our area are condusive because our rainy season has already began. It is raining and small scale farmers has already planted some crops like beans, kales & cowpeas. How are the weather conditions at your country?

All of our family members wishes a merry Christmas and good funs during X-mass festivities. May God keep you safe and in good health and prosporous new year 2015.”

Update letter from Child Fund, December, 2014 (copied verbatim from a translated letter)

Dear Kids in Church School, thank you for all the Thanksgiving Food. It was really great! The family really appreciated all your hard work! You guys rock!

Love M.


The UCC Church in Goshen has invited folks from other churches to participate in their mission trip coming up this summer. They will be going to Village Mountain Mission in the Dominican Republic to build homes from June 30-July 7. The cost is $1700 a person (to be reduced by fundraising) and a $200 deposit will hold a spot. This trip is for all ages: youth, college and adults. For more information on the project, go to There will be a planning and information meeting at the Goshen church on Feb. 15, 4pm.


Our church is invited to worship this year with St. Peter's, at 7pm on Feb. 18th. There will be a service of Communion and the opportunity to receive ashes, for those who wish. This service is a meaningful beginning to the 40 days of Lent (not counting Sundays) that lead to Easter.

Red Cross Blood Drive

1:00 –6:00 on Tuesday, March 3 in the UCC Parish House

Donors must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 lbs. There is no upper age limit if you are in good health. If you have given in the past or if this will be your first time please come, and invite your friends and neighbors.

To sign up please call the Red Cross directly at 1-800-GIVE LIFE. Walk-ins are welcome. Allow at least one hour in all.


Love is in the air! God has shown us how much we are loved by giving us a very special gift, Jesus. The month of February is the traditional month of love and although we love others all year long, we declare it to the world during this cold, short month. We buy sentimental cards, flowers and delicious candies to give to those dear to us. God and Jesus also taught us how to reach out to, care for and love others less fortunate or less desirable than ourselves. Read together the following stories about God and Jesus’ love for others that are found in the bible: “The Ten Lepers,” Luke 17:11-19; “A Widow Shares,” 1 Kings 17:8-24; “Lydia Shows Love,” Acts 16:8-15. Think of ways you could show someone they are loved that won’t cost you any money. For example: make your bed without being asked, smile or wave, learn the sign language signal for “I love you” to send to your family members, help with chores, read a story to a younger sibling, make a card or make the following to give to a special person in your life.

Cherry Chocolate Kisses

Makes about 36 cookies


1 c. unsalted butter, softened, not melted!

1 c. powdered sugar

⅛ teaspoon salt

2 t. maraschino cherry “juice”

¼ t. almond extract

2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour

½ maraschino cherries, chopped

Granulated sugar, for sprinkling the cookies

36 milk chocolate kisses, unwrapped


1. Preheat the oven to 325°.

2. In a bowl beat the butter at medium speed untilcreamy, about 1 minute.

3. Reduce the speed to low and slowly add the powdered sugar and salt.

4. Add the cherry juice and the almond extract until combined.

5. Still on low, slowly add the flour, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

6. Increase the mixer speed to medium and add the cherries.

7. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls, and place on a baking sheet, 2 inches apart.

8. Using your thumb, gently press each cookie in its center until the cookie is about ½ -inch thick.

9. Sprinkle each cookie with a little granulated sugar.

10. Bake the cookies until the bottoms are lightly browned, about 14 minutes.

11. Once removed from the oven, immediately press a chocolate kiss into each cookie’s center.

12. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.

Make Pretzels

One of the traditional symbols of Lent is the pretzel. In the early days of the Christian church Lent was observed as a time of sadness and suffering. People were required by the church to abstain from eating certain well-liked foods and to eat only simple meals, including a special bread shaped into arms crossed in prayer. The bread was known as “bracellae,” a Latin word for “little arms”. As the church grew, this Christian custom spread into places with different languages and the word translated eventually to “pretzel”. The Sunday before Ash Wednesday was often named Pretzel Sunday by some Europeans to remind them to think about the meaning of the forty days of Lent.

The Pretzel recipe:

Stir one packet of dry yeast into ¾ cup warm water. Add one tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon oil, and ½ teaspoon salt. Mix in 2 cups flour. Turn out dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead until smooth. Break off pieces of dough and form shapes. Place on foil pieces. Brush tops of dough with beaten egg, sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake at 425º until tops are golden brown (about ten minutes).

The Quarterly Book Group’s Next Selection

The Quarterly Book Group has chosen its next title: My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman. Subtitled Meditations of a Modern Believer, the book has been widely reviewed and praised as an exploration of the author's search for and shifting faith when faced with incurable cancer. Much more on Google. Published 2013, 182 pages.

United Church of Christ in Cornwall

Congregational Meeting

December 7, 2014

Moderator Julie Brandfield called the meeting to order at 11:20.

Clerk Barbara Gold read the call to the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to consider a proposed budget for 2015.

Treasurer Charlie Milligan presented the proposed budget approved by the Church Council. There was a request for a line item budget.

At present, $68,665 has been received toward a budgeted line of $71,000 income from pledges. This would result in a deficit of $19,448 for 2015 if no more pledges are received; the deficit for 2014 is anticipated to be $25,000.

Discussion concerned the amount we draw from investments and suggestions of ways to reduce expenditures.

Jim Longwell moved and Josh Tyson seconded that the proposed budget be approved. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:40.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Gold, Clerk


A Little Church Humor

"Out Of The Mouths Of Babes"


“One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them to replace the ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to mothers and fathers.”
“God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at times beside bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or TV because of this. Because he hears everything, there must be a terrible lot of noise in his ears, unless he has thought of a way to turn it off."