Onondaga County Music Educators’ Association
Fall General Membership Meeting
Monday, September 14, 20157:00 PM
Red Mill Inn, Baldwinsville, NY
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at7:01
- Secretary’s Report – Dave Wilber
The minutes from the spring meeting were not read. Anyone wishing to see
minutes from any meeting should contact Dave Wilber. Minutes are also
available on the web site.
- Treasurer’s Report – Alison Miles (Fabius-Pompey)
Alison reported that our finances are in good shape. Our membership is at 186 members which is up significantly from 75 last year. The no pay/no play policy has helped this number grow. To pay for membership this year people can go to Solochair and pay by pay pal or send a check to Alison's PO box.
For audition or festival payments - Copy the participation invoice and send payment to Alison. If using BOCES Arts in Ed. send to the BOCES person and she will submit it to Alison. If using the Solochair invoice make sure to make a copy for your business office in addition to the one you send to Alison.
Alison has made a few changes to the budget.
1. There is a $100.00 increase in the meal money for judges, conductors, and teachers.
2. The amount for music for the Elementary Festival was increased due to the new String Orchestra.
Alison asked if we need to keep the stipend in the budget for the Elementary AC wind and percussion sectional leader. It was determined that we should leave that figure in for now.
The jazz scholarship has been incorporated into our regular scholarship funds and is reflected in the budget.
The meeting budget has been increased.
Alison added a line item for the accountant fees.
Alison is changing banks for OCMEA accounts due to high check fees at our current bank.
Trish Hollis made a motion to accept the changes to the budget as proposed by Alison. It was seconded by Becky Bizup and passed.
- President Elect’s Report – Jackie Darvill (FM)
- Festival Audition Sites – 2015-2016
- Senior High - November 20, 21 at Lafayette - Becky Pethybridge
Becky reported that everything is in good order. Solochair is now open for registration. The judges are secured. The registration deadline is mid October. Music and letters will be available by email through the list serve.
- Junior High – December 11,12 at Durgee JH - Trish Hollis
Trish reported that work is ongoing and details will follow soon.
- Elementary solo Chair registration for AC fest - Brittany O'Reilly, Baldwinsville
Brittany reported that plans are underway and conductors have been secured. They are:
Orchestra - James Tapia
Band - Justin Mertz
Chorus - Sheila Stanton
4. Jazz AC auditions (instrumental) February 8 at MPH - Rich Huyge
Rich reported that Jerry Fitzgerald is helping him with changes to the rhythm section auditions.
- Festival Sites - 2015 - 2016
- Senior High - January 8 - 9 at Marcellus - Mike Cirmo
Sue Stukus reported in Mike's absence that the Marcellus auditorium is currently closed due to asbestos removal. She has been assured that it will be ready for the festival. Just in case we will investigate a possible switch of sites.
- Junior High – January 22,23 at Skaneateles - Corey Riley
Corey was unable to attend the meeting but submitted a report to Trish Hollis. Planning is underway and conductors have been chosen. They are:
Band - David Semanzak - Pittsford CS
Orchestra - TBA
Chorus - Lou Shafer - Williamsville CS
- Jazz April 15 and 16 at Westhill - Tony Mastrobattisto
Tony reported that conductors have been hired. They are:
Junior High Jazz Band - Dave Digennaro - Homer CS
Vocal Jazz Ensemble - Carol Jacobe - LeMoyne College
Senior High Jazz Band - John Coggiolia - Syracuse University
- Elementary – April 8,9 at North Syracuse JHS - Lee Turner, Site Coordinator - Baldwinsville host.
- NYSSMA Solo and Major Festivals
There is no site in Onondaga County this year for a solo and ensemble festival. Check on the NYSSMA web site for the closest festival.
- Presidents Report - Trish Hollis, Baldwinsvile
- List Serve Anouncements
Make sure to subscribe on list serve to get all important information for OCMEA.
- Sub Cat recording
Sub Cat did a great job recording our festivals last year and will continue in that role this year.
- Audition music, new availability via email, Maureen VanVechtin, Skaneateles
Audition music will now be available via email on the list serve.
- Chaperone form concerns, Barb Holzauer, Diocese
Barb reported that there are times when festival hosts can't locate teachers. This is especially evident with bigger districts who often have teachers replace others during the festival. We need to know who is responsible for what students at all times during a festival. We will look at adjusting the chaperone form.
- Scholarship winners, new performance venue at WCNY studios for June, 2016
The concert of Scholarship winners will now be televised on WCNY. Colin Keating will send the information via pdf file. Please make sure to distribute information to any teacher in your school district who may need it.
Try to be proactive in getting applications to Colin in a timely fashion.
The auditions will take place Wednesday, January 6 at Baker HS.
F. Send invoices to treasurer along with payments.
See treasurers report above.
- Committee/Groups
- Becky Bizup - BOCES Library/Media Connect
Becky reported that she spoke with the people at BOCES about the library. It appears that we are likely to get control of the library. BOCES will also help with the logistics of moving it. We will need to find schools to house the music. If you have space contact Becky.
If you are housing parts of the library you will be asked to help festival chairs get the music.
- Kitty Popow - Vocal audition adjustments corrected?
Trish reported that the vocal adjustments have been made and will be implemented this year.
- Rich Huyge or Jerry Fitzgerald - Jazz audition music editing
See above.
- New Business
- Larry Luttinger - CNY Jazz
Larry passed out brochures for the various programs that CNY Jazz offers. Larry also announced that there will be four jazz jam sessions this year. There will also be two Nancy Kelly vocal jazz jam sessions this year.
Larry asked for help from vocal teachers to assess the needs of vocal jazz students in Onondaga County.
Funding is available through BOCES Arts in Education.
- Karen Veverka - American Music Abroad.
Karen was not in attendance. If anyone is interested in this program you can contact her.
C. John Garland - Symphoria
John spoke about the various programs that Symphoria has to offer to students in Central New York. They have 3 programs that can be performed in schools. They will be holding a Symphoria day with a masterclass and rehearsal at the civic center. They offer a spotlight series for free. In addition, kids under the age of 18 get free admission to any concert.
D. Dick Ford - Signature Music
Dick reported that Signature music receives donations of instruments each year which get into the hands of students who may not be able to afford them. Some of these instruments are also sold to gain funds for students to attend Signature programs. No student is ever turned away from a Signature program due to their economic status.
E. Tony Alvaro - West Genesee
Tony Alvaro passed out literature about a Broadway and Beyond masterclass which will be offered at West Genesee HS this year. The will accept one boy and girl from each school. For more information and registration contact Bill Davern at West Genesee.
- Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.