Curriculum Vitae
Mathew Jon Gregoski
October 2012
1803 Parkland Preserve Lane MUSC College of Nursing
Charleston SC, 29412 99 Jonathon Lucas, MSC 160
(706) 254-4827 Charleston, SC 29425-1600
Internet: (843) 792-9558
Post Doctoral Scholar
I work at the Medical University of South Carolina in the colleges of Nursing and Medicine and Technology Application Center for Healthful Lifestyles (TACHL) under the mentorship of Dr. Frank Treiber and serve as the TACHL research representative. My current research interests involve the use of algorithmic modeling to develop personalized medicine based on individual's genetic, behavioral, cognitive and other psychosocial factors(e.g. community, family functioning) to determine and optimize the behavioral and/or pharmacologic interventions most likely to lead to improvements in chronic disease risk factors, functioning and/or quality of life.
Ph.D. University of Georgia (2009)
Major: Kinesiology emphasis in Measurement
Evaluating Classification & Regression Trees with Clinical Trial Data
Drs. Ted Baumgartner (Chair), Rod Dishman, Pat O’Connor
M.S. Augusta State University (2005)
Major: Experimental Psychology
Self-Evaluation Maintenance as a function of Covert and Overt Narcissism
Drs. Deborah Richardson (Chair), Rebecca Rogers, Robert Reeves
A.B. Elon University (2000 – cum laude)
Major: Psychology
Post Doctoral Scholar (Medical University of South Carolina) “Sociodemographic Regulation of CV function and Structure” (Grant Number 5R01HL056622-12) – Current
-Assisted with analyses and cardiovascular reactivity stress testing and data acquisition as well as other duties related to fulfilling the needs of the primary and secondary aims. This study is an ongoing longitudinal study of 221 pairs of African American and 302 pairs of European American adult twins examining the contributions of heredity and shared and non shared lifestyle behaviors and stress related factors upon the development of preclinical indices of hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
Post Doctoral Scholar (Medical University of South Carolina) “Stress Reduction: Impact on BP in African American Youth” (Grant Number: 5R01HL078216-04) – Current
-Assisted with data acquisition and other duties related to responding to the primary and secondary aims.This study examines the effects of two behavioral stress reduction interventions (i.e., Breathing Meditation and LifeSkills cognitive training) versus a health education control (CTL) program upon cardiovascular function at rest and during stress among 320 African American 15 to 18 year olds (50/50 male/female) with high normal systolic BP
NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) Summer institute on Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) Summer 2011
-Attended two-week summer institute at Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton Virginia. Received training on the principles of conducting unbiased RCTs, alternative RCT design, enrollment, randomization, and participant retention, methods for monitoring, coordinating, and conducting RCTs, strategies for appropriate statistical RCT analyses. Completed a working group grant proposal for a community-based school smoking prevention intervention with NIH program officer Kate Stoney. Also, orally presented the biological plausibility and proposed physiological pathways targeted by our intervention strategy.
NIH National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Summer Genetics Institute Summer 2011
-Attended eight-hour summer molecular genetics course at the NIH Biotrac Program sponsored by the NINR. Used molecular genetics methods in biobehavioral research in the biotrac lab. Analyzed strategies used for genomic-based therapies and current trends in molecular therapeutics. Identified the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of genetic tests. Examined the legal and ethical issues related to genetic testing and genetic counseling and their implications for practice and research. Maintained a 4.0 GPA.
NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Northwestern University Population Studies Workshop Featuring Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC) Summer-2010
-Received training on the available NHLBI-sponsored population studies. Discussed the framework and steps needed to acquire NHLBI population study data. Participated in focus group with Eric Boerwinkle related to genetics research using population study data. Orally presented GxE proposal to be conducted with the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study.
NIH T32 funded post-doctoral research fellow (HL66993- Post-Doctoral Training in Integrative Research Cardiovascular Biology)
-Dr. Treiber served as primary mentor. Duties include analyzing data to determine genetic, behavioral & psychosocial factors in combination with behavioral interventions, attending weekly journal club, and presentations at relevant seminars/conferences.
