Hidden Valley Elementary School

School Leadership Team

November 15, 2011

3:15 PM, Media Center


Present: Mr. McGee, Ms. DeHerrera, Ms. Nemeth, Ms. Council, Ms. S. Johnson, Mr. Hayes, Ms. Hews, Ms. Blick, Ms. Demmin, Ms. Alston

I.  Reading of Minutes—the minutes were reviewed and accepted.

II. Hidden Valley Status Report—An updated State of the School Report was passed out to SLT members.

III. Curriculum and Instruction

·  Ms. Alston shared that the Words Their Way and Guided Reading trainings were progressing. She also mentioned the school-wide focus of using data to impact the teachers’ instruction.

IV. Team Leaders Reports and Updates

·  Kindergarten—Class of 2024 recently finished writing their opinion pieces and are going back to finish their instruction on small moment stories.

·  Grade 1—They are beginning to incorporate guided reading and independent work stations into their literacy block. They also completed the opinion pieces and felt like the students struggled with this task.

·  Grade 2—They are beginning to incorporate Words Their Way and Guided Reading into their literacy block.

·  Grade 3—absent

·  Grade 4—absent

·  Grade 5—They have begun an AR NFL Challenge with their students. The students are in teams and they are competing to earn the most AR points. They need a staff member to sponsor each team. Ms. Matuck is working with them on a research project on the American Revolution. The students are working diligently on their science fair projects. The literacy teachers are including novel studies as a main component of their literacy block.

·  ESL—Ms. Matuck and Ms. Beavers are presenting a co-teaching inservice for the staff tomorrow.

·  EC—They are continuing to work to open the lines of communication with the grade levels they serve. They are looking forward to the occupancy of the trailers so they will have a place to call home.

·  Support Staff—Remember to nominate students for the Do the Right Thing Award. The next round of nominations is due Dec. 8, 2011.

IV. Student Intervention Services/ Family Involvement

·  PTA Meeting/Election of Officers—Because of personal reasons, Ms. Wilson had to step down as our PTA president.

·  Five families were referred to the police department for Holiday sponsorships. Ms. Crawford is in the process of taking pictures of students who had perfect attendance for the first quarter to display on a bulletin board.

V. Parent and Staff Input, Questions and

Closing Remarks

·  Ms. Hews reviewed the recent developments related to next year’s school calendar. Because we cannot begin school before August 25 or end the year later than June 10th and the legislature has added five additional school days for students, there are no teacher workdays interspersed throughout the year, Winter Break is just 5 school days and any snow make-up days will come out of Spring Break. Staff members and their friends and families are encouraged to write to their legislators. Ms. Zdrojewski drafted two letters that staff can use and also provided addresses of the various legislators that should receive the letters. She will also be sending these out electronically.

Dates to Remember

·  Graphic Novel Fair November 14-28, 2011

·  Science Fair December 1, 2011 6:00—8:00 PM

·  Winter Concert December 13, 2011 5:30PM (Fifth Grade Chorus)

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45PM.