Saturday March 4, 2006 – 11:11H
Board:Louise Bull, Steve Cobbold, Alastair Currie, Ruth Ann Ecker, Rick Hannah (Chair),
Horst Tietze
Representatives:18 Central Region Clubs
Absent with regrets:Don Dudar, Dave Thompson
- CALL TO ORDER – R. Hannah, Chairat 11:11am
- ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA – with addition of 6.1 Provincial & Central Region Meets.
Motion: To accept agenda as modified.
L. Gordon / G. Bassett, CARRIED
Motion: To accept approval of 2005 Minutes as presented.
D. DynerJ, Ferreyro, CARRIED
4.1.Regional Director (See Appendix)
Rick Hannah distributed a report and added the following:
1) Commented on the process for the AGM
2) Thanked members of the Regional Board for their work
4.2.Treasurer (See Appendix)
Presented 2004-5 Final Financial Statements & 2005-06 Interim Financial Statements report as of March 4, 2006; Net Revenue is projected $5,860.72 based upon substantial decrease in expenses, specifically Regional Training Camp
Motion: To accept Treasurer’s Report as presented.
S. Cobbold / D. Dyner, CARRIED
4.3. Meet Management (See Appendix)
Report presented by Ruth Ann Ecker. Questions on CR Meet Host selection and impact of lack of volunteers were discussed. Ruth Ann thanked our hosts for all our Central Region meets and encouraged Club to bid for the 2006-07 CR Meets
4.4.Officials (See Appendix)
Regional Official’s Chairperson thanked all officials for their tireless volunteering at various meets. The Meeting discussed the “Officials Proposal to Make Clubs Self-Sufficient”.
5.1. Swim Ontario Conference
Regional Director announced that the Swim Ontario Annual Conference Weekend will take place in Toronto at the Marriott Hotel on September 22 & 23, 2006.
5.3. Swim Ontario Annual General Meeting
Regional Director announced that the Swim Ontario Annual Conference Weekend will take place in Toronto at the Marriott Hotel on September 24, 2006
5.4. Meet Sanctioning
Regional Director reviewed his role as Regional Sanctioning Officer and reviewed the process for meet Sanctioning including Time Trails.
5.3.Central Region Elections
Regional Direct provide context for the election of Directors’ at Large. Firstly, there will be an election for 3 Directors’ At Large for a two year term. Secondly, there will be an election to replace a Director At Large who resigned during the year for a one year term.
Directors’ At Large (Two Year Term):Three positions open for election. Louise Bull, Dave Thompson and Don Dudar were nominated for vacant positions. ACCLAIMED
Directors’ At Large (One Year Term): One position was open for election. Steve Goodwin was nominated for vacant position. ACCLAIMED
6.1 Provincial & Central Region Meets
Blake Greenwood spoke to issue that swimmer standard for disqualification from the Central Region Championship Meets did not align up in all cases with the qualification for Swim Ontario Championship Meets. Meet management agreed to look into Blake’s comment and we will ensure swimmers are not left out.
Motion to adjourn 12:00by Horst Teitze