Statistical Consultant (MCG) “Stress Reduction: Impact on BP in African American Youth” (Grant Number: 5R01HL078216-04)
-Assistant to Dr. Treiber’s primary statistician Harry Davis, since June 2008 to present. Duties include analyzing data to determine genetic, behavioral & psychosocial factors in combination with behavioral interventions to identify differences between adolescents who do and do not improve their blood pressure. Results are further used to assist in writing of manuscripts and guide future intervention research.
Research Associate (MCG) & Temporary Project Coordinator
“Effects of exercise on executive function in obese children.” (Grant Number: 1R01DK070922-01)
-Research Assistant to Dr. Catherine Davis starting in August 2003. Received Promotion to Senior Research Assistant in June 2004, and promoted was to Research Associate/Study Coordinator in March 2005. Duties include: group test administration, individual test administration, data scoring, data coding, template design, analyses, and grant/manuscript writing. Originally, my position involved administration of the Cognitive Assessment System on seven to ten year olds, as well as the administration of numerous physiological measures: (i.e. DEXA, VO2 Spirometry, Dietary Recall using NDS.)
-Once promoted to Senior Research Assistant (June 2004), duties included: involvement in study design (test administration, protocol writing, analyses. quality control, etc), and the supervision of research assistants.
Graduate Research Assistant
-Research Assistant to Dr. Deborah S. Richardson for 2002- Fall 2003. Duties include data collection, coding, analysis, presentations, and group leadership/facilitation for other first year graduate and undergraduate students. Recent projects involve the topics of indirect and direct aggression, instrumental beliefs, and narcissism.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
-Research Assistant to Dr. Maurice J. Levesque for 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 academic years. Duties include data collection, coding, analysis, and presentation for projects involving the study of meta-perceptions, attachment style, and friendship.
P.L.A.Y Project – Medical College of Georgia (Fall, 2003 – Spring, 2005)
-Hired as a full-time Research Psychometrist/Research Assistant
-Administered the Cognitive Assessment System (CAS) to approximately 70 children that participated in a research project at the Georgia Prevention Institute.
- Assisted in completion of NIH_RO1 grant (received a score of 1.4%)
- Acted as a liaison between MCG Play Project and Richmond County Schools
-Received hands on trained with CAS and WJ-III, by working with professional consultants (Preston-Mauks, Naglieri, Ludwig).
Assessment I – Augusta State University (Spring, 2003)
- Completed multiple assessments and reports under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Rogers Ph.D. Assessment protocols and full client reports were conducted using WAIS-III, WISC-III, K-BIT, WRAT, and BENDER.
Group Process – Augusta State University (Summer, 2002)
- Learned numerous Group facilitation techniques while under the guidance of Dr. John Sappington Ph.D. Methods focused on included: Client-Centered, Gestalt, Psychoanalytic, and REBT approaches.
Practicum – Alamance County Chaps Program (Fall 1997)
-Forty hours of social work experience that included teaching and counseling prospective troubled youths.
Graduate Teacher Kinesiology General Track
-Taught sport courses in Kinesiology department for 2007- Present. Duties include: Class Lectures, Material Preparations, Sports Skills Analyses, and Record Keeping. I have taught six courses each semester, including:Fitness for life jogging, Weight training, Volleyball, Racquetball, and Bowling.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Teaching Assistant to Dr. Deborah Richardson for 2002- 2003. Duties include: Class Lectures, Material Preparation, Test Construction, Grade Analyses and Record Keeping. Courses included introduction to Psychology, Lifespan Human Development, and Quantitative Methods.
Graduate Teaching Internship
- Teaching internship with Dr. Ric Topolski (Summer 2003) and Dr. Deborah Richardson (Fall 2003). Duties include: Class Lectures, Lab Lectures, Material Preparation, Test Construction, Grade Analyses, Individual Weekly assessment of teaching skills/flaws, Weekly Group meetings discussing weekly interactions/experiences with students.
Publications (Empirical, Peer Reviewed)
McGillicuddy JW, Gregoski MJ, Brunner Jackson B, Weiland AK, Patel SK, Rock RA, Treiber EM, Davidson LK, Treiber FA (2012). Facilitating medication adherence and eliminating therapeutic inertia using wireless technology: proof of concept findings with uncontrolled hypertensives and kidney transplant recipients. J Assoc Computing Machinery. In press.
Shaporev, A., Gregoski M., Reukov, V., Kelechi, T., Kwartowitz, D.V., Treiber, F. Vertegel, A. (Under Review) Bluetooth enabled acceleration tracking (BEAT) mHealth system: Validation and proof of concept for real-time monitoring of physical activity. Manuscript submitted to Health and Technology.
Gregoski M. J., Smith S.A.O., Newton J., et al. (Under Review) Distance-based Workplace Weight Loss Using an E-health Delivered Physical Activity and Dietary Intervention Program. Journal of Physical Activity and Dietary Intervention Program; under review
Price, M., Williamson, D., McCandless, R., Mueller, M., Gregoski, M., Brunner-Jackson, B., Davis, M., Weiland, A., Trieber, F. (2012). Attitudes of Hispanic migrant farmers towards mobile phone based telehealth to manage chronic health conditions. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Gregoski M. J., BuxBaum S. G., Kapuku G. et al. (Under Review) Interactive Influences of Ethnicity, Endothelin-1 Gene, and Everyday Discrimination Upon Nocturnal Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Annals of Behavioral Medicine; under review
Gregoski M. J. Vertegel A., Shaporev A., Treiber F.A. (2012) Tension Tamer: Delivering Meditation with Objective Heart Rate Acquisition for Adherence Monitoring using a Smart Phone Platform. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine; accepted tentative December 2012
Gregoski M., Mueller M., Vertegel A., et al. (2012)Development and Validation of a Smart Phone Heart Rate Acquisition Application for Health Promotion and Mind-Body Telehealth Applications. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. 2012;in press.
Gregoski M, Barnes V, Tingen M, Dong Y, Zhu H, Treiber F. Differential Impact of Stress Reduction Programs Upon Ambulatory Blood Pressure Among African American Adolescents: Influences of Endothelin-1 Gene and Chronic Stress ExposureInternational Journal of Hypertension. in press(Hypertension: A Behavioral Medicine Perspective (HBMP)).
Brown Wright L., Gregoski M.J., Tingen M.S., Barnes V.A. Treiber F.A. (in press) Impact of stress reduction interventions upon hostility and ambulatory systolic blood pressure among African American AdolescentsThe Journal of Black Psychology
Gregoski, M. J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S., Harshfield, G.A., & Treiber, F.A. (2011) Breathing Awareness Meditation and LifeSkills® Training Programs Influence Upon Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Sodium Excretion Among African American Adolescents .Journal of Adolescent Health 48(1)59-64
Barnes, V. A., Gregoski, M. J., Tingen, M. S., & Treiber, F.A. (2010) Factors Impacting Improved Hemodynamic Function Among African American Adolescents Engaged in Behavioral Stress Reduction Programs. (Journal of Complimentary and Integrative Medicine Vol. 7,1.)
Tomporowski, P. D., Davis, C. L., Lambourne, K., Gregoski, M., & Tkacz, J. (2008) Task-switching in overweight children: Effects of acute exercise and age. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology30:497-511.
Davis, C. L., Tomporowski, P. D., Boyle, C. A., Waller, J.L ,Miller, P.H., Naglieri, J.A., and Gregoski M. (2007) Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Overweight Children’s Cognitive Functioning: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Res Q Exerc Sport 78(5):510-9.
Davis, C.L., Tkacz, J., Gregoski, M., Boyle, C.A., and Lovrekovic, G. (2006) Aerobic exercise and snoring in overweight children: a randomized controlled trial.Obesity (Silver Spring).14(11):1985-91.
Gregoski, M., Malone, W. A., Richardson, D.S. (2005) Measuring Direct and Indirect Aggression: Is There a Response Bias? Psychological Reports 97,533-566.
Published Abstracts
Gregoski M.J., Treiber F., Vertegel A. Proof of Concept Breathing Meditation Application: Linkage Between Real-time Adherence Data and Blood Pressure Reductions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 43(S1): ps50.
Gregoski M.,Vertegel A., Treiber F. (2012) Photoplethysmograph (PPG) Derived Heart Rate (HR) Acqusition Using An Android Smart Phone. Communications for the Association for Computing Machinery in press;Digital Library.
Gregoski, M.J., Barnes, V.A., Tingen, M.S., Dong, Y., Zhu, H., and Treiber, F.A. (2011) Citation Award and Scholar Award. Modulating Influences of ET-1 LYS198ASN Genotype and Chronic Stress Upon Stress Reduction Programs In Reducing Ambulatory Blood Pressure Among African American AdolescentsPsychosomatic Medicine, 73(3): p14
Gregoski, M.J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M.S., Dong, Y., and Treiber, F.A. (2010) Citation Award. Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Who Benefits from Stress Reduction Programs for Blood Pressure Control?Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3), A-23.
Gregoski, M.J., Wright, L.B., Tingen, M.S., Barnes,V.A., Davis H.C., and Treiber F.A. (2010) Citation Award.Impact of Stress Reduction Interventions Upon Hostility and Ambulatory Systolic Blood Pressure Among African American Adolescents.Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(3): A-23.
Gregoski, M. J., Davis, H., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S., Dong, Y., and Treiber, F.A (2009). Interactive Effects of the ADRB2 T-47C Polymorphism and Stress Reduction Interventions Upon Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress Among African American (AA)Adolescents. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(3), A-70.
Gregoski, M. J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S. & Treiber, F.A. (2009) Citation Award. Impact of behavioral stress reduction programs upon ambulatory hemodynamic function and sodium handling among African American adolescents. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71(3), A-15.
Tomporowski P. D., Davis, C. L., & Gregoski, M. (2006). Effects of aerobic exercise on overweight children’s cognitive functioning: A randomized controlled trial. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38, S28.
Gregoski, M., Davis C.L., & Tomporowski P.D. (2005) Aerobic exercise may improve executive functioning in obese children (abstract).Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Annual Meeting Supplement Listing B-7,page S005.
Davis, C. L., Gregoski, M., & Tomporowski P.D. (2005). Exercise improves cognition in obese children: a randomized controlled trial (abstract), Pediatric Academic Society Published Abstracts 2770
Buxbaum, S.G., Goel, P., White, W., Gregoski, M. & Dunn, S.H. (2012) Heritability of John Heneryism and Hypertension in the Jackson Heart Study. Abstract under review for the 21st Annual International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES) Meeting
Goel, P., Dunn, S.H., Gregoski, M., White, W., Conley, Y., & Buxbaum, S. (2012) Heritability of John Heneryism, and correlation between John Heneryism and hypertension in the Jackson Heart Study. To be presented as a Poster Presentation at the 2012 Southeastern Regional Genetics Group (SERGG) Annual Meeting
McGillicuddy J.W.,Gregoski M., Brunner-Jackson., B, Weiland, A., Patel, S., Rock, R., Treiber, E., Davidson, L., Treiber, F. (2012) Facilitating Medication Adherence and Eliminating Therapeutic Inertia Using Wireless Technology: Proof of Concept Findings with Uncontrolled Hypertensives and Kidney Transplant Patients. Oral Presentation at Wireless Health 2012. San Diego, CA.
Gregoski M., Brady K., & Treiber, F. (2012) Medical University of South Carolina’s South Carolina Clinical Translational Institute’s Mobile Technology Initiative. Oral Presentation at 2012 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Steering Committee Annual Meeting, Rockville, MD.
Gregoski, M. (2012) Proof of Concept of Smartphone Breathing Meditation Application: Linkage between Real-Time Adherence Data and Blood Pressure Reductions, Oral presentation at theSCIENTIFIC RETREAT ON MOBILE HEALTH TECHNOLOGYSponsored by the South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute (SCTR) in Support of MUSC Strategic Plan Technology/Innovations initiative, Charleston, SC.
Gregoski, M., Vertegel, A., & Treiber, F. (2012) Proof of Concept of Smartphone Breathing Meditation Application: Linkage Between Real-Time Adherence Data and Blood Pressure Reductions,Society of Behavioral Medicine conference (S.B.M), New Orleans, LA.
Gregoski, M., Treiber, F., Vertegel, A., and Shaporev, A. (2011) Smartphone Delivered Meditation for Blood Pressure Control Among Prehypertensives: A Pilot Feasibility Clinical Trial. Oral Presentation at Presidential Verizon Wireless Health Technology Initiative, Charleston, SC.
Gregoski M,, Vertegel A., Treiber, F. (2011) Photoplethysmograph (PPG) Derived Heart Rate (HR) Acqusition Using An Android Smart Phone. Oral Presentation at 2011 Wireless Health, La Jolla, CA.
Gregoski, M.J., Barnes, V.A., Tingen, M.S., Dong, Y., Zhu, H., and Treiber, F.A. (2011) Citation Award and Scholar Award. Modulating Influences of ET-1 LYS198ASN Genotype and Chronic Stress Upon Stress Reduction Programs In Reducing Ambulatory Blood Pressure Among African American AdolescentsPresented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, San Antonio, TX.
Gregoski, M.J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M.S., Dong, Y., and Treiber, F.A. (Citation award recipient: March, 2010). Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Who Benefits from Stress Reduction Programs for Blood Pressure Control?68th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Portland, OR.
Gregoski, M. J. Brown Wright, L. Tingen, M.S., Barnes, V. A., Davis, H.C., & Treiber, F.A. (Citation award recipient: March, 2010). Impact of Stress Reduction Interventions Upon Hostility and Ambulatory Systolic Blood Pressure Among African American Adolescents. 68th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Portland, OR.
Gregoski, M. J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S., Dong, Y., & Treiber, F.A (Student poster award recipient: November, 2009). Overweight & Obese Adolescents: Who Benefits from Stress Reduction Programs for Blood Pressure Control? Statewide Conference for Childhood Obesity, Atlanta, GA.
Gregoski, M. J., Davis, H., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S., Dong, Y., & Treiber, F.A (March 2009). Interactive Effects of the ADRB2 T-47C Polymorphism and Stress Reduction Interventions Upon Cardiovascular Reactivity to Stress Among African American (AA)Adolescents 67th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, IL.
Gregoski, M. J., Barnes, V. A., Tingen, M. S., & Treiber, F.A (Citation award recipient: March 2009). Impact of Behavioral Stress Reduction Programs Upon Ambulatory Hemodynamic Function and Sodium Handling Among African American Adolescents 67th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, IL.
Tomporowski, P. D., Davis, C. L., Gregoski, M. Miller, P.H., & Naglieri, J.A (May, 2007). Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Overweight Children’s Cognitive Functioning: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Denver, CO.
Miller, P. H., Jones, L. L., Davis, C. L., Tomporowski, P. D., Naglieri, J. A., Tkacz, J. P. & Gregoski, M. J. (2007). A vigorous exercise intervention affects overweight children’s executive functioning. American Psychological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA. August (Poster Presentation)
Davis, C. L, Gregoski, M., Boyle, C., & Lovrekovic, G. (October, 2005). Aerobic Exercise Improves Sleep-Disordered Breathing Sympotms in Overweight Children: A Ranomized Controlled Trial. North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAAS0), Vancouver, BC